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41. Lorenz, Konrad (Zacharias) lorenz, konrad (Zacharias) (19031989) lorenz was born in Vienna and studied medicine there and in the USA at Columbia University. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/L/Lorenz/1.html | |
42. MSN Encarta - Konrad Lorenz lorenz, konrad Zacharias (19031989), Austrian zoologist and Nobel Laureate, who was instrumental in the Find more about lorenz, konrad Zacharias from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576422/Konrad_Lorenz.html | |
43. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Konrad Lorenz Physiology Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine lorenz, konrad ( The Nobel Foundation MSN Encarta Premium. Get more results for konrad lorenz http://encarta.msn.com/Konrad_Lorenz.html | |
44. Alibris: Konrad Lorenz Used, new outof-print books by author konrad lorenz. Offering over 50 million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Lorenz, Konrad | |
45. Lorenz, Konrad - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Lorenz, Konrad Columbia Encyclopedia® article about lorenz, konrad. lorenz, konrad. Information about lorenz, konrad in the Columbia Encyclopedia®. http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Lorenz, Konrad | |
46. Konrad Lorenz: Books On Konrad Lorenz Search results for konrad lorenz, books on konrad lorenz. http://www.campusi.com/author_Konrad_Lorenz.htm | |
47. Lorenz, Konrad Books On Lorenz, Konrad Search results for lorenz, konrad, books on lorenz, konrad. http://www.campusi.com/author_Lorenz,_Konrad.htm |
48. Lorenz, Konrad Famous Quotes Famous quotes by lorenz, konrad Historians will have to face the fact that natural selection determined the evolution of cultures in 1903-1989 Austrian http://www.borntomotivate.com/FamousQuote_KonradLorenz.html | |
49. Konrad Lorenz Translate this page Im Aphorismen - Archiv ® finden Sie mehr als 1000 Zitate, Sprichwörter und Aphorismen, sowie die biographischen Daten zu den Autoren. http://aphorismen-archiv.de/autoren/autoren_l/lorenz.html | |
50. National Academy Of Sciences - Deceased Member Testing 1 .. 2 .. 3 Advanced Search. lorenz, konrad. Date of Birth, November 7, 1903. Elected to NAS, 1966. Date of Death, February 27, 1989. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/nasdece.nsf/(urllinks)/NAS-58MW2P?opendocu |
51. Lorenz, Konrad - MavicaNET lorenz, konrad. Sites total 2 konrad lorenz English URL http//www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1973/lorenz-autobio.html http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/bel/18966.html | |
52. Konrad Lorenz Translate this page Kefk Network Fauna Informationen und Diskussionen rund um Samoyeden. http://www.kefk.net/Fauna/Literatur/Autoren/Lorenz.Konrad/index.asp | |
53. Famous Quotes From Famous People. lorenz, konrad, It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young. http://www.studyworld.com/newsite/Quotes/quotebyauthor.asp?ln=Lorenz&fn=Konrad |
54. History Of Psychology - Famous Psychologists And Philosophers konrad lorenz An Austrian zoologist and ethologist. Refer also to Creative Quotations from konrad lorenz (1903-1989) - History on lorenz - konrad http://www.psychnet-uk.com/training_ethics/psychologists.htm |
55. SALVE: People - Emberek Biography in English at hte homapage of the konrad lorenz Research Station in Grunau (WWW gruenau). Autobiography (WWW nobel) http://www.behav.org/00people/Lorenz_Konrad_eng.html | |
56. ...:::Konrad Lorenz Research Station, Grünau Im Almtal:::... Konrad Lorenz Fors http://www.univie.ac.at/zoology/nbs/gruenau/ |
57. The Konrad Lorenz Institute We changed appearance and moved to. http//kli.ac.at. http://www.univie.ac.at/evolution/kli/introduction.html | |
58. Ethologie: Konrad Lorenz - Der Mit Den Graugänsen Badet - Stern.de Translate this page konrad lorenz war einer der Begründer der Verhaltenslehre und sorgte zudem durch einige äußerst populäre Bücher für deren weltweite Anerkennung. http://www.stern.de/wissenschaft/natur/?id=180719 |
59. Konrad Lorenz Biography - Imprinting An outline biography of konrad lorenz famous as a founder of Ethology and a discoverer of Imprinting. http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/scientist/konrad_lorenz.html | |
60. This Page Has Moved!!! konrad lorenz. Our konrad lorenz page has moved! To proceed to new location please http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/konrad_lorenz.html | |
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