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Mommsen Christian Matthias Theodor: more detail | |||||
41. Theodor Mommsen - Wikipedia Berlin, Aumentar. christian matthias theodor mommsen - Fotografía de 1900, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Matthias_Theodor_Mommsen | |
42. Theodor Mommsen 1817-1903 Translate this page theodor mommsen Historiker und Jurist * 1817 1903. christian matthias theodormommsen, geb. 30.11.1817 in Garding, gest. 01.11.1903 in Berlin. http://www.deboor.de/theodor_mommsen1817_1903.htm | |
43. Nobel Peace Prize 1902 christian matthias theodor mommsen the greatest living master of the artof historical writing, with special reference to his monumental work, http://din-timelines.com/1901s-npp.shtml |
44. 20th Century Year By YEar 1902 mommsen, christian matthias theodor, Germany, b. 1817 (in Garding, Sleswick, thenDenmark), d. 1903 the greatest living master of the art of historical http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1902.html | |
45. Antenati: Theodor Mommsen Translate this page christian matthias theodor mommsen nacque a Garding Holstein nel 1817. Morì aCharlottenburg Berlin nel 1903. Fu filologo, storico, linguista, giurista, http://www.girodivite.it/antenati/xixsec/_mommsen.htm | |
46. Poesía Y Literatura - Premios Nobel De Literatura 1902, mommsen, christian matthias theodor. 1903, Bjornson, Bjornstjerne Martinus.1904, Eizaguirre, Jose Echegaray Y. 1904, Mistral, Frederic http://www.angelfire.com/nj/poesia/prznbl/prznbly.html | |
47. Poesía Y Literatura - Premios Nobel De Literatura mommsen, christian matthias theodor. 1975, Montale, Eugenio. 1993, Morrison, Toni.2001, Naipaul, VS. 1971, Neruda, Pablo. 1994, Oe, Kenzaburo http://www.angelfire.com/nj/poesia/prznbl/prznbla.html | |
48. Year Laureates 1920 Knut Pedersen Hamsun 1919 Carl Friedrich Georg 1904, Frédéric Mistral, José Echegaray y Eizaguirre. 1903, Bjørnstjerne MartinusBjørnson. 1902, christian matthias theodor mommsen. 1901, Sully Prudhomme http://www.ndtv.com/ent/booksnobelprize.asp?part=1 |
49. Members Of The American Antiquarian Society mommsen, christian matthias theodor, 1817 1903, October, 1870, Berlin, Germany.Monaghan, Edith Jennifer, April, 1995, Charlottesville, VA http://www.americanantiquarian.org/membersm.htm | |
50. Mof - Mon - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors 1913) Chronologie n Ge1883 (christian matthias) theodor mommsen Nobel-1902 (M1817 Nov 30 - 1903 Nov 1) 3060 Roemische Geschichte 8v n Ge-? http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/mo2.htm | |
51. Nov 30 - Author Anniversaries Thomas WHYTEHEAD 1817 (christian matthias) theodor mommsen Nobel1902 1818Fr, Jean-Baptiste Zacharie BOLDUC 1821 Abp, Frederick TEMPLE 1823 http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/nov30.htm | |
52. Manucorp.com - Encyclopédie : Theodor Mommsen theodor mommsen. christian matthias theodor mommsenfut un érudit allemand du XIXe siècle, dont l ?uvre monumentale Corpus http://www.manucorp.com/encyclopedie/Theodor_Mommsen | |
53. GK- National Network Of Education mommsen, christian matthias theodor, 1902. Bjornson, Bjornstjerne Martinus, 1903.Eizaguirre, Jose Echegaray Y, 1904. Mistral, Frederic, 1904 http://www.indiaeducation.info/infomine/nobel/nobelarchive.htm | |
54. Premio Nobel De Literatura Henryk Sienkiewicz. 1904. F. Mistral, J. Echegaray y Eizaguirre. 1903. BjørnstjerneMartinus Bjørnson. 1902. christian matthias theodor mommsen http://www.dhistoria.com/literatura/nobel.htm |
55. LitWeb.net 1902, christian matthias theodor mommsen, the greatest living master of the artof historical writing, with special reference to his monumental work, http://www.biblion.com/litweb/nobel.html | |
56. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Literature GERMANY; 1902 christian matthias theodor mommsen; 1908 RUDOLF CHRISTOPH EUCKEN;1910 PAUL JOHANN LUDWIG HEYSE; 1912 GERHART HAUPTMANN http://www.scaruffi.com/fiction/nobel2.html | |
57. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Literature 1904 FRIDIRIC MISTRAL and JOSI ECHEGARAY Y EIZAGUIRRE 1903 BJORNSTJERNEMARTINUS BJORNSON 1902 christian matthias theodor mommsen http://www.scaruffi.com/fiction/nobel.html | |
58. Lioness Den's Nobel Reading Project 1902 christian matthias theodor mommsen mommsen won the Nobel for this one pieceof literature. When you check the price, I think you ll understand why we http://www.lionessden.com/ldnp/index2.html | |
59. Premiosnobel Henryk Sienkiewicz. 1904. F.Mistral, J.Echegara Y Eizaguirre. 1903. BjonstjerneMartinus Bjornson. 1902. christian matthias theodor mommsen http://www.clubdelibros.com/premiosnobel.htm | |
60. The Nobel Prize In Literature - Laureates 1904 Frédéric Mistral, José Echegaray Y Eizaguirre 1903 Bjørnstjerne MartinusBjørnson 1902 christian matthias theodor mommsen 1901 Sully Prudhomme http://www.dcbooks.com/literaryawards.htm | |
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