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121. Gale - Free Resources - Women's History - Biographies - Mother Teresa mother teresa has dedicated her life to helping the poor, the sick, mother teresa is among the most wellknown and highly respected women in the world http://www.gale.com/free_resources/whm/bio/motherteresa.htm | |
122. Mother Teresa mother teresa, citizen of Skopje.mother teresa pictures. http://www.mymacedonia.net/links/tereza.htm | |
123. Mother Teresa On Abortion mother teresa gave a very pasionate speech in favor of life. She (mother teresa)continued, “But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/1430477/posts | |
124. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's Pages - Mother Teresa mother teresa Professor John Sanness, who chaired the committee, gave the speech of presentation for the 1979 prize to mother teresa. http://www.dassk.org/contents.php?id=72 |
125. Mother Teresa Memorial Ring CCRN NET mother teresa Memorial Features a Biography Page and a Pictures Page Memorial site for mother teresa with photos and links to other sites with http://u.webring.com/hub?ring=teresa |
126. Grammar Completion Exercise This is the eve of mother teresa s funeral in Calcutta, India. mother teresa s body lies in state. Officials lengthened the funeral route for the many http://lc.byuh.edu/CNN_N/F97/gram12Sept.html |
127. Blessed Mother Teresa Of Calcutta Blessed mother teresa placed great value on the daily Holy Hour in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. She and her sisters depended upon this devotion to http://www.therealpresence.org/teresa.htm | |
128. Mother Teresa THE WISDOM OF mother teresa. AIDS The retribution for improper sexual mother teresa. HOMELESSNESS The problems facing us are due to the fact that we http://www.2think.org/hii/mother_t.shtml | |
129. Mother Teresa: 1910-1997 That is how mother teresa described the divine call that led her to minister to the While many consider mother teresa a saint, Vatican ponders issue http://www.chron.com/content/chronicle/special/teresa/ | |
130. Thunderstruck mother teresa died at age 87 of a heart ailment. Princess Diana died in a Interestingly enough, Princess Diana and mother teresa were very fond of one http://www.thunderstruck.org/archivevault/Di.HTM | |
131. Lesson Plan - Mother Teresa Today mother teresa and her associates have more than six hundred missions mother teresa has traveled throughout the world giving humanitarian service. http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-famous/TERESA2.html | |
132. A Once And Future Saint: Mother Teresa mother teresa .Condolence Page. Please forgive the design of this page We are simply trying to get it out fast enough for you to use. http://members.aol.com/jeremymp/teresa1.html | |
133. IndiaStar: "Mother Teresa's Hidden Mission In India: Conversion To Christianity" mother teresa was wedded to the Catholic Church, particularly the Vatican mother teresa portrayed India as a poor, starving, and a diseased land to her http://www.indiastar.com/DhiruShah.htm | |
134. Reuters AlertNet - Mother Teresa Charity Says Ties Children For Safety AlertNet provides news, information and analysis for everyone interested in emergency relief. AlertNet is run by Reuters Foundation. http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L31156279.htm | |
135. 'Mother Teresa Harmed Kolkata's Image' mother teresa dedicated her entire life to the service of the downtrodden of If mother teresa has done harm to KolKata I am just interested in knowing http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/oct/16teresa.htm | |
136. Goodbye Mother Teresa A life was lost and she mourned it. A Saint was needed and she became it. An Angel was born and she is it. Goodbye mother teresa. http://www.alaska.net/~davetami/in_the_woods/mother_t.html | |
137. News-Star - News - Mother Teresa Laid To Rest With State Honors 9/13/97 The body of mother teresa lies in its coffin as it begins its final journey mother teresa, known here as the saint of the gutters and considered by many http://www.news-star.com/stories/091397/mteresa.html | |
138. Mother Teresa Quotes mother teresa Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/mothertere158108.html | |
139. World News From The Times And The Sunday Times - Times Online THE Vatican said yesterday that mother teresa of Calcutta would be beatified, probably next spring, despite claims by Indian officials that a cure http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-441836,00.html |
140. Brent Bozell: Penn And Teller Trash Mother Teresa by Pope John Paul II and surely to be declared a saint was known as mother teresa. On this Viacom/Showtime program she is called Mother Fing Teresa. http://www.townhall.com/columnists/brentbozell/bb20050603.shtml | |
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