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61. Der Nobelpreis Für Den Frieden: George Catlett Marshall zum wirtschaftlichen Wiederaufbau Westeuropas . george catlett marshall *1880, http://www.nobelpreis.org/frieden/marshall.html | |
62. George Catlett Marshall Rebel Flag, george catlett marshall My 5th cousin 3 times removed, Rebel Flag.george catlett marshall b. on April 25, 1843 in Audley, Va. http://southern-lady.com/g_marshall.html | |
63. Marshall - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary Search Mamma.com for marshall . TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! Search Mar·shall Listen mär sh l , george catlett 18801959. http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/m/m0122700.html | |
64. George C. Marshall george C. marshall. george C. marshall AKA george catlett marshall, Jr. Father george catlett marshall (Democrat) Mother (Republican) http://www.nndb.com/people/704/000053545/ | |
65. OD Board - The History Of George Catlett Marshall Traditional Conservatism for and from the Common Man. http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-6731.html | |
66. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Marshall marshall, george catlett (18801959) also known as george C. marshall of Son of george catlett marshall and Laura (Bradford) marshall; married, http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/marshall.html | |
67. Presidential Papers, Doc 504 To George Catlett Marshall, 30 To george catlett marshall Series EM, WHCF, President s Personal File 182 Eisenhower, Dwight D. To george catlett marshall, 30 October 1953. http://www.eisenhowermemorial.org/presidential-papers/first-term/documents/504.c | |
68. Presidential Papers, Doc 905 To George Catlett Marshall, 29 May Document 905; May 29, 1954 To george catlett marshall Series EM, AWF, Name Series Eisenhower, Dwight D. To george catlett marshall, 29 May 1954. http://www.eisenhowermemorial.org/presidential-papers/first-term/documents/905.c | |
69. Papers Of George Catlett Marshall: Aggressive And Determined Leadership, June 1, reference author, title, language for ISBN0801853680 Papers Of george CatlettMarshall Aggressive And Determined Leadership, June 1, 1943 . http://my.linkbaton.com/isbn/0801853680 | |
70. World War II Book Review The Papers of george catlett marshall, Vol. 5, The Finest Soldier, January 1,1945January 7, 1947 Reviewed by David Fitzpatrick http://www.historynet.com/wwii/reviews/wwiireview0405-3/ | |
71. George C. Marshall: A Who2 Profile george catlett marshall served in the US army in France during World War I,emerging as aidede-camp to General John Joseph Pershing. http://www.who2.com/georgecmarshall.html | |
72. George Catlett Marshall, Father Of The United States Air Force: His Contribution This paper explores george catlett marshall s contributions to the developmentof air power in the United States. Although MarshaJl began learning about http://www.stormingmedia.us/44/4460/A446093.html | |
73. The Man In honoring george C. marshall, we also do honor to a concept which saved george catlett marshall served the United States and our Alliance as Chief of http://www.bnt.com/marshall/man.html | |
74. Marshall Papers Mini-Edition The Papers of george catlett marshall george C. marshall (18801959) rosethrough the ranks of the US Army from 1902 until 1945, crowning his career as http://mep.cla.sc.edu/gm/gm-table.html | |
75. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: George Catlett Marshall http://agora.qc.ca/mot.nsf/Dossiers/George_Catlett_Marshall | |
76. Article About "George Marshall" In The English Wikipedia On 24-Apr-2004 george C. marshall Enlarge. george C. marshall. george catlett marshall (December31, 1880 October 16, 1959), an American military leader and statesman, http://fixedreference.org/en/20040424/wikipedia/George_Marshall | |
77. MSN Encarta - George Marshall Related Items. European Recovery Program (marshall Plan) honor of rank more Encarta Search. Search Encarta about marshall, george catlett http://ca.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576503/George_Marshall.html | |
78. NARA - NHPRC - Annotation Presenting The Papers of george C. marshall to President Clinton four volumesof The Papers of george catlett marshall, covering the years 18801944. http://www.archives.gov/nhprc/annotation/september-98/george-marshall.html | |
79. George Catlett Marshall Honors Awarded to george C. marshallgeorge catlett marshall received the following honors Source george catlettmarshall, A Chronology ; george C. marshall Foundation http://www.rr0.org/MarshallGeorgeCattlet.html | |
80. Project MUSE The Papers of george catlett marshall, volume 5, The Finest Soldier, January 1,1945January 7, 1947. Edited by Larry I. Bland and Sharon Ritenour Stevens. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_military_history/v069/69.1wilt.html | |
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