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Osheroff Douglas D: more detail |
81. Details douglas D. osheroff Autobiography. The Nobel Prize in Physics - Articleshttp//nobelprize.org/physics/articles/; Physics 1996 http://findemaschine.pro-physik.de/search/show1.php3?domain=prophysik&nid=288798 |
82. Sheffield Chemdex - Autobiographies Flag osheroff, douglas D. (Stanford University, Stanford, USA). with David M.Lee and douglas D. osheroff for their discovery of superfluidity in http://www.chemdex.org/index.php?sid=741418483&cat=232&start=30&t=sub_pages |
83. Affichage D'une Nouvelle Translate this page Le prix Lee osheroff Richardson a été instauré en mémoire des chercheurs David douglas D. osheroff et Robert C. Richardson qui reçurent en 1996 le prix http://www.usherbrooke.ca/physique/nouvelles/affichage.html?article=4311 |
84. Modification De Douglas D. Osheroff - Modifier - Wikipédia Nobel Prize in Physics 1996Button Additional Information; douglas D. osheroff Button 1/3 of prize ButtonUSA Button born 1945 Button CA Stanford University, Stanford, California, http://fr.wikipedia.com/w/index.php?title=Douglas_D._Osheroff&action=edit |
85. People General Duane Deal, Steven Wallace, Dr. douglas D. osheroff, Chairman Hal Gehman,Dr. John Logsdon, G. Scott Hubbard, Rear Admiral. Stephen Turcotte. http://history.nasa.gov/columbia/people_pics.html | |
86. Osheroff, Douglas Dean osheroff, douglas Dean osheroff dokoncil bakalárské studium v roce 1967 naCalifornia Institute of Technology a doktorát získal v roce 1973 na Cornell http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Osheroff_Douglas.html | |
87. Neue Ehrensenatoren Der Universität Heidelberg: Dr. Freudenberg, Dr. Hachmann U Professor douglas D. osheroff hat sich in seiner Laufbahn - so Prorektor Prof. http://www.uni-protokolle.de/nachrichten/id/7811/ | |
88. Neue Ehrensenatoren Der Universität Heidelberg Dr. Freudenberg Translate this page Professor douglas D. osheroff hat sich in seiner Laufbahn - so Prorektor Prof . douglas D. osheroff ist Professor für Physik und Angewandte Physik am http://www.uni-protokolle.de/nachrichten/text/7811/ | |
89. OnlineFizik - Fizik Ve Fizik Eðitimi - Fizik Konularý - 1991 - 2000 Yýllarý ABD, Cornell Üniversitesi, Ithaca, NY, d. 1931; osheroff, douglas D. ABD, StanfordÜniversitesi, CA, d. 1945; ve RICHARDSON, ROBERT C. http://www.onlinefizik.com/content/view/114/28/ | |
90. Douglas Osheroff Physicien Américain, Prix Nobel De Physique 1996 Translate this page Physicien américain, Prix Nobel de physique 1996, douglas D. osheroff est né en1945 à Aberdeen (Etat de Washington), a étudié à Cornell et enseigne à http://www.actufiches.ch/content.php?name=Osheroff&vorname=Douglas |
91. Allegro-Chronik 25 Jahre (2005) osheroff, douglas D. osheroff,douglas D. (1996) Paul, Wolfgang (1989) Perl, Martin L. (1995) http://www.allegro-c.de/chronik/a28p.htm | |
92. Nobel Ödülleri osheroff, douglas D.,ABD, Stanford Üniversitesi, CA, d. 1945;. RICHARDSON, ROBERTC.,ABD, Cornell Üniversitesi Ithaca, NY, d. 1937. 1997? CHU, STEVEN,ABD, http://www.nukleerbilimler.hacettepe.edu.tr/nobel.htm | |
93. Physics Library Undergraduate Honors Theses ADVISER Michelson, Peter F. and douglas D. osheroff AUTHOR Livnat, Noam andMichael Okun ADVISER osheroff, douglas D. AUTHOR Phillips, Thomas J. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/physics/collections/ughonorstheses.html | |
94. Vesmír - Nobelovy Ceny Nobelova cena za fyziku za rok 1996 David M. Lee, douglas D. osheroff a Robert C.Richardson. 72/76, Na pocátku byl omyl / Stanislav afrata http://www.vesmir.cz/rubrika.php3?RID=24 |
95. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici E Ricercatori: Osheroff, Dougla Translate this page Scienze Fisica Fisici e Ricercatori osheroff, douglas - Open Site. In tutta la Directory, Solo in Fisici_e_Ricercatori/osheroff,_douglas http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Scienze/Fisica/Fisici_e_Ricercatori/ | |
96. August - September 2004 CLASnotes: Around The College douglas D. osheroff Nobel Prize Winner Speaks at Physics Department Colloquium.Nobel Prize Winner douglas D. osheroff, who served as one of 13 members on http://clasnews.clas.ufl.edu/news/clasnotes/0503/atc.shtml | |
97. ULT Group Homepage Recent publications include Salvino, Rogge, Tigner, and osheroff. Low temperatureac dielectric response of glasses to high dc electric fields. http://schnegg.stanford.edu/glasses.html | |
98. Title http://www.fudan.edu.cn/fudannews/news_content.php?channel=1&id=4993 |
99. Deux Protubérances Inquiètent La NASA http://www.cyberpresse.ca/technosciences/article/article_complet.php?path=/techn |
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