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41. Ostwald, Wilhelm (1853-1932), Chimiste Et Physicien Allemand, Lauréat Du Prix N http://isimabomba.free.fr/biographies/chimistes/ostwald.htm | |
42. Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932) Was Professor For Che-mistry At The Baltic Polytechn In 1928 the honorary membership of wilhelm ostwald in the Chemical Society wasrenewed. Also after the death of wilhelm ostwald the contacts of his former http://home.arcor.de/wilhelm-ostwald/ostweng/1america.htm | |
43. Ostwald Friedrich wilhelm ostwald was RussianGerman chemist who is considered one of wilhelm ostwald was educated at the Real gymnasium in Riga and became http://www.geocities.com/bioelectrochemistry/ostwald.htm |
44. Wilhelm Ostwald On World-Language wilhelm ostwald on WorldLanguage. wilhelm ostwald. Professor wilhelm ostwald,Nobel prize-winner for chemistry, was the chairman of the Delegation for the http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/WO.html | |
45. National Academy Of Sciences - Deceased Member 3 Testing 1 .. 2 .. 3 Advanced Search. ostwald, wilhelm. Date of Birth,September 2, 1853. Elected to NAS, 1906. Date of Death, April 4, 1932. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/nasdece.nsf/(urllinks)/NAS-58MVDX?opendocu |
46. Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932) wilhelm ostwald (18531932) ostwald, a pioneer in the Physical-Chemistryarea, defended the theory of electrolytic dissociation of Arrhenius. http://nautilus.fis.uc.pt/st2.5/scenes-e/biog/b0051.html | |
47. Wilhelm Ostwald yxcycycy ydxy xvyxcc xv xv xv xv xv xv xv yv xycv yxycyy yxc yx yxc yxc yxcyxcyxc yxc yxc yc yxc y. wilhelm ostwald. http://www.colorsystem.com/projekte/Grafik/32ost/01ost.htm | |
48. Michael Buckland Home Page wilhelm ostwald was born in Riga in 1853, studied Chemistry at the University Jahrhunderts wilhelm ostwald and his initiatives for the organization and http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/~buckland/ponto.html | |
49. AllRefer.com - Wilhelm Ostwald (Chemistry, Biography) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon wilhelm ostwald, Chemistry, Biographies. Includes related research links. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/O/Ostwald.html | |
50. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science Scientist, ostwald, wilhelm (1853 1932). Discipline(s), Chemistry. OriginalDimensions, Graphic 6.9 Portrait of wilhelm ostwald ~ Enlarge Image ~ http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/hst/scientific-identity/CF/by_name_disp |
51. OSTWALD, Wilhelm, Editor., Annalen Der Naturphilosophie [und Kulturphilosophie]. Eleven volumes volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13; small librarystamp to titlepages; with an original printed front and rear wrapper in each http://www.polybiblio.com/tabooks/BOOKS055988.html | |
52. AIP Niels Bohr Library Natural philosophy / by wilhelm ostwald, tr. by Thomas Seltzer, with the author sspecial revision for the American ed. by ostwald, wilhelm, 18531932. http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/16246.html | |
53. AIP Niels Bohr Library The principles of inorganic chemistry, by wilhelm ostwald. Tr. with the author ssanction by Alexander Findlay With 126 figures in the text. http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/10827.html | |
54. Biografia De Wilhelm Ostwald Translate this page (Friedrich wilhelm ostwald, 1853-1932) Químico y filósofo alemán, n. en Riga (Letonia)y m. en Grossbothen, cerca de Leipzig. Estudió en la Universidad de http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/o/ostwald.htm | |
55. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 18-13 Translate this page ostwald, wilhelm, Get publication information for item (The Collected Papersof Albert ostwald, Grete, ostwald, wilhelm, wilhelm ostwald, MEIN VATER http://www.alberteinstein.info/db/ViewFolder.do?folder=18-13 |
56. Wilhelm-Ostwald-Gesellschaft Translate this page http://www.wilhelm-ostwald.de/ |
57. MSN Encarta - Ostwald, Wilhelm ostwald, wilhelm (18531932), German physical chemist and Nobel laureate, consideredone of the founders of modern physical chemistry. He was born in http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761559874/Ostwald_Wilhelm.html | |
58. Ostwald, Wilhelm (1853-1932) :: 12-suchen.de Translate this page ostwald, wilhelm (1853-1932) Die Seite bietet eine Biographie des Chemikers undeinem Überblick zur Geschichte der Schriftenreihe. http://12-suchen.de/Details/250178.html | |
59. Ostwald, Wilhelm (1853-1932) (http://www.tu-harburg.de/b/hapke/ostwklas.html) Translate this page ostwald, wilhelm (1853-1932) (http//www.tu-harburg.de/b/hapke/ostwklas.html)bei 12-suchen.de - Internet Katalog mit Websuche! http://12-suchen.de/Bewertung/250178.html | |
60. International: Italiano: Scienze: Chimica: Chimici E Ricercatori: Ostwald, Wilhe Translate this page wilhelm ostwald è stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica, nel 1909, pergli studi sugli equilibri chimici e sui catalizzatori. Vedi anche http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Scienze/Chimica/Chimici_e_Ricercator | |
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