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61. [ALBSA-Info] Nobel Laureate Dr. Ferid Murad Joins NAAC Honorary Board ALBSAInfo Nobel Laureate Dr. ferid murad Joins NAAC Honorary Board. National Albanian American Council - NAAC naac at naac.org http://www.alb-net.com/pipermail/albsa-info/2001-November/002568.html | |
62. JSPS Awards For Eminent Scientists through the nitration and denitration of proteins; Dr. ferid murad gave a presentation on research being conducted at The University of Texas, http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-awards/report/murad.html |
63. Dr. Ferid Murad - Who Is Who ferid murad, born in the US, son of an Albanian moslem immigrant father and an Dr. ferid murad, chairman of the department of integrative biology and http://www.albanian.ca/murad.htm | |
64. ELMUNDO.ES | SUPLEMENTOS | MAGAZINE 303 | Ferid Murad Translate this page ferid murad. ferid murad ferid murad, hijo de Jabir murad Ejupi, un pastor de ovejas que con 19 años huyó de la miseria, de Macedonia a Estados Unidos, http://www.el-mundo.es/suplementos/magazine/2005/303/1121457320.html | |
65. Elsevier.com - Advances In Pharmacology J. August, ferid murad, M. Anders, Joseph Coyle, Albert Li ISBN 012-032944-1, Year 1997, J. August, M. Anders, ferid murad, Joseph Coyle, Leroy Liu http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/BS_APHA/description?na |
66. Mayo Clinic Proceedings ferid murad1998 Nobel Laureate for Nitric Oxide Research American scientist ferid murad shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine with 2 http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.com/inside.asp?AID=758&UID= |
67. Welcome To Frosina.org :: An Albanian Immigrant And Cultural Resource murad Prof. ferid murad, born in the US, son of an Albanian moslem immigrant Dr. ferid murad, chairman of the department of integrative biology and http://www.frosina.org/about/infobits.asp?id=138 |
68. "Application 1186r1. Ferid Murad [Report] ferid murad Report. Date MD Length pages HK1995049 Jump To Images. http//tobaccodocuments.org/ctr/HK19950495049.html. snapshot_ctr HK1995049_5049 http://tobaccodocuments.org/ctr/HK1995049-5049.html | |
69. Event Details - The International Peace Foundation Nobel Laureate Prof. ferid murad at The Dusit Thani ferid murad with Uwe Morawetz, Ismael Ivo and HE Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra at Government House http://peace-foundation.net.7host.com/gallery_album.asp?aid=salb_1553882711&iid= |
70. The Brown Foundation Institute Of Molecular Medicine For The Prevention Of Human Dr. ferid murad Nobel Laureate ferid murad, MD, Ph.D. is Director of the Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine for the Prevention of Human http://www.uth.tmc.edu/uth_orgs/imm/faculty/murad.htm | |
71. The Brown Foundation Institute Of Molecular Medicine For The Prevention Of Human murad, ferid MD PhD, Professor Director, 5007509, MSB 4.098. Gigli, Irma MD, Professor Deputy Director, 500-2401, IBT 900 http://www.uth.tmc.edu/uth_orgs/imm/directories.html | |
72. Taskbook 2003 PI Name, murad, ferid, PI Phone, 713500-7509. PI Email, ferid.murad@uth.tmc.edu, Fax, 713-500-0790. PI Organization Type, UNIVERSITY http://peer1.nasaprs.com/search2003/index.cfm?action=public_query_taskbook_conte |
73. GCC Pharmacoinformatics Quicklinks ferid murad. Scientific Director ; RegProf, Chr Dunn DistCh IBP IMM ; Integrative Biology Pharm UT Health Science Center at Houston http://cohesion.rice.edu/centersandinst/gcc/GCC_Directory_Detail.cfm?CAID=2043&F |
74. Welcome To SIBCB ! murad, ferid (USA) (Nobel prize winner). Lu,Yongxiang, President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Baron, Samuel (USA) http://www.sibcb.ac.cn/ISICR2005-1-3.html |
75. The Lasker Foundation | Former Award Winners, Basic Medical Research ferid murad For more than 100 years, physicians have used nitroglycerin as a To ferid murad, for brilliant and ingenious elucidation of the cyclic GMP http://www.laskerfoundation.org/awards/library/1996b_cit_mf.shtml | |
76. The Lasker Foundation | 1996 Winners Brooklyn, NY. ferid murad Molecular Geriatrics Corporation Lake Bluff, IL. Read Robert Furchgott s Citation» Read ferid murad s Citation» http://www.laskerfoundation.org/awards/library/1996basic.shtml | |
77. Physiology Seminar ferid murad, MD, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman, Department of Integrative Biology, Pharmacology Physiology University of Texas Medical SchoolHouston http://www.ttuhsc.edu/SOM/physiology/Seminars/Sem97-98/fmurad.shtml | |
78. Ferid Murad, M.D., Ph.D. Nitric oxide, cyclic GMP; cell signaling; second messengers; regulatory biology; molecular pharmacology. http://gsbs.uth.tmc.edu/tutorial/murad.html | |
79. The American Society For Clinical Investigation murad, ferid (1997). View profile. Neufeld, Elizabeth F (1977). View profile. O Malley, Bert W. (1992). View profile. Orkin, Stuart H (1991). View profile http://www.asci-jci.org/data/list.php?type=honors&key=National Academy of Scienc |
80. The American Society For Clinical Investigation murad, ferid (1998). View profile. Palade, George E. (1974). View profile. Prusiner, Stanley B. (1997). View profile. Robbins, Frederick C (1954) http://www.asci-jci.org/data/list.php?type=honors&key=Nobel Prize in Physiology |
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