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101. Awesome Library - Social_Studies Leadership of ZK Matthews, nelson mandela, and Stephen Biko (Questia.com Juckes).Provides the full text of the book, Opposition in South Africa. http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/Biographies/M_N_O/Mandela | |
102. Awesome Library - Social_Studies mandela, nelson Leadership of ZK Matthews, nelson mandela, and StephenBiko (Questia.com Juckes). Provides the full text of the book, Opposition in South http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/Biographies/M_N_O.html | |
103. Nelson Mandela Children's Fund - Home nelson mandela Children s Fund (Canada) works closely with the nelson mandela On December 2002, Mr. nelson mandela announced detailed indisputable new http://www.mandela-children.ca/ | |
104. BBC Mundo | Nelson Mandela X 3 Translate this page mandela, sudáfrica, nelson. ¿Quién es nelson mandela? Durante un cuarto desiglo, el prisionero politico más famoso del mundo, Premio Nobel de la Paz, http://www.bbc.co.uk/spanish/specials/1610_mandela/ | |
105. Official Website Of African Students Organization At LSU mandela, nelson Rolihlahla (1918¦), South African activist, winner of the 1993Nobel Peace Prize, and the first black president of South Africa (1994-1999) http://www.lsu.edu/student_organizations/aso/mandela.htm | |
106. Dropping Knowledge :: Participants :: Nelson Mandela Information on nelson mandela at dropping knowledge, the table of free voices. http://www.droppingknowledge.org/participants_search.php?letter=M&id=580 |
107. Nelson Mandela: A Who2 Profile nelson mandela was the first black president of South Africa and a legendaryfigure of the African National Congress, or ANC. From 1964 to 1990, mandela was http://www.who2.com/nelsonmandela.html | |
108. Nelson Mandela Children's Fund Site Map - Children, Donations,South Africa, Chil The nelson mandela Children s Fund To support organisations implementingprogrammes and projects that empower children and youth from impoverished http://www.nelsonmandelachildrensfund.com/ | |
109. Film Details : Video And Film Lending Library : Resources : AFSC mandela nelson mandela HBO, video, , 120 mins. Return to Title List. ^ Top ofpage. Search site Titles, alphabetical Titles, chronological http://www.afsc.org/newengland/bigcat/ttl.php?FID=453 |
110. Mandela, Nelson nelson Rolihlahla mandela (1918), sydafrikansk sort nationalistleder og Sydafrikaspræsident 1994-99. Var fængslet af apartheidregimet 1962-90 og hans http://www.leksikon.org/art.php?n=1650 |
111. University Of Cape Town Libraries mandela, nelson Rolihlahla (b. 18 July 1918). President of South Africa 19949 mandela, nelson Rolihlahla A Dictionary of Contemporary World History. http://www.lib.uct.ac.za/index.php?html=/2004/info/news/mandela.htm&libid=88 |
112. Mr. Dowling's Nelson Mandela Page Three yeors after his release from prison, nelson mandela was elected as thefirst black president in South Africa s history. http://www.mrdowling.com/609-mandela.html | |
113. ChristianityTodayLibrary.com Searched on keyword mandela, nelson Displaying 1 6 of 6 articles. The livesof nelson mandela and Alan Paton reveal that the road to freedom is http://ctlibrary.com/keyword.html?id=1152 |
114. Politiker Mandela nelsonmandela. nelson mandela Museum (deutsche Version) http://www.niester.de/p_politik/mandela/mandela.html | |
115. - SouthAfrica.info nelson mandela s 87th birthday is being marked by a series of events this nelson mandela and US President George Bush discussed the battle against Aids http://www.safrica.info/mandela/ | |
116. Biografía - Mandela, Nelson Translate this page Político sudafricano nacido el 11 de junio de 1918. Presidente de Sudáfrica desde1994. Pasó 25 años en la cárcel por defender los derechos de los negros y http://www.artehistoria.com/historia/personajes/7384.htm | |
117. Powell's Books - Long Walk To Freedom: (the Autobiography Of Nelson Mandela) By If you like this title, you might also like. nelson mandela nelson mandela.by nelson mandela read more about this title nelson mandela a biography http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=1-0316545856-14 |
118. Booktopia - A Long Walk To Freedom, Nelson Mandela, 0349106533 The title of this book is called Long Walk To Freedom. The Author of this bookis called mandela, nelson. The ISBN is 0349106533. http://www.booktopia.com.au/featuredbook1.asp?StoreURL=booktopia&bookid=03491065 |
119. Long Walk To Freedom: The Autobiography Of Nelson Mandela - Nelson Mandela An unpretentious tale of an extraordinary life, this is essential reading for anunderstanding of South Africa. nelson mandela recounts with quiet dignity http://www.longitudebooks.com/find/p/155/printable/1 | |
120. AEGiS-NYT Mandela, Anti-AIDS Crusader, Says Son Died Of Disease 6 nelson mandela, who has devoted much of his life after leaving South Africas presidency to a campaign against AIDS, said Thursday that his son had died http://www.aegis.com/news/nyt/2005/NYT050102.html | |
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