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         Passy Frederic:     more books (19)
  1. Les armements de lAvenir : conference faite le Jeudi 30 Mai 1895, a la mairie du IXe arrondissement de Paris / par Frederic Passsy by Frederic (1822-1912) Passy, 1895
  2. The Society Of Tomorrow: A Forecast Of Its Political And Economic Organization (1904) by Gustave De Molinari, 2010-02-17
  3. Nos Droits Sur Madagascar Et Nos Griefs Contre Les Hovas Examine Impartialement (1885) (French Edition) by Reuben Saillens, Frederic Passy, 2010-02-23
  4. Leçons d'économie politique faites à Montpellier, 1860-1861: Recueillies par MM. émile Bertin et Paul Glaize (French Edition) by Frédéric Passy, 2003-02-05
  5. Inter-Parliamentary Union: Charles Albert Gobat, Randal Cremer, Frédéric Passy, Henri La Fontaine, Fredrik Bajer
  6. Étude Historique Sur Les Arbitrages Dans Les Conflits Internationaux: Rapport Présenté Le 4 Juin 1872M a La Deuxième Séance Du Congrès Del'alliance Universelle ... Et De La Civilization (French Edition) by Henry Bellaire, Frédéric Passy, 2010-05-25
  7. La Vie Économique, Questions Essentielles (French Edition) by Passy Frédéric 1822-, 2010-09-28
  8. Le petit poucet du XIXe siècle: Georges Stephenson et la naissance des chemins de fer (French Edition) by Frédéric Passy, 1895-01-01
  9. Le Petit Poucet Du XIX Siecle: Georges Stephenson Et La Naissance Des Chemins De Fer (1895) (French Edition) by Frederic Passy, 2009-11-06
  10. Vie et travaux de G. Stephenson: Deux conférences faites à la Section des quinzevingts (French Edition) by Frédéric Passy, 1879-01-01
  11. Mélanges Économiques (French Edition) by Frédéric Passy, 2010-03-23
  12. Une exhumation: Un cours libre sous l'Empire, 1863-1865 (French Edition) by Frédéric Passy, 1900-01-01
  13. Historique Du Mouvement De La Paix (French Edition) by Frédéric Passy, 2010-01-09
  14. Nos Droits Sur Madagascar Et Nos Griefs Contre Les Hovas Examine Impartialement (1885) (French Edition) by Reuben Saillens, Frederic Passy, 2010-09-10

41. Passy, Frédéric
Frédéric passy (May 20, 1822June 12, 1912) was born in Paris and lived there Educated as a lawyer, Frédéric passy entered the civil service at the age
Frédéric Passy (May 20, 1822-June 12, 1912) was born in Paris and lived there his entire life of ninety years. The tradition of the French civil service was strong in Passy's family, his uncle, Hippolyte Passy (1793-1880), rising to become a cabinet minister under both Louis Philippe and Louis Napoleon. Educated as a lawyer, Frédéric Passy entered the civil service at the age of twenty-two as an accountant in the State Council, but left after three years to devote himself to systematic study of economics. Passy was not, however, a cloistered scholar; he was a man of action. In 1867, encouraged by his leadership of public opinion in trying to avert possible war between France and Prussia over the Luxembourg question, he founded the «Ligue internationale et permanente de la paix». When the Ligue became a casualty of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871, he reorganized it under the title «Société française des amis de la paix» which in turn gave way to the more specifically oriented «Société française pour l'arbitrage entre nations», established in 1889.
Passy carried on his efforts within the government as well. He was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1881, again in 1885, and defeated in 1889. In the Chamber he supported legislation favorable to labor, especially an act relating to industrial accidents, opposed the colonial policy of the government, drafted a proposal for disarmament, and presented a resolution calling for arbitration of international disputes.

42. Frédéric Passy - Dictionary Of Economists
Frédéric passy Article from free online dictionary of economists with over 1000biographies.édéric_Passy.html

43. Nobel Peace Prize Norwegian Awarded Committee Alfred Prizes
Frédéric passyFrederic passy ( May 20, 1822 June 12, 1912) was a French economistand advocate of international arbitration. He was the joint winner (with
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The Nobel Peace Prize (where Nobel is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable) is one of five Nobel Prize s bequested by the Swedish industrialist and inventor Alfred Nobel . While the Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Literature Prizes are awarded annually in Stockholm , the Peace Prize is awarded in the Norwegian capital of Oslo . The Norwegian Nobel Committee , whose members are chosen by the Norwegian Parliament , is appointed to select the laureate for the Peace Prize, and the prize is awarded by its chairman, Dr. Ole Danbolt Mjøs . At the time of Alfred Nobel's death Sweden and Norway were in a personal union in which the Swedish parliament was solely responsible for foreign policy (in addition to Swedish domestic policy), and the Norwegian Parliament was responsible only for Norwegian domestic policy. Alfred Nobel therefore stipulated that the Peace Prize be awarded by Norway rather than Sweden in order to prevent the manipulation of the selection process by foreign powers.

44. International: Italiano: Società: Strutture Sociali: Persone: Biografie: Prem
Translate this page Strutture Sociali Persone Biografie Premio Nobel Per la Pace passy,Frédéric - Open Site. Frédéric passy. Data di nascita 20 maggio 1822à/Strutture_Sociali/Persone
Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Per_la_Pace/Passy,_Fr©d©ric Top International Italiano Societ  ... Per la Pace : Passy, Fr©d©ric
Fr©d©ric Passy Data di nascita : 20 maggio 1822
Data di morte : 12 giugno 1912
Genere : Economista, politico e pacifista
Opere importanti : Le macchine e la loro influenza sullo sviluppo dell'umanit  (1866), Malthus e la sua dottrina (1868), La storia del lavoro (1873), Per la pace (1909)
Luogo di nascita : Parigi
Luogo di morte : Parigi
Nazionalit  : Francia
Informazioni generali Nipote di Hippolyte Passy (1793-1880), ministro di Luigi Napoleone, il giovane Fr©d©ric studi² diritto, filosofia ed economia all'universit  di Parigi, dal 1843 al 1846; entrato nella pubblica amministrazione, all'et  di 22 anni, come ragioniere al Consiglio di Stato, lasci² l’impiego dopo tre anni di servizio per dedicarsi allo studio sistematico dell'economia.
Propugnatore e seguace della dottrina economica di Adam Smith (1723-1790), che raccomandava la libert  di commercio pi¹ completa per garantire la prosperit  delle nazioni (liberismo), inaugur² il primo corso d'economia politica all'Universit  di Montpellier nel 1860, quindi a Bordeaux nel 1861 ed a Nizza dal 1863 al 1865.
Nel 1867 fond² la Lega internazionale e permanente della pace , e si impegn² socialmente e politicamente per prevenire una guerra tra la Francia e la Prussia sulla questione del Lussemburgo, ma lo scoppio della guerra Franco-Prussiana (1870-1871) lo port² a riorganizzare la Lega sotto il titolo di "Societ  francese degli amici della pace" che si trasform², nel 1889, nella "

45. Notiziario N° 60
Frédéric passy , American Journal of International Law, 6 (Ottobre, 1912) 975-976.Gide, Charles, Obituary Frédéric passy (1822-1912) , The Economic
18 APRILE 2001
Notiziario a cura del Museo Internazionale Croce Rossa
Castiglione delle Stiviere (MN)

1. 1901 - 2001: Centenario dell'assegnazione del Premio Nobel per la Pace
(il primo della storia) a Henry Dunant fondatore del Comitato
Internazionale della Croce Rossa e a Frederic Passy Fondatore e Presidente
loro biografie pubblicate sul sito -
(un grazie a Stefano e Roberto di Reggio Emilia per averci fornito le fonti
in inglese) 2. "Rifugiati" III parte a cura di Luigi Micco 3. "Da Solferino a Castiglione - Fiaccolata 2001" di M.Grazia Baccolo 4. "Una luce nell'oscurità: attività umanitarie internazionali e la realtà complessa delle ong" Caravaggio (BG), sabato 12 maggio 2001 - ore 09.00 c/o Centro Congressi della Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Caravaggio vicolo San Carlo, 1

46. Frédéric Passy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Frédéric passyFrédéric passy. Born 20May-1822 Birthplace Paris, France Died 12-Jun-1912Location of death Paris, France Cause of death unspecified. Gender Male
Fr©d©ric Passy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Frederic Passy Fr©d©ric Passy May 20 June 12 ) was a French economist and advocate of international arbitration . He was the joint winner (with Henry Dunant ) of the first Nobel Peace Prize in . Passy was born in Paris and lived there his entire life of ninety years. The tradition of the French civil service was strong in Passy's family, his uncle, Hippolyte Passy (1793-1880), rising to become a cabinet minister under both Louis Philippe and Louis Napoleon . Educated as a lawyer, Fr©d©ric Passy entered the civil service at the age of twenty-two as an accountant in the State Council, but left after three years to devote himself to systematic study of economics. He emerged as a theoretical economist in with his M©langes ©conomiques, a collection of essays he had published in the course of his research, and he secured his scholarly reputation with a series of lectures delivered in at the University of Montpellier and later published in two volumes under the title Le§ons d'©conomie politique. An admirer of Richard Cobden, he became an ardent free trader, believing that free trade would draw nations together as partners in a common enterprise, result in disarmament, and lead to the abandonment of war. Passy lectured on economic subjects in virtually every city and university of any consequence in France and continued a stream of publications on economic subjects, some of the more important being Les Machines et leur influence sur le d©veloppement de l'humanit© (

47. Frédéric Passy: Awards Won By Frédéric Passy
Frédéric passy Awards won by Frédéric passy. Awards of Frédéric passy.OTHERNOBEL 1901, PEACE. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites.
hardwork is paid in form of awards The biggest english dictionary - Awards of Frédéric Passy OTHER-NOBEL PEACE Enter Artist/Album
Partner Sites Real Dictionary ... Add 123Awards to Favourites Please select the appropriate Shopping Category Auctions
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48. 1901 NOBLE Awards
CHEMISTRY, Jacobus Henricus van t Hoff. MEDICINE, Emil Adolf von Behring.LITERATURE, Sully Prudhomme. PEACE, Jean Henri Dunant, Frédéric passy
hardwork is paid in form of awards The biggest english dictionary - 1901 OTHER - NOBLE Awards PHYSICS Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen CHEMISTRY Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff MEDICINE Emil Adolf von Behring LITERATURE Sully Prudhomme PEACE Jean Henri Dunant Frédéric Passy Enter Artist/Album
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49. Frédéric Passy - Prefatory Letter - Molinari - Society Of The Future
by Frédéric passy (18221912). Prefatory Letter TO MR. FISHER UNWIN Frédéric passy. Gustave de Molinari, The Society of To-morrow A Forecast of Its
Prefatory Letter (1904) to Gustave de Molinari’s
Society of the Future
by Frédéric Passy (1822-1912)
Prefatory Letter
You are about to publish an English version of my friend M. de Molinari’s book, “La Société Future,” and you do me the honour to request a few lines of introduction from my pen. To a write adequately of such a book would require time that my age and obligations do not, unfortunately, permit me to give. Since, however, the opportunity does occur, I should be most unwilling to let the book appear without at least testifying my esteem and admiration for the character and talent of the man who is to-day, unless I am mistaken, the doyen of our economists – I should say of our liberal economists – of the men with whom, though, alas! few in number, I have been happy to stand side by side during more than half a century. GM-SF.2 Their principles were proclaimed and defended in England through the mouths of Adam Smith, Fox, Cobden, Gladstone, and Bright. In France they were championed by Quesnay, Turgot, Say, Michel Chevalier, Laboulaye, and Bastiat. And my belief grows yearly stronger that, but for these principles, the societies of the present would be without wealth, peace, material greatness, or moral dignity. GM-SF.3

50. Molinari Institute
Sheldon Richman’s Bastiat bibliography Roderick T. Long’s Victor Hugo on theLimits of Democracy Michel Chevalier Biography of Frédéric passy
“Anarchism ... may be described as the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by individuals or voluntary associations, and that the State should be abolished.” – Benjamin Tucker, 1886
“The anarchist is the enemy of humanity, the enemy of all mankind, and his is a deeper degree of criminality than any other.” – Theodore Roosevelt, 1901
About Market Anarchism
Market Anarchism is the doctrine that the legislative, adjudicative, and protective functions unjustly and inefficiently monopolised by the coercive State should be entirely turned over to the voluntary, consensual forces of market society.
As Thomas Paine wrote in The Rights of Man
Great part of that order which reigns among mankind is not the effect of government. It has its origin in the principles of society and the natural constitution of man. It existed prior to government, and would exist if the formality of government was abolished. The mutual dependence and reciprocal interest which man has upon man, and all the parts of civilised community upon each other, create that great chain of connection which holds it together. The landholder, the farmer, the manufacturer, the merchant, the tradesman, and every occupation, prospers by the aid which each receives from the other, and from the whole. Common interest regulates their concerns, and forms their law; and the laws which common usage ordains, have a greater influence than the laws of government. In fine, society performs for itself almost everything which is ascribed to government.

51. Biografia De Passy, Frédéric
Translate this page passy, Frédéric. (1822-1912) Político y economista francés, n. en París y m.en Neuilly-sur-Seine. En 1867 ocupó el cargo de secretario general de la
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad (1822-1912) Político y economista francés, n. en París y m. en Neuilly-sur-Seine. En 1867 ocupó el cargo de secretario general de la Sociedad Francesa de la Paz y posteriormente de la Liga Internacional para la Paz Permanente. En 1888 fundó con sir William Randall Cremer la Unión Interparlamentaria para el Arbitraje y la Paz. Escribió Les causes économiques des guerres (1905) e Historique du mouvement de la paix (1905). En 1901 compartió el premio Nobel de la Paz con Jean Henry Dunant. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

52. Frédéric Passy
Historical focus Frédéric passy. Educated as a lawyer, Frédéric passy enteredthe civil service at the age of twentytwo as an accountant in the State
Historical focus:
Co-founder of the Inter-Parliamentary Union with William Randal Cremer (United Kingdom)
Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 with the ICRC founder, Henri Dunant (Switzerland)
"A Pacifist before his Time"
, a collection of essays he had published in the course of the research, and he secured his scholarly reputation with a series of lectures delivered in 1860-1861 at the University of Monpellier and later published in two volumes under the title ... Passy's passionate belief in education found expression in (1859) and Passy was not, however, a cloistered scholar; he was a man of action. In 1867, encouraged by his leadership of public opinion in trying to avert possible war between France and Prussia over the Luxembourg question, he founded the "Ligue internationale et permanente de la paix". When the Ligue became a casualty of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871, he reorganized it under the title "Société française des amis de la paix" which in turn gave way to the more specifically oriented "Société française pour l'arbitrage entre nations", established in 1889. Passy carried on his efforts within the government as well. He was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1881, again in 1885, and defeated in 1889. In the Chamber, he supported legislation favourable to labour, especially an act relating to industrial accidents, opposed the colonial policy of the government, drafted a proposal for disarmament, and presented a resolution calling for arbitration of international disputes.

53. Frédéric Passy
Une page d'histoire :
Cofondateur de l'Union interparlementaire avec William Randal Cremer (Royaume-Uni)
Prix Nobel de la paix en1901 avec le fondateur de la Croix-Rouge internationale, Henri Dunant (Suisse)
"Un pacifiste avant son temps"
Pour autant, Passy n'était pas un universitaire dans une tour d'ivoire mais plutôt un homme d'action. En 1867, fort de l'autorité acquise dans sa campagne pour prévenir une guerre entre la France et la Prusse sur la question du Luxembourg, il fonda la "Ligue internationale et permanente de la paix". Lorsque cette ligue fut balayée par la guerre franco-prussienne de 1870?1871, il la réorganisa sous le titre de "Société française des amis de la paix" qui donna naissance à son tour à la "Société française pour l'arbitrage entre nations" à vocation plus spécifique, créée en 1889. Par l'action remarquable qu'il conduisit un demi-siècle durant au sein du mouvement pacifiste, Passy devint l'"apôtre de la paix". Ecrivain intarissable et enjoué, son Pour la paix (1909), qu'il publia à l'âge de 87 ans, est un récit personnel - et non une autobiographie, genre qu'il n'aimait pas, - de son action en faveur de la paix internationale, qui met en exergue la fondation de la Ligue, la période décisive où l'Union interparlementaire fut créée, le mouvement des conférences de paix et l'utilité de la Conférence de La Haye.

54. Century
FRÉDÉRIC passy (18221912) was a French economist and politician, Frédéricpassy (unhappy about the awarding of the 1904 Nobel Peace Prize to the
A decade-by-decade look at some people and events in the world-wide struggle against war and violence.
Selected by Margaret Melicharova
peace action worldwide
KEIR HARDIE speaking in Trafalgar Sq London
1900-1909 POLITICIANS AND PRIZES WILLIAM RANDAL CREMER (1828-1908, Nobel Peace Prize 1903), who had achieved an Anglo-American agreement to arbitrate any dispute that diplomacy failed to settle. In 1888 Cremer and Passy helped to establish the Interparliamentary Union, at which political representatives from Europe and America met to discuss ideas, problems, and legislation leading to peace. The Union still exists. The Boer War in South Africa was strongly opposed by KEIR HARDIE and the Independent Labour Party. KEIR HARDIE (1856-1915) was a British labour leader, first to represent working men in Parliament as an Independent (1892) and first to lead the Labour Party in the House of Commons (1906). The Independent Labour Party, of which he was a founder, incorporated pacifist principles in its policy. A dedicated socialist, Hardie was also an outspoken pacifist. He worked hard to persuade workers world-wide to strike rather than go to war. An International Museum of War and Peace was opened in Lucerne, Switzerland.

55. The Norwegian Nobel Institute - List Of Laureates
passy, Frédéric, France, 18221912. Founder and President of the first Frenchpeace society (Ligue internationale et permanente de la paix, later known as


Nobel days
Committee and members
Nomination process

Alfred Nobel and his will
Speeches and Lectures List of Laureates Links Institute History and mission Fellowship- program Library ... Center Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Skip to : The prize was divided equally between: Dunant, Jean Henry, Switzerland, 1828-1910. Founder of the Red Cross (Comité International de la Croix-Rouge), Geneva. Initiator of the Geneva Convention; and Passy, Frédéric, France, 1822-1912. : The prize was divided equally between: Ducommun, Élie, Switzerland, 1833-1906. Hon. Secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix), Bern; and Gobat, Charles Albert, Switzerland, 1843-1914. Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (Union interparlementaire), Bern. Cremer, Sir William Randal

56. The Nobel Peace Prize: Frédéric Passy
Frédéric passy *1822, † 1912. External links. The Nobel Prize Frédéric passy The Nobel Foundation powered by - The World Heritage Sites
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57. Frédéric Passy - Nobelpreis Für Den Frieden
Translate this page Frédéric passy, Friedensnobelpreis 1901. Frédéric passy. * 20. 5. 1822,Paris † 12. 6. 1912, Neuilly-sur-Seine (Frankreich)
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* 20. 5. 1822, Paris
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58. Garage Frédéric Passy : Mécanique Et Carrosserie
Translate this page Le garage frédéric passy, renault Nicevous propose ses services de mécaniqueauto, carrosserie, dépannage de véhicules toutes marques, vente de véhicules

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59. Nobel Peace Prize
Frédéric passy, Founder and President of first French peace society (since 1889called Société française pour l arbitrage entre nations)
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60. Frédéric Passy
Translate this page Ligue internationale permanente de la paix fondée par passy le 21 mai 1867,afin de trouver les moyens pratiques de rendre la guerre rare et difficile,
Prix Nobel en 1901
la Ligue internationale permanente de la paix . Instigateur de l'Union interparlementaire W. R. Cremer fruit du travail qui engendre le capital Ligue internationale permanente de la paix : fondée par Passy le 21 mai 1867, afin de trouver les moyens pratiques de rendre la guerre rare et difficile, de réduire les armées permanentes, de supprimer les haines nationales et confessionnelles, de soumettre les conflits d'intérêts entre nations à des arbitres souverains. Elle se caractérise par ses positions modérées et sa tolérance religieuse.

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