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81. News.mod.uk - News Archive Commodore Nigel john Francis RABY. Lieutenant Colonel richard Dennis WATTS Warrant Officer 1st Class (Above Water Warfare) Paul james Anthony SPINKS http://news.mod.uk/news/press/news_press_notice.asp?newsItem_id=2927 |
82. Intestate 1883 McLeod john B. Langley Kathleen McLeod 1883 McNeil Martha Victoria Jas. C. Prevost 1868 Smith james Victoria richard Woods 1869 Smith john http://www.rootsweb.com/~canbc/intestate.htm | |
83. 1790 Census - Fayetteville, Cumberland Co. NC Kinnith 3 1 2 0 1 McLeod, john 1 0 0 0 0 Carrol, james 1 0 0 0 0 McMurphy, Sally 0 1 2 0 0 Golden, richard 1 3 3 0 0 Lasseter, james 1 1 1 0 0 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nccumber/1790census.htm | |
84. Newfoundland Labrador NFGenWeb Avalon South St. John's Royal Gazette Subscribers Alex. Hutchinson Sergt. JP Klein Sergt. Alex McLeod james Strikley Robert Hammill Wm. Taylor james Lane john and R. Brine Thomas Atkens richard Langley http://www.genweb.ca/nfdata/045/hist/45_4gazette1806.htm | |
85. Lovell's 1871 P.E.I. Directory D-F farmer McLeod, john sen. farmer McLeod, Lauchlin - farmer Partridge, richard - farmer Prowse, William - farmer Roper, james - carpenter Roper, john - http://www.islandregister.com/lovell_d.html | |
86. Abrahams Adrian 10998086 Achard Phil 10213093 Adams Colin 10298134 Loten james 12033109 Loten Robert 12074106 Love Paul 14001108 Lowe john Neil 14074016 McLeod john 12537701 McPhail Sean 10662289 Meddings richard http://www.britgo.org/rating/graph/player_names.txt | |
87. Browse By Author: R - Project Gutenberg Volume 2, part 2 john Quincy Adams (English) (as Editor); A Compilation of the Messages and Volume 4, part 3 james Knox Polk (English) (as Compiler) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/r | |
88. Browse By Author: M - Project Gutenberg MacCaffrey, james (18751935). History of the Catholic Church from the Renaissance to the By john Macgillivray, FRGS Naturalist to the Expedition. http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/m | |
89. Genealogy Data McLeod, William james Gender Male Family. Marriage 14 FEB 1827 Spouse Moors, richard Henry Birth 1 JUL 1913 Springfontein Gender Male Parents http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7734/dat36.htm | |
90. Infinity Plus - Fiction G To M M john Harrison. Isobel Avens Returns to Stepney in the Spring. james Lovegrove. A Taste of Heaven. Of all the strange and mad and sad and extraordinary http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/stories/indexgm.htm | |
91. 1784 - List Of Indentured Servants In Shelburne SHEPARD Benjamin richard Jolly SYDAEN Fanny john Kingston SYDAEN Lucy john Kingston owner john McLeod john McLeod William McLeod _ William McLeod http://collections.ic.gc.ca/blackloyalists/documents/official/indentured_list.ht | |
92. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Maclachlan To Madar MacLafferty, james Henry (18711937) also known as james H. macleod, Andrew G. of Manhattan, New York County, NY American Labor candidate for New http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/maclafferty-madar.html | |
93. Glasgow Presbytery - Directory - Ministers john M. BD, CertMin, 20 Victoria Road Burnside Rutherglen GLASGOW G73 3QG, HOME Retired, macleod, William J. DipTh, 42 Hawthorn Drive Banknock FALKIRK http://www.glasgowkirks.org.uk/directory/ministers.htm | |
94. Review Archive james, MR, Edited by Chistopher Roden and Barbara Roden, Illustrated by Paul Stark, richard (Donald Westlake) Nobody Runs Forever (reviewed by Terry http://trashotron.com/agony/indexes/review_archive.htm | |
95. Stories, Listed By Author Michael Reaves john Pelan, Ballantine Del Rey 2003 A Cozy for Christmas, (nv) Mistletoe Mysteries, Charlotte macleod, Mysterious Press 1989 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/msf/s116.htm | |
96. Genealogy Data macleod, Jennie Birth DEC 4, 1893 NS Death DECEASED Parents. Father macleod, james A. (Jim) Mother MacDonald, Sarah. Children. Moffatt, Jamie http://www.cimcom.ca/genealogy/dat48.htm | |
97. Author Index Keith J. and john H. Holland, richard E. Nisbett Paul R. Thagard, richard Rhodes), The Los Alamos Primer The First Lectures on How to Build an http://cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/reviews/authors.html | |
98. Sierra: John Muir Society Full text of the article, john Muir Society from Sierra, a publication in the field McLeod Brockway McMillan Philip Olga Megdal Joseph Melillo james http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1525/is_3_86/ai_74223204 | |
99. In Other Worlds: Fantasy & SF Books By Author Barnes, john. The Duke of Uranium, Science Fiction, Aspect December 2002 5.5 Dreaming of the Bones (Duncan Kincaid/Gemma james Mystery 5), Mystery, http://home.sprynet.com/~dbrukman/books-by-author.html | |
100. Capers Battalion Georgia Militia Battalion Lt. james S. Oates of the 9th Illinois Mounted Infantry stated in his memoirs, McLeod, john Mobley, Reuben B. Moores, J. Moore, WF Mousseau, ? http://www.researchonline.net/gacw/unit140.htm | |
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