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Meyerhof Otto Fritz: more detail | |||||
81. Nobel Prize In Medicine 1922 - Heidelberg Medical School otto fritz meyerhof. 1884 1951 It is at this stage in the development ofthe question that meyerhof s contribution comes in. http://med.uni-hd.de/sonstiges/timeline/nobel_1922.html | |
82. Medizinische Fakultät Der Universität Heidelberg otto fritz meyerhof received the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery ofthe fixed relationship between the consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of http://med.uni-hd.de/geschichte_e.html | |
83. Nobel A Psicologia Y Medicina Translate this page 1922 meyerhof, otto fritz (Alemania) por sus estudios sobre la relación entreel consumo de oxígeno y el metabolismo http://www.jai.com.uy/nobelpsicologiaymedicina.htm | |
84. Kisokos - A Nobel-díjasok Névsora Schack August Steenburger 18741949 DK 1921 - 1922 Hill, Archibald Vivian1886-1977 GB meyerhof, otto fritz 1884-1951 USA 1923 Banting, Frederick Grant http://mek.oszk.hu/00000/00056/html/260.htm | |
85. Encyclopedia: Otto Fritz Meyerhof encyclopedia.farlex.com/meyerhof,+otto+fritz Nobel Prize Medicine Timeline Translate this page Frederick Grant Banting, John James Richard Macleod. 1922. Archibald Vivian Hill,otto fritz meyerhof. 1921. No award. 1920. Schack August Steenberg Krogh http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Otto-Fritz-Meyerhof | |
86. Premios Nobel De Medicina meyerhof, otto fritz;. 1923, Banting, SirFrederick Grant; Macleod, John James Richard;. 1924, Einthoven, Willem; http://fai.unne.edu.ar/biologia/basicos/nobeles/nobelmed.htm | |
87. Especiales Diario Médico Translate this page 1922 otto fritz meyerhof y Archibald Hill 1923 Frederick Grant Banting y JohnJR Macleod 1924 Willem Einthoven 1926 Johannes Fibiger http://www.diariomedico.com/medicinasiglo/nobeles.html | |
88. Max Planck Institute For Medical Research Heidelberg otto meyerhof and the Physiology Institute The Birth of Modern Biochemistry the expert chemist who worked with meyerhof for nearly 13 years, fritz http://www.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/abteilungen/index.php3?department=21&LANG=en& |
89. Nobelpreisträger Translate this page 1922 Archibald Vivian Hill, otto fritz meyerhof 1923 Frederick Grant Banting,John James Richard Macleod 1924 Willem Einthoven http://www.schlaufuchs.at/list/l_nobelp.htm |
90. Project MUSE He greatly influenced otto meyerhof, Hans Krebs, and fritz Lipmann. According toLipmann, Warburg s insistence on letting experiments speak and keeping http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/perspectives_on_science/v007/7.1deichmann.html | |
91. MPImF History: Otto Meyerhof (1929-38) otto meyerhof and the Physiology Department the Birth of Modern Biochemistry the expert chemist who worked with meyerhof for nearly 13 years, fritz http://history.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/Meyerhof.html | |
92. AKTUELLES - Projekte Otto Meyerhof Zentrum Uni Heidelberg - Architekturbüro E Translate this page Übergabe des otto-meyerhof-Zentrums für Ambulante Medizin und KlinischeForschung am 25. April 2001 in Anwesenheit der Familie von otto fritz meyerhof http://www.asplan.de/asplan/aktuelles_asplan/projekte/omz/presse010425.htm | |
93. CAPLEX Nettleksikon Www.caplex.no Translate this page otto fritz meyerhof. Tyskland. 1923. Frederick Grant Banting. Canada. John JamesRichard Macleod. Canada. 1924. Willem Einthoven. Nederland http://www.caplex.net/web/tabeller/tabeller.asp?art_id=t-npris4 |
94. 20th Century Year By Year 1922 1977 for his discovery relating to the production of heat in the muscle ; andMEYERHOF, otto fritz, Germany, Kiel University, b. 1884, d. http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1922.html | |
95. Wissenschaft Und Forschung Translate this page die Chemiker fritz Haber, Richard Martin Willstätter (1872-1942) und Ottofritz meyerhof (1884-1951) sowie zahlreiche bedeutende Philosophen, http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/nazi/innenpolitik/wissenschaft/ | |
96. Premi Nobel De Medicina O Fisiologia - Viquipèdia John James Richard Macleod 1922 Archibald Vivian Hill, otto fritz Meyerhof1920 Schack August Steenberg Krogh 1919 Jules Bordet 1914 Robert Bárány http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premi_Nobel_de_Medicina_o_Fisiologia | |
97. ÌÅÉÅÐÃÎÔ, ÎÒÒÎ ÔÐÈÖ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.krugosvet.ru/articles/37/1003736/1003736a1.htm | |
98. Nobelpreis Für Physiologie Oder Medizin zwischen Sauerstoffverbrauch und Milchsäureproduktion im Muskel http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/kaiserreich/wissenschaft/nobelpreis/medizin/ | |
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