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61. Thomas-Mann-Schule Lübeck Offizielles Angebot des Gymnasiums. http://tms.lernnetz.de/ |
62. Literary Encyclopedia: Mann, Thomas Paul thomas mann was born on 6 June 1875 in Lübeck, an old Hanseatic city, Of decisive influence upon thomas manns early literary development was the http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2919 |
63. Städtisches Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium München St¤dt. neusprachliches Gymnasium mit Math.naturwiss. Zweig http://www.tmg.musin.de/ | |
64. Literary Encyclopedia: List Works () Der Kleine Herr Friedemann Little Herr Friedemann mann, thomas Mario und der Zauberer Mario and the Magician - mann, thomas http://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?aut=Mann, Thomas&golist=true&exact=true |
65. One Plus One: Rezension D. Hammett: "Die Frau Im Dunkel" (One Plus One) thomas Hirn ¼ber Die Frau im Dunkeln, Rote Ernte, Der Fluch des Hauses Dain, Der Malteser Falke, Der gl¤serne Schl¼ssel und Der d¼nne mann. http://users.informatik.uni-halle.de/~hirn/BuchRezis/hammett.html | |
66. Mann, Thomas mann, thomas German writer thomas mann. (Image © Archive Photos) German novelist and critic. A largely subjective artist, he drew his themes from his own http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0002198.html | |
67. Die Zeit - Wissen : Mein Jahrhundertbuch (6) Siegfried Lenz Buddenbrooks von thomas mann. http://www.zeit.de/archiv/1999/6/199906.jh-lenz_mann_.xml | |
68. Herzlich Willkommen Beim Buddenbrookhaus, Heinrich-und-Thomas-Mann-Zentrum, Lüb Das BuddenbrookhausMuseum, Heinrich-und-thomas-mann-Zentrum, L¼beck, pr¤sentiert Leben und Werk von Heinrich mann und thomas mann. http://www.kai-pfitzner.de/buddenbrookhaus/ | |
69. Cinema Truffaut Sinopsi d'aquesta pel·lcula dirigida per Luchino Visconti basada en la novel·la de thomas mann. http://www.cinematruffaut.com/pub/arxiu/mortavenecia.htm | |
70. Sveriges Kungar Och Drottningar Alla k¤nda kungar och drottningar fr¥n 400talet och fram¥t. Kort notis om varje person. http://biphome.spray.se/thomas.mann/Kungasidan/Kungaindex.htm | |
71. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection to the right for possible criticism about individual works by thomas mann. Sorry. There are no general critical sites about thomas mann presently in the http://www.ipl.org/div/litcrit/bin/litcrit.out.pl?au=man-289 |
72. ULB-Düsseldorf -> Thomas Mann Sammlung Informationen und OnlineSuche zur Sammlung der D¼sseldorfer Virtuelle Bibliothek DVB (Universit¤ts- und Landesbibliothek D¼sseldorf). http://www.uni-duesseldorf.de/WWW/ulb/tmsweb.html | |
73. Thomas Mann - Thomas Mann Design Inc. Artist Profile The GUILD and The Artful Home is the nation s leading retailer of fine art and fine craft, handcrafted home decor items and unique gifts, http://www.guild.com/artist/108.html | |
74. Thomas Mann (1875-1955) German Writer. (18751955) German writer. thomas mann was the winner of the 1929 Nobel Laureate in Literature principially for his great novel, Buddenbrooks, which has won http://classiclit.about.com/od/mannthomas/ | |
75. Mann Biographie, articles et liens consacr©s l'auteur de La Montagne magique. http://pages.globetrotter.net/pcbcr/mann.html | |
76. Thomas Mann Cultural Center, Nida, Lithuania Programm, Festival, Museum und Publikationen. http://www.mann.lt/ | |
77. Glbtq >> Literature >> Mann, Thomas One of Germany s greatest twentiethcentury authors, thomas mann encoded his own homosexuality in his novels but thought that homosexuality led to the http://www.glbtq.com/literature/mann_t.html | |
78. MSN Encarta - Thomas Mann Search Encarta about mann, thomas Editors Picks. Great books about your topic, mann, thomas, selected by Encarta editors. Click here http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761571740/Thomas_Mann.html | |
79. Nietzsche Und Thomas Mann über Kunst Und Künstlertum mit dem Roman Doktor Faustus als Schwerpunkt . Abhandlung von Clemens Freytag (1998). http://mitglied.lycos.de/leverkuehn/ | |
80. Literature 1929 Awarded 'principally for his great novel, Buddenbrooks, which has won steadily increased recognition as one of the classic works of contemporary literature'. Laudatio, acceptance speech and autobiography of the German author. http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1929/index.html | |
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