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Mahfouz Naguib: more books (99) | |||||||||||
81. Dr. William M. Hutchins mahfouz, naguib. Palace Walk Cairo Trilogy. New York Anchor, 1990. mahfouz, naguib. Palace of Desire Cario Trilogy II. New York Anchor, 1992. http://www.philrel.appstate.edu/Dr.WilliamM.Hutchins.htm | |
82. AVoir-aLire.com - Cinéma - Mahfouz, Naguib Translate this page aVoir-aLire.com toute la culture et les loisirs sur Internet. Critiques de films, livres, bandes dessinées, théâtre, expositions, musique. http://www.avoir-alire.com/spip/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=1790 |
83. Icehousebooks (author: Mahfouz, Naguib) naguib mahfouz. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, 1988. Books (etc ) 1 mahfouz, naguib Palace of Desire The Cairo Trilogy II, The American http://www.icehousebooks.co.uk/A_mahfouznag.htm | |
84. Global Finland Midaqqkuja / naguib mahfouz ; suomentaneet Pekka Suni ja Mustafa Shikeben. Palatsikatu Kairo-trilogia 1 / naguib mahfouz ; suomentanut Pekka Suni. http://global.finland.fi/uutiset/teksti_popup.php?id=3537 |
85. Naguib Mahfouz: Respected Sir; Wedding Song; The Search When Othman Bayyumi is employed as a grade 8 clerk, he is just one of many new employees welcomed by the Director General http://dannyreviews.com/h/Respected_Sir.html | |
86. Akhenaten, Dweller In Truth (Naguib Mahfouz) - Review Intrigued by the ruins of Akhetaten, the young noble Meriamun resolves to find out the truth about the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten http://dannyreviews.com/h/Akhenaten.html | |
87. Biographie Et Informations Auteur : Mahfouz, Naguib : - Dicocitations ⢠Translate this page Dicocitations - biographie et citations de mahfouz, naguib. http://www.dicocitations.com/resultatauteurs.php?id=1866 |
88. Literature, Page 92: Vintage Books Author(s) mahfouz, naguib; Translated by Hutchins, William Maynard and Kenny, Olive E.; Title Palace Walk; Publisher Anchor / Doubleday, New York, 1991, http://www.vintage-books.com/Cat/liter92.htm | |
89. Postcolonial Paper Assignment *mahfouz, naguib. Egypt Respected Sir. *mahfouz, naguib. Egypt The Thief and the Dogs. Márquez, Gabriel García. Colombia One Hundred Years of Solitude http://www.northern.edu/hastingw/pcpapr2.htm | |
90. Edward Said: Naguib Mahfouz And The Cruelty Of Memory naguib mahfouz and the Cruelty of Memory. by Edward Said. Before he won the Nobel Prize in 1988, naguib mahfouz was known outside the Arab world to students http://www.counterpunch.org/mahfouz.html | |
91. INST 260 (Glenna Jackson) -- FICTION FROM OTHER NATIONS mahfouz, naguib Palace of Desire PJ7846.A46 Q313 1992 An intricate and complex tragedy of patriarchy mahfouz, naguib Respected Sir PJ7846.A46 H2413 1990 http://www.otterbein.edu/resources/library/libpages/class/IS260F.htm | |
92. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg by mahfouz, naguib/ Davies, Humphrey (Trn), Rhadophis of Nubia by mahfouz, naguib. Molecular Biology and Pathology of Paediatric Cancer http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-396.html | |
93. Helsingin Kaupunginkirjasto mahfouz, naguib Palatsikatu (Kairotrilogia I) mahfouz, naguib Intohimon palatsi (Kairo-trilogia II) mahfouz, naguib Sokerikuja (Kairo-trilogia III) http://www.lib.hel.fi/page.asp?notice=1&_item_id=6146 |
94. Helsingin Kaupunginkirjasto mahfouz, naguib Miramar; 229. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Peltojen kuningas; 230. mahfouz, naguib Intohimon palatsi; 280. Rouaud, Jean Kuuluisia miehiä http://www.lib.hel.fi/page.asp?_item_id=5732 |
95. Sanojen Aika mahfouz, naguib Intohimon palatsi (Kairotrilogia II) mahfouz, naguib Sokerikuja (Kairo-trilogia III) Suomen kesän voi viettää myös Kairossa. http://kirjailijat.kirjastot.fi/?c=15&newsid=375&lang=FI |
96. A Bibliography Of Middle East Literature And Linguistics mahfouz, naguib, The Day the Leader was killed, NYC, Anchor Books, 2000, mahfouz, naguib, T., The Cairo Trilogy Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, http://www.mideastweb.org/literaturebib.htm | |
97. Naguib Mahfouz A portrait of Egyptian author naguib mahfouz, the first and still only Arab winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. http://www.frif.com/new2001/nag.html | |
98. Bokkilden - Factotum mahfouz, naguib. Mellom to slott. mahfouz, naguib. Begjærets palass. mahfouz, naguib. Sukkerhuset. Hegel, GWF. Åndens fenomenologi. Niemi, Mikael http://www.bokkilden.no/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=0863697658&CatalogName=Boo |
99. Swans Commentary: Naguib Mahfouz, "Midaq Alley," By Louis Proyect - Lproy02 A book by one of the world s greatest novelists and 1988 Nobel Prize winner, Egypt s naguib mahfouz. http://www.swans.com/library/art9/lproy02.html | |
100. Naguib Mahfuz Translate this page naguib Mahfuz Escritor egipcio Nació el 11 de diciembre de 1911 en El Cairo. Cursó estudios en la Universidad Rey Faruk I (hoy Universidad de El Cairo). http://buscabiografias.com/cgi-bin/verbio.cgi?id=6130 |
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