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61. Carleton Barnes Almanack Genealogy, Cemetery Research In Gloucester County New B Cornelius CONNOLLY, john BENNETT, richard S. CLARK, james EBBETT, james ROBERTSON, William F. DIBBLEE, H. MG GARDEN, Simeon McLEOD, john EDGAR, http://www.bathurstgen.com/carleton.html | |
62. Genealogy Data Father macleod, Uilleam Cleireach 5th Chief of macleod Mother MacLean, Magna McClane, john james Birth 13 NOV 1857 Rimer, Putnam Co., Ohio, USA http://www.gillean.com/Roots/db/dat18.htm | |
63. Gold And Silver Certificates john W. Hoffschwelle. B. C. Jones Roger D. Judson richard J. Knittle Peter MacalisterHall Scott C. MacInnes Mark Kenneth macleod john Makin http://www.seg.org/publications/yearbook/gold-silver.shtml | |
64. EMLF Membership Directory M macleod, john A. Crowell Moring LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Miller, richard T. Foundation Coal Corporation 999 Corporate Boulevard http://www.emlf.org/members/members_m.htm |
65. List Of The Fallen Soldiers Of Grey County, Ontario George MINORGAN, james Harold McLEOD, john Alexander MITCHELL, richard WEST, Herman Marshall WAINWRIGHT, john McLeod WHATELY, F. WAITE, Thomas Henry http://members.aol.com/Winfieldpb/ww1-list.htm | |
66. The Honour Roll richard Cade, john Calder, Patrick Cameron, Donald Campbel, james Campble, Mathw McLane, Jas McLeod, john McLeroth, Robert McMillan, john McMillan, http://www.cvco.org/sigs/reg64/honour.html | |
67. Defense Officials Search For Families Of Korean And Vietnam War MIAs MCKNIGHT, ARTHUR LEE. MCLAURIN, HAROLD james. MCLEOD, john JOSEPH SHELEMBA, john ALBERT. SIMMONS, james ROBERT. SIMPSON, richard HAROLD http://www.michigan.gov/dmva/0,1607,7-126-2362_2376-75617--,00.html | |
68. CIAO Contributors john Kurt Jacobsen, Social Science Research Council. Carolyn C. james, International james Steinberg. richard Steinberg, Berkeley Roundtable on the http://www.ciaonet.org/contrib.html | |
69. Section 243 - University Staff - University Of Alberta Bowlen, The Hon john james (LieutenantGovernor of Alberta), LLD. Walker, Arthur Earl, LLD macleod, john Edward Annand, LLD. Mitchell, Betty, LLD http://www.registrar.ualberta.ca/calendar/University-Staff/Honorary-Degree-Recip | |
70. Encyclopedia Of Exploration: Major Articles Howgego Hordern House CRAWFORD, james Coutts CRAWFURD, john CRUISE, richard Alexander MAWE, john MCCLURE, Robert john Le Mesurier MCDONALD, Archibald MCLEOD http://www.hordern.com/publications/explorersArticles2.htm | |
71. GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH MATERIALS ON THE TOWN OF LOUISBOURG ~ 1901 VOTERS LIST son; McPherson, Samuel; McLeod, john A. McCuish, james; McLeod, Neil; McKenzie, Dan H. Kelly, richard; Kelly, Joseph R. Kelly, Martin; Kelly, Edward http://fortress.uccb.ns.ca/search/LsbgTownVoters_1901.html | |
72. Honors And Awards john Greivenkamp Ghassan E. Jabbour Shibin Jiang H. Angus macleod H. Angus macleod, Board of Directors; Photo james Wyant SPIE, the International http://www.optics.arizona.edu/Faculty/Honors.htm | |
73. Missing Old Colls McLaughlin Sean McLaughlin Sonya McLeod john McLeod Graeme McManus Walter Ruis Elizabeth Rumery richard Rundle Herbert Rurke David Russell james http://www.wesley.usyd.edu.au/missing old colls.html |
74. Names From The DNZB Database - M MCLEOD, Helen. MCLEOD, james Stirling. MCLEOD, Janet. MCLEOD, john MONK, james Benjamin. MONK, john. MONK, Francis james. MONK, richard http://www.mch.govt.nz/ref/dnzb/dnzb-m.html | |
75. Names From The DNZB Database - L LANE, Ernest richard. LANE, Henry Christopher. LANE, john Joseph LOVE, Eruera Te Whiti o Rongomai. LOVE, james Yeoman. LOVE, john Agar http://www.mch.govt.nz/ref/dnzb/dnzb-l.html | |
76. British Yukon Navigation Company Employee Records Elliot, john james Ellis, Arthur Randall Ellison, Isaac Emery, Wilbert M. McLees, Kenneth john macleod, john M. McLeod, Alexander McLeod, Angus http://www.yukonalaska.com/pathfinder/gen/byn_employees.html | |
77. AII POW-MIA Korea POW-MIA List M MCLELLAN, john W POW MCLEOD, john JOSEPH MIA MCLEOD, ROBERT EDWARD POW MOORE, HAROLD B MIA MOORE, HARRY CECIL MIA MOORE, james richard POW http://www.aiipowmia.com/koreacw/kwpw_m.html | |
78. Faculty Of Business And Economics - Thursday 29 April 2004 - 4.00pm - Graduation john Paul Anakotta james richard Ansell james Charles Castley Sally Ann McLeod Craig Philip Moran Rilyn David Mosbey Linton james Neilson http://www.monash.edu.au/graduations/sem1-buseco-2-4pm.html | |
79. Loughborough University - Graduation Webcast & Roll Call Danielle Humphreys Ian Knight john james O Sullivan Daniel james Plews richard Anthony Sutcliffe Adam james Thomas Lee Jonathan Thornhill http://www.lboro.ac.uk/mediaservices/graduation/rollcall/roll5.html | |
80. (This List Is Published With The Permission Of The Author, Mr james Snelling john 1828 34 Lady Faversham Dyce, Patrick Snook richard 1835 Maj M Tucker james 1822 20 Hindustan Y Turpin richard 1832 46 john McLeod, http://gundaroo.alphalink.com.au/genealogy/convicts.txt | |
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