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41. Peace Jam - One Person Really Can Make A Difference Members of the Commission of the permanent international peace bureau. 5.Members of the Institut de Droit International. http://www.peacejam.org/pages/laureates_oscar/laureates_oscar_unit1_chap2.htm | |
42. Political System_Cooperation UN_Greater Zurich Area_Switzerland_Europe was a cofounder of the permanent international peace bureau in Berne in 1892.Albert Gobat became head of the Peace Bureau after Ducommuns death. http://www.greaterzuricharea.ch/content/02/02_09_05en.asp |
43. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners 1910 permanent international peace bureau 1909 AUGUSTE MARIE FRANCOIS BEERNAERT PAUL HENRIBENJAMIN BALLUET D ESTOURNELLES DE CONSTANT, BARON DE CONSTANT http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
44. Embassy Of Belgium Oslo, Norway senator, President of the permanent international peace bureau. In 1958, theNobel Peace Prize was awarded to Father Dominique Pire, born in Dinant, http://www.diplomatie.be/oslo/default.asp?id=1&ACT=5&content=9&mnu=1 |
45. Nobels Fredspris Fredrik Bajer (Danmark), præsident for permanent international peace bureau.; 1909 Auguste Marie François Beernaert (Belgien), medlem af Cour http://www.netleksikon.dk/n/no/nobels_fredspris.shtml | |
46. Maintenance Of International Peace And Security (from United Nations) -- Encyc international peace bureau international organization founded in 1891 in Bern, The agency seeks permanent solutions to the problems of refugees by http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-225019 | |
47. International Museum Of Peace And Solidarity The museum is a member of the international peace bureau in Geneva and of the We collect on a permanent basis ANY type of related material (letters, http://www.civilsoc.org/nisorgs/uzbek/peacemsm.htm | |
48. Books And Articles On Permanent Court Of Arbitration, Peace Palace Library Catal international bureau of thepermanent Court of Arbitration / 1996. Book, 8. permanent Court of Arbitration http://www.ppl.nl/catalogue.php?ppn=076264378&keyword=Permanent Court of Arbitra |
49. Permanent Court Arbitration Introduction To The Basic Documents international bureau, Administrative Council and Members of the Court The peace Palace also provides accommodation to the international Court of Justice http://www.pca-cpa.org/ENGLISH/BD/intro.htm | |
50. A-Z Entries -- P peace bureau peace Corps peace Day, international peace Enforcement peace, Freedomand Neutrality, permanent Court of international Justice (PCIJ) http://www.routledge-ny.com/un/azentries/azentriesp.html | |
51. World Civil Society Forum Official Report Mr. Colin Archer of the international peace bureau however questioned the need for a This second session regarding the permanent Forum was going to be http://www.worldcivilsociety.org/REPORT/EN/06/17-jul-02/summ_17.02.html | |
52. Campaign For Universal Peace: Peace Links IPB international peace bureau http//www.ipb.org CICC - Coalition for theestablishment of a permanent international Criminal Court http://www.peace.ch/english/linkse.htm | |
53. Kampagne Für Den Frieden In Der Welt: Links Zum Thema Frieden Translate this page international peace bureau http//www.ipb.org CICC - NGO Coalition for theestablishment of a permanent international Criminal Court http://www.peace.ch/deutsch/linksd.htm | |
54. Century Throughout the decade and the century the international peace bureau (founded in It was felt that the peace movement needed a permanent office to http://www.ppu.org.uk/century/century1.html | |
55. Dictionary Of The History Of Ideas organize on a worldwide scale with the international peace bureau in 1892. in 1921 with the creation of the permanent Court of international Justice. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv3-55 |
56. International Disability Alliance permanent international Association of Road Congress Physicians for Human Rights international peace Academy international peace bureau http://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org/index.php?l=en&p=38 |
57. PEACE BOAT - Voyage 49 Sewalanka not only provides temporary and permanent housing and infrastructuresuch as the community center, but also much international peace bureau http://www.peaceboat.org/english/voyg/49/poc/sril/ | |
58. The Hague Appeal For Peace OC11.1 of the permanent Court of Arbitration, predecessor to today s international the international peace bureau (IPB), international Physicians for the http://www.onecountry.org/e111/e11104as.htm | |
59. James Paul NGOs And The Security Council The defects of the council and its permanent members stood uniquely Oxfam, Amnesty international, the international peace bureau, the international http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/ngowkgrp/nov96rpt.htm | |
60. Conference Room Paper By The Bureau Of The Working Group On The The number of permanent members should be increased by 5 or 6. or situationis likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security. http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/docs/crp8.htm | |
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