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41. Insulin Collection - UofT Libraries - About The Discovery The Late john james Rickard macleod in Canadian Medical Association Journal. Cathcart, EP john james richard macleod 18761935 in Obituary Notices http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/insulin/application/about.cfm?page=macleod |
42. Genealogy Data Scrima, richard Anthony Jr. Family. Spouse. Abriola, john james Birth living macleod, Flora Birth Dunvegan, Skye, Inverness, Scotland http://www.gillean.com/Roots/db/dat27.htm | |
43. Biographical Files "M"- Chesney Medical Archives macleod, john james Jr. Macklin, Charles Clifford Macklin, Madge DT (Mrs. Charles C.) Moir, john Chassar Molenaar, Donald M. Molenda, john richard http://www.medicalarchives.jhmi.edu/bio-m.htm | |
44. Commentary Archive Index Neal Asher, Alastair Reynolds, Peter F. Hamilton, Ken macleod, john Clute Phil Rickman, james Herbert, William Smethurst, Will Kingdom, richard Paul http://trashotron.com/agony/indexes/2002/2002_commentary_index.htm | |
45. Science Center Nobel Laureates macleod, john james richard (18761935). 1923 Nobel Prize in Medicine or PhysiologyProfessor and chair of physiology at Western Reserve University School of http://www.cwru.edu/menu/sciencecenter/nobel_laureates.htm | |
46. The Memorial Church-Memorials Malcolm james macleod Alan Shearer Manning Jackson Palmer, Jr. james Otis Beasley richard Carlisle Cady john Wallace Dallenbach Frederick St. Leger Daly http://www.memorialchurch.harvard.edu/history/wwII.shtml | |
47. The Hindu : Nobel Centennial And Diabetes Medicine and Physiology awarded to Dr. Frederick Grant Banting (18911941) and Dr. john james richard macleod (1876- 1935) for the discovery of insulin. http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/2001/09/13/stories/08130008.htm | |
48. LIST OF CASUALTIES - EAST INDIA DIRECTORY REGISTER 1832 Nat Inf 22Apr1831 Bombay GRAHAM john richard Capt 5th Lt Cav 30May1830 Mussooree james Charles Lieut 7th Nat Inf 27Oct1830 Fort William macleod john http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/Indexes/E-INDIA.txt |
49. Índice Alfabético De Los Premios Nobel De Fisiología O Medicina (1901-1998) macleod, john james richard (1923) McCLINTOCK, Barbara (1983) MEDAWAR, Peter Brian (1960) METSCHNIKOF, Elie (1908) MEYERHOF, Otto Fritz (1922) http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/his/vol_2_99/his12299.htm | |
50. Entstehungsgeschichte Des Insulins Translate this page den Laboraufenthalt in seinem Institut und auch einen studentischen Mitarbeiter. Dr. john james richard macleod. Toronto University Canada. 1876 - 1935 http://www.oedg.org/diabetesforum/biographie.htm | |
51. Genealogy Data HILL, james richard Birth 27 MAR 1881 Stanley Creek, Rockhampton, QLD, AUS Louisa Theresa Catherine (Kate),. Children. macleod, john Malcom http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/joanneat/dat2.html | |
52. USAPL Results Pages 441 Mike Hudson 305 james Klein 475 richard M 1224 Ron Erickson 441 john Tyning 1576 Rich Chavez 584 Tom Weeks 385 Dan macleod 590 Bradley Wagner http://www.usapowerlifting.com/newsletter/ranking/2002master1_men.html | |
53. Brown, James Richard -- Encyclopædia Britannica john james richard macleod Nobel Foundation Biography of this Canadian scientist awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology, in 1923, http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9389536 | |
54. John James Richard Macleod Og Frederick G. Banting john james richard macleod og Frederik G. Banting gjorde i 1922 en banebrydende opdagelse. De opdagede insulinen, der i dag redder mange liv i behandlingen http://www.nat.sdu.dk/users/sdu/maene03/ | |
55. Mar 16 - Author Anniversaries richard NICHOLSON 1914 Judge, Daniel Woodley PROWSE 1914 Sir, john MURRAY Basil Graham BOURCHIER 1935 Prof, john james Rickard macleod 1937 Sir, http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/mar16.htm | |
56. Stellarton War Cenotaphs james B. BROWN WT CAMERON CLIFFORD CULTON WK CUMMINGS TB DAVIDSON richard DAVIS james D. McLEOD john P. McQUEEN ED. B. MITCHELL MATTHEW MURRAY http://www.parl.ns.ca/cenotaph/stellarton2.htm | |
57. Infinity Plus - Reviews Archive james Long. Silence and Shadows (reviewed by john Grant; added January 2002) Ken macleod. The Stone Canal (reviewed by john D Owen; added March 1998) http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/nonfiction/reviews.htm | |
58. Applegate Directory Ltd MacHin, richard Managing Director Machin Yorkshire Lamb Ltd macleod, john Sales and Marketing Director Photonic Solutions plc macleod, john Sales http://www.applegate.co.uk/indexes/people/all-m.htm | |
59. Applegate Directory Ltd macleod, john Sales and Marketing Director Photonic Solutions plc Martin, richard Managing Director Kembrey Wiring Systems Ltd http://www.applegate.co.uk/indexes/people/electronics-m.htm | |
60. Asian Analysis / Newsletter / Archive BROINOWSKI, Dr Alison, BROINOWSKI, Professor richard, BROWN, Dr Andrew FFORDE, Dr Adam, FOX, Professor james, FREEMAN, Nick. FUNSTON, john, GANGULY http://www.aseanfocus.com/asiananalysis/archive.cfm?orderBy=Author |
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