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81. Bar-Ilan University News Briefs Dr. Shulamit Michaeli of the Faculty of Life Sciences, is the recipient of the1999 French Academy of Science andre lwoff Award. The prestigious award is in http://www.biu.ac.il/Spokesman/News-Briefs/Feb_10_2000.htm | |
82. Bar-Ilan University News Briefs Shula Michaeli, of the Faculty of Life Sciences, received the French Academy ofSciences prestigious andre lwoff Prize in November, in recognition of her http://www.biu.ac.il/Spokesman/News-Briefs/Dec_27_1999.htm | |
83. AIP International Catalog Of Sources Max Delbruck at Caltech (19491951); the Pasteur Institute with andre lwoff,Francois Jacob, and Jacques Monod (1951-1952); the Cavendish Laboratory at http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/24961.html | |
84. Trwzr^rCK Ur !0L LXXX No. 12 Lwoff To Hold Seminars Also Compton announced the third Karl Taylor Compto Dr. andre lwoff, famous French biologist.Dr. lwoff will deliver addresses during April in Kresge Auditorium. http://www-tech.mit.edu/archives/VOL_080/TECH_V080_S0080_P001.txt |
85. Charlotte Friend, March 11, 1921January 13, 1987 | By Leila Diamond | Biograph threemonth periods in research institutes in France, Israel and Australiaworking with such scientists as andre lwoff, Leo Sachs and Donald Metcalf. http://books.nap.edu/html/biomems/cfriend.html | |
86. Oral History Guide Entries, 521 - 530 Discovery of recombination in bacteria; Cold Spring Harbor Symposium; Challengeby andre lwoff and Max Delbrck; Position at UW; Candidates; Interview; http://archives.library.wisc.edu/oral/guide/set53.htm | |
87. Sciforums.com - Jewish Laureates Of Nobel Prizes 1965 lwoff, andre for their discoveries concerning genetic control of enzymeand virus synthesis France 1964 Bloch, Konrad http://www.sciforums.com/archive/index.php/t-3820.html | |
88. Keystone Symposia | Scientific Conferences On Biomedical And Life Science Topics Chrystelle Maric Antoinat, Institut andre lwoff Structure and Distribution ofJoint DNA Molecules during the Naturally Synchronous S Phase in Physarum http://www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/ViewMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=750 |
89. YourDictionary.com - 'madeleine' To 'long Distance' lwoff, André Michel lwoff, andre Michel LWV lx ly1 suff. ly2 suff. .ly Lyallpur lyase lycanthrope lycanthropy http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/browse/48.html | |
90. Evidence For Specific TRPM8 Expression In Human Prostate Secretory Epithelial Ce 2 Institut andre lwoff, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UPR 9079,Villejuif, F94801 France 3 INSERM, U-407, Communications Cellulaires en http://erc.endocrinology-journals.org/cgi/content/abstract/12/2/367 | |
91. Distinctions Et Prix Décernés à L'Inserm Translate this page Top Prior Page Next Page Bottom Documents 1 à 2 sur 2. DEJEAN-ASSEMATAnne prix andre lwoff 1995. ABEL Laurent prix andre lwoff 2000. http://ist.inserm.fr/BASIS/prix/fqmu/prix_u/SDW?M=1&W=NOM_PRIX_GLOBAL = 'ANDRE |
92. Nobel A Psicologia Y Medicina Translate this page 1965 lwoff, andre (Francia) por sus descubrimientos concernientes al controlgenético y la síntesis virósica 1966 Jacob, Francis (Francia) http://www.jai.com.uy/nobelpsicologiaymedicina.htm | |
93. C1: Tables - Sciences evariste galois, 80. wassily leontief, 70. denis papin, 60. andre lwoff, 30.henri atlan, 20. paul emile victor, 20. nikolai lobatchevsk http://funredes.org/LC/english/C1tables/science.htm | |
94. Historical Note - Phyllis Margaret Rountree Guide To Records to the Pasteur Institute where she was introduced to andre lwoff and JacquesMonod, lwoff invited her back the following week for afternoon tea. http://www.austehc.unimelb.edu.au/guides/roun/histnote.htm | |
95. Un Chemin Translate this page andre lwoff annonce deux ans apres, sans nous citer (Ann.IP), la decouverte du ASTRONAUTICS .minkovski lwoff phage robotic surgery time we live http://www.burcomm.net/un_chemin.htm | |
96. GPLF Bulletin N°8 Translate this page MARDI 23 MAI SYMPOSIUM andre lwoff. 14 heures 00 Introduction JeanGENERMONT (Université Orsay) 14 heures 15 Jean-Pierre MIGNOT (Clermont / MNHN) http://www.univ-bpclermont.fr/ASSOC/gplf/GPLF_info_8.html | |
97. André Lwoff - Biography André lwoff André Michel lwoff was born on 8 May 1902 in Ainayle-Château (Allier) . André lwoff obtained his MD in 1927 and his Ph. D. in 1932. http://nobelprize.org/medicine/laureates/1965/lwoff-bio.html | |
98. Medicine 1965 François Jacob, André lwoff, Jacques Monod. third 1/3 of the prize, third 1/3 ofthe prize, third 1/3 of the prize. France, France, France. Institut Pasteur http://nobelprize.org/medicine/laureates/1965/ | |
99. Famous Jews Goldstine and Harry Cohn andre Citroen andre Gregory andre Kertesz andre Lwoffandre Previn andre Weil andrea Dworkin andrei Codrescu andrei Lilienthal http://www.adherents.com/largecom/fam_jews.html | |
100. GPLF: Programme Des Symposia lwoff et la Protistologie d Edouard CHATTONà la Physiologie microbienne . 19 heures 00 Inauguration de l Exposition http://www.mnhn.fr/mnhn/bpph/gplf/programme_symposia_gplf.htm | |
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