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Moniz Antonio Caetano De Abreu Freire Egas: more detail |
21. Egas Moniz, Antonio Caetano De Abreu Freire -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia egas moniz, antonio caetano de abreu freire body Portuguese neurologist and statesman. http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9363453?query=cerebral palsy&ct= |
22. Antonio Caetano De Abreu Freire Egas Moniz: Awards Won By Antonio Caetano De Abr antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz Awards won by antonio caetano deabreu freire egas moniz. http://www.123awards.com/artist/244.asp | |
23. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article Walter Rudolf Hess, (Click link for more info and facts about antonio caetanode abreu freire egas moniz) antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/n/no/nobel_prize_in_physiology_or_ | |
24. Antonio Caetano De Abreu Freire Egas Moniz - Egas35.org We were unable to find results for your search term antonio caetano de abreufreire egas moniz . Travel Professional Services Legal Help http://www.egas35.org/antonio_caetano_de_abreu_freire_egas_moniz.cfm?nft=1&t=4&p |
25. Antonio Caetano De Abreu Freire Egas Moniz Winner Of The 1949 Nobel Prize In Med Translate this page (antonio caetano de abreu freire) egas moniz nacio en Avanca, Portugal, el 29 denoviembre de 1874, el hijo de Fernando de Pina Rezende abreu y Maria hace a http://www.angelfire.com/co4/feralop/bin/egas49.htm | |
26. Neuroscience On Stamps antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz winner of the 1949 Nobel Prize inPhysiology and Medicine for his work using leucotomy to treat psychosis. http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/stamps/stamp2.html | |
27. Information Please: 1949 Physiology or Medicine Walter Rudolf Hess (Switzerland), for research on braincontrol of body; and antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz (Portugal), http://www.infoplease.com/year/1949.html | |
28. Egas Moniz Biography .ms Brain Mind, September 1997. Reproduced with permission. deAntónio caetano deAbreu freire egas moniz ptegas moniz svegas moniz http://antonio-caetano-de-abreu-freire-egas-moniz.biography.ms/ | |
29. Antonio Cesti - Encyclopedia Article About Antonio Cesti. antonio caetano abreu freire egas moniz antonio caetano abreu freire egas moniz antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz antonio caetano de abreu http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Antonio Cesti | |
30. Moniz, Antonio Egas moniz, antonio egas (18741955). He was born in Avanca, Portugal, his earlyeducation from his uncle Abbé caetano de Pina Rezende abreu Sa freire, http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/M/Moniz/1.html | |
31. Entrez PubMed OBJECTIVE To investigate the circumstances surrounding why egas moniz was HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE In 1936, antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9 |
32. Entrez PubMed A Nobel laureate who later was recognized for his radical treatment for mentalillness, antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz, has been credited with http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
33. Neuroradiology Classics -- Wolpert 20 (9): 1752 -- American Journal Of Neuroradi egas moniz, whose real name was antonio caetano de abreu freire, was born inApril 1974. The nom de plume that he used in all his writings was that of a http://www.ajnr.org/cgi/content/full/20/9/1752 | |
34. Psychology News: QuickSciTech. Using a technique developed by the University of Lisbon s emeritus professor Dr.antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz, skilled neurosurgeons cut away http://scitech.quickfound.net/biomed/psychology_news.html | |
35. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Chronology 1997 STANLEY B antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz for his discovery of the therapeuticvalue of leucotomy in certain psychoses. 1948 PAUL HERMANN MÜLLER for his http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chronmed.asp | |
36. The Science Bookstore - Chronology antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz for his discovery of the therapeuticvalue of leucotomy in certain psychoses. http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=36 |
37. CNN.com 1949 Walter Rudolf Hess, antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz. 1948 PaulHermann Müller. 1947 Carl Ferdinand Cori, Gerty Theresa Cori, née Radnitz, http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/medicine.html | |
38. Índice Alfabético De Los Premios Nobel De Fisiología O Medicina (1901-1998) moniz, antonio caetano de abreu freire egas (1949) MONOD, Jacques Lucien (1965)MORGAN, Thomas Hunt (1933) MULLER, Hermann Joseph (1946) http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/his/vol_2_99/his12299.htm | |
39. Neuroscience - HISTORY OF NEUROSCIENCE antonio caetano de abreu freire egas moniz for his discovery of the therapeuticvalue of leucotomy in certain psychoses. http://www.neuroscience.uwa.edu.au/welcome/neuroscience_images | |
40. Alcmeón - Revista Argentina De Clínica Neuropsiquiátrica Translate this page egas moniz. En el cincuentenario del premio Nobel a la leucotomía prefrontal antonio caetano de abreu freire nació el 29 de noviembre de 1874 en Avanca, http://www.alcmeon.com.ar/8/30/Rojas1.htm | |
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