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Murphy William Parry: more detail | ||||
41. Entrez PubMed william parry murphy, MD Interview by Allen B. Weisse. murphy WP. Publication TypesHistorical Article Interview MeSH Terms Anemia, Pernicious/diet therapy http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=3 |
42. William Parry william parry posters, filmography, news, and forum. Ewan McGregor,Marilyn Monroe, Julianne Moore, Eddie murphy, Mike Myers, Edward Norton, Jr. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/p/william_parry/ |
43. Science Timeline Mundt, Reinhard, 1983. Murad, Ferid, 1977. Muralt, A. von, 1935. Murdin, Paul, 1972.murphy, william parry, 1925. Murray, George Redmayne, 1891 http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_m.htm | |
44. William Parry Murphy :: ZDRAV.cz :: Zdraví A Zdravotnictví william parry murphy. * 6. 2. 1892 Soughton/USA 1987 Nobelova cena za medicínua fyziologii 1934 za objev týkající se lécby anémie játry . http://www.zdrav.cz/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=379 |
45. Genealogy Data parry, Herbert william Family. Marriage 1933 in Vic. Spouse. DAVIES, TheresaViolet murphy, Mary Birth Abt 1851 murphy, Elizabeth murphy, John http://www.satlink.com.au/~greig/dat58.htm |
46. Points Of Pride murphy, william parry (deceased), 1914, 1934 Nobel Prize for physiology ormedicine, with George Minot and George Whipple, for the treatment of pernicious http://duckhenge.uoregon.edu/pride/extra.php?id=10 |
47. William Murphy Biography .ms See william Beverly murphy for the food businessman. william parry murphy (February6, 1892 October 9, 1987) was a medical doctor who shared the Nobel http://william-parry-murphy.biography.ms/ | |
48. Murphy Coat Of Arms View the murphy coat of arms and history. Discover the murphy family william parry murphy (1892) American physician; Turk murphy (1915-1987) jazz http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp.c/qx/murphy-coat-arms.htm | |
49. USATF - Hall Of Fame Michael murphy Laurence (Lon) Myers william (parry) O Brien Al Oerter Harold Osborn Jesse Owens Wilma Rudolph Robert Simpson Les Steers http://www.usatf.org/HallOfFame/ | |
50. Golem.de - Lexikon Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel william parry murphy aus der freienEnzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation. http://lexikon.golem.de/William_Parry_Murphy | |
51. Biografia De Murphy, William Parry Translate this page murphy, william parry. (1892-1987) Médico norteamericano, n. en Stoughton (Wis.)y m. en Brookline (Mass.). Estudió en las universidades de Oregón y Harvard http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/m/murphy.htm | |
52. Land Holders A-L -Griffith Genealogical & Historical Society murphy Joseph william John murphy Margaret murphy william Henry Vincent murphywilliam James parry Robert Henry PARSELL william PASCOE Alfred James http://users.dragnet.com.au/~ggahs/landhold.htm | |
53. Carl's Cam: War Memorial, Wallasey Town Hall. murphy william MURRAY John MUTTER James G MYERSCOUGH william D NEALE Arnold G parry B parry Eric F parry Thomas R PARSON Thomas H PARSONS David J http://www.carlscam.com/wirral/wallaseyt.htm | |
54. Députés De L'Assemblée Législative De L'Ontario Garfield Anderson Fort william Milton Taylor Armstrong parry Sound Thomas Alexander murphy Beaches william Alexander Murray Stormont http://olaap.ontla.on.ca/mpp/daHistparl.do?locale=fr&parl=22&indAlp=NA |
55. Índice Alfabético De Los Premios Nobel De Fisiología O Medicina (1901-1998) murphy, william parry (1934) MURRAY, Joseph Edward (1990) NATHANS, Daniel (1978)NEHER, Erwin (1991) NICOLLE, Charles Jules Henri (1928) http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/his/vol_2_99/his12299.htm | |
56. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article info and facts about George Richards Minot) George Richards Minot, (Click linkfor more info and facts about william parry murphy) william parry murphy http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/n/no/nobel_prize_in_physiology_or_ | |
57. 1832 Passenger Index NSW RN/D Holmes John A Hongi Edward parry New Zealand Chief/A Hope Miss Amelia A Morris Thomas A Mortimer Mr D Morton Miss A murphy william A murphy Mr A http://www.genseek.net/pass32s.htm | |
58. William H. Parry: The Donkey Carol (Unis/2-Part) At Musicroom.com - Sheet Music This wonderful piece by william H. parry, is written for unison or twopart andpiano Composer, william H. parry. Lyricist, william murphy http://www.musicroom.com/se/ID_No/064291/details.html | |
59. Genuine Murphy: Famous Murphys murphy, william parry (18921987) Hematologist; born in Stoughton, Wis. He wasa staff member of several New England hospitals before starting private http://www.murphysites.com/genuine/GM-famous.html | |
60. THE RHETORIC OF WILLIAM CLINTON murphy, JM (2002). Rhetoric, and the presidency of william Jefferson Clinton . parryGiles, SJ (2001). Political authenticity, television news, http://www.wfu.edu/~louden/Political Communication/Bibs/Clinton.html | |
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