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         Loewi Otto:     more detail
  1. Pharmakologe: Alexander Fleming, James Whyte Black, Oswald Schmiedeberg, Hans Horst Meyer, Otto Loewi, Peter Holtz, Rudolf Buchheim (German Edition)
  2. German Pharmacologists: Otto Loewi, Rudolf Magnus, Monika Schäfer-Korting, Louis Lewin, Ulrich Förstermann
  3. Hochschullehrer (New York University): Norman Finkelstein, Ludwig Von Mises, Otto Loewi, Peter Drucker, Andreas Floer, Percy Grainger (German Edition)
  4. Otto Loewi Ein Lebensblid in Dokumenten by Fred Und Wolfgang Giere Lembeck, 1968-01-01
  5. Otto Loewi: Ein Lebensbild in Dokumenten by Fred & Giere, Wolfgang Lembeck, 1968
  6. Otto Loewi. Ein Lebensbild in Dokumenten: Biographische Dokumentation und Bibliographie (German Edition) by Fred Lembeck, Wolfgang Giere, 1968-01-01
  7. From the Workshop of Discoveries by Otto Loewi, 1953-01-01
  8. Science in Progress Fourth Series by Walter R.; Peter Debye; Detlev W. Bronk; Henry Eyring; Selig Hecht; Isidore I. Rabi; Otto Loewi; K.C.D. Hickman; George D. Birk, 1945-01-01
  9. The Nobel Prize in medicine, 1936: Dale and Loewi and the previous Nobel Prize men in physiology and medicine by John F Fulton, 1936
  10. ZUR KENNTNIS DER TETANUSVERGIFTUNG. Offprint from Sitzungsberichten der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Nr. 2 February 1904. by O (Otto) (SIGNED) Nobel Laureate. LOEWI, 1904
  11. Neurotransmitter: Chemistry, Chemical Synapse, Neuron, Cell, Otto Loewi, Acetylcholine
  13. Science in Progress by Detlev W Bronk, Selig Hecht, Otto Loewi, George D Birkhoff, Peter Debye, Henry Eyring, Isidore I Rabi, K Hickman, C Elvehjem, Edwin J Cohn Miles Walter R, 1945
  14. The Chemical Languages of the Nervous System: History of Scientists And Substances by Josef Donnerer, Fred Lembeck, 2006-03-15

81. Loewi
loewi, otto (szül. 1873. jun. 3. Frankfurt am Main ? megh. 1961. dec. 25.New York), német születésu amerikai orvos és farmakológus, 1936ban Sir Henry
Loewi, Otto (szül. 1873. jun. 3. Frankfurt am Main – megh. 1961. dec. 25. New York), német születésu amerikai orvos és farmakológus, 1936-ban Sir Henry Dale -lel megosztva élettani-orvosi Nobel-díjat kapott az idegingerek kémiai átvitelével kapcsolatos felfedezéseiért. Loewi, miután 1896-ban orvosi diplomát szerzett a Német Egyetemen (ma Strasbourgi Egyetem), európai egyetemeken tanult és tanított, majd 1909-ben Grazban (Ausztria) a gyógyszertan professzora lett. 1940-ben az Amerikai Egyesült Államokba ment: a New York-i Orvostudományi Egyetem professzorává nevezték ki, ott dolgozott haláláig. Neurológiai kutatásai (1921–26) szolgáltatták az elsô bizonyítékokat arra vonatkozóan, hogy kémiai anyagok szerepet játszanak az ingereknek egyik sejtrôl a másikra, ill. neuronról a megfelelô szervre történô átvitelében. Munkatársaival békaszívben az idegek ingerlésével lelassították a szívritmust. Az ezen a szíven átáramló folyadékot egy második szíven is átáramoltatták, amelyben az idegeket nem ingerelték; a szívritmus ez utóbbiban is csökkent, jelezve a hatóanyag jelenlétét a folyadékban. Errôl az anyagról kimutatták, hogy azonos az acetilkolinnal, amelynek élettani tulajdonságait Dale 1914-ben részletesen leírta. Az acetilkolint Dale és Harold Dudley 1929-ben elôállította. Az idegrendszerrel kapcsolatos kutatásai mellett Loewi tanulmányozta a cukorbetegséget és a digitalis és epinephrin gyógyszerek hatását is. Kidolgozta a Loewi-próbát a hasnyálmirigy-betegség kimutatására.

82. New York Academy Of Sciences
otto loewi, professor of pharmacology at Graz, had won the Nobel Prize in 1926 Homer Smith and otto loewi had arranged for Cannon to come to NYU on his

The otto loewi Center for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology was established in1987. It grew out of a fruitful collaboration of many years between a
The Otto Loewi Center for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology was established in 1987. It grew out of a fruitful collaboration of many years between a leading Hebrew University neurobiologist, the Center's present director, and a well-known German scientist of the University of Munich, Chairman of the Center's Scientific Advisory Board.
The research at the Center deals with fundamental problems related to the nervous system. Much of the work is carried out on marine invertebrates as model systems, since the properties of the neurons, the basic units of the nervous system, are similar in all animals - from the simplest to the most complex. Thus, the same principles govern membrane properties, synaptic regeneration and development, neural networks, and learning and memory in the simple nervous systems of marine invertebrates and in the highly complex human brain.
The main ongoing research topics include: pre- and post-synaptic transmission; calcium imaging; calcium in transmitter release; calcium in cell death; mathematical models of neural networks; proteins involved in synaptic activity; neuronal plasticity and regeneration; axonal transport; properties of CNS neurons in mammals; and brain slices. Members of the Center are at the forefront of scientific knowledge in these areas.
To carry out these specific research objectives, the Center operates in two main laboratory complexes: spacious laboratory and office facilities at the Hebrew University's Institute of Life Sciences on the Givat Ram campus, and laboratories at the Inter-University Heinz Steinitz Institute for Marine Biological Research in Eilat, which are fully equipped for work with the marine animals that are naturally abundant there.

84. Royal Society | About The Society | History Of Science | Biographies Of Fellows
loewi, otto. Biographical Memoirs 1962 vol 8 pp 6789, plate, by HH Dale. Logan,Sir William Edmond. Proceedings 1875-1876 vol 24 pp i-ii. London, Heinz

85. WHKMLA : Biographies Of Austria, By Period
loewi, otto, 18731961, winner of the 1936 Nobel Prize for Medicine from Nobele-Museum, 136 lines, illustrated Musil, Robert, 1880-1942,
History of the Czech Republic History of Hungary First posted on November 12th 2002, last revised on May 11th 2005
External Links : Biographies related to Austrian History

For links on general biographical sources, go to Biographies Main Page
Austria Lexicon
, from AEIOU, English version; of the more than 14,000 entries, most are (brief) biographies.
World Statesmen : Austria , by Ben Cahoon; not biographies, but lists of kings, prime ministers etc, since the 18th century; Rulers : Austria , by B. Schemmel; World Rulers : Austria , by Enno Schulz, illustrated; Leaders of Austria, from ZPC , including foreign ministers, party leaders

Mathematicians born in Austria, from MacTutor
Knights of the Golden Fleece : Austrian Fleece , 1712-1798. in French
Who is Who : Austria-Hungary, from , 41 lines
Encyclopedia of Marxism

Wer ist Wer (Who is who), from , in German Solving Problems Through Force. Austria's Leadership in WW I, by Glenn W. Stefanovics Printed Reference : Biographies related to Austrian History For biographies on periods prior to 1918 see Austria-Hungary Republic, 1918-1938

86. Österreichischer Neurologieforscher Erhält Otto Loewi Preis
Translate this page Der diesjährige otto loewi Preis der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Der Preis trägt den Namen des österreichischen Pharmakologen otto loewi,

87. - Jewish Laureates Of Nobel Prizes
1936 loewi, otto for their discoveries relating to chemical transmission ofnerve impulses Austria 1931 Warburg, otto Heinrich Science PDA View Full Version : Jewish Laureates of Nobel Prizes Radical 09-02-01, 01:13 PM Jewish Laureates of Nobel Prize in Physics
Year Nobel Laureate Country of birth
1997 Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude
"for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light" Algeria
1996 Lee, David M.
"for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3" USA
1996 Osheroff, Douglas D.
"for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3" USA
1995 Perl, Martin L.
"for the discovery of the tau lepton " Russia
1995 Reines, Frederick "for the detection of the neutrino" USA 1992 Charpak, Georges "for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber" Poland 1990 Friedman, Jerome I. "for their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics" USA 1988 Lederman, Leon M.

88. W. H. Calvin's THE CEREBRAL SYMPHONY (ch.5: The Electrically Exciting Life Of Th
Churchyard; graves of otto loewi and Stephen Kuffler. Fin de siecle arguments.loewi s discovery of puff of perfume used to bridge gap between two nerve
Home Page Public Bookmarks The Calvin Bookshelf A book by
William H. Calvin


SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98195-1800 USA The Cerebral Symphony
Seashore Reflections on the
Structure of Consciousness

William H. Calvin
You may download this for personal reading but may not redistribute or archive without permission (exception: teachers should feel free to print out a chapter and photocopy it for students). The Electrically Exciting Life
of the Inhibited Nervous Cell Men ought to know that from nothing else but from the brain come joys, delights, laughter and sports, and sorrows, griefs, despondency and lamentations. Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) How is it that I am a collection of a hundred billion nerve cells, yet I think and act as one? S everal centuries ago, we were remarkably ignorant of how the brain worked, this despite the brain being identified as the seat of thought and feeling by each of the four great ancient civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China. Or at least by some of their best thinkers (Egyptian embalmers still threw out the brain but attempted to preserve the heart and liver). The brain as "where all the action is" didn't become part of the everyday concepts of educated people until much more recently.
With the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution came a gradual improvement in knowledge about the brain; by the end of the nineteenth century, many of the major neurological disorders had been identified, and the brain was seen to be made up of a great many cells organized in spectacular ways. Here, surely, were the parts from which one could construct an explanation for the major mental phenomena.

89. Otto Loewi
Especiales Diario Médico Translate this page otto loewi nació en Frankfort en 1873. Sin vocación médica, estudió Medicinaforzado por su familia, licenciándose en la Universidad de Estrasburgo.
Otto Loewi
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Otto Loewi
Otto Loewi June 3 December 25 ) was a German American pharmacologist . His discovery of acetylcholine helped in enhancing medical therapy and personally earned for him the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine which he shared with Sir Henry Dale
According to Loewi, the idea for his key experiment came to him in his sleep. The next day, he dissected out of frogs two beating hearts : one with the vagus nerve which controls heart rate attached, the other heart on its own. Both hearts were bathed in a saline solution (i.e. Ringer's solution). By electrically stimulating the vagus nerve, Loewi made the first heart beat slower. Then, Loewi took some of the liquid bathing the first heart and applied it to the second heart. The application of the liquid made the second heart also beat slower, proving that some soluble chemical released by the vagus nerve was controlling the heart rate. He called the unknown chemical Vagusstuff . It was later found that this chemical corresponded to acetylcholine (Kandel, et al 2000).

90. Nobel A Psicologia Y Medicina
Translate this page 1936 loewi, otto (Austria) “ por sus descubrimientos relativos a la transmisiónquímica de los impulsos nerviosos” 1944 Erlanger, Joseph (USA)
Inicio Actividades Artículos Baby jai ... Un uruguayo en Israel
Palestinos saquean invernaderos y asentamientos en Gaza. Hay dudas sobre la capacidad de las fuerzas palestinas de imponer orden en Gaza. Premios Nobel a Judíos
Judíos laureados con el premio Nobel en Psicología y Medicina
1908 Mechnikov, Elie (Rusia)
“por sus trabajos sobre inmunología
1908 Ehrlich, Paul (Alemania)
“por sus trabajos sobre inmunología”
1914 Barany, Robert ( Austria)
“por sus trabajos en la fisiología y patología en el aparato vestibular”
1922 Meyerhof, Otto Fritz (Alemania)
“por sus estudios sobre la relación entre el consumo de oxígeno y el metabolismo
del ácido láctico en el tejido muscular”
1930 Landsteiner, Karl (Austria) “por el descubrimiento de los grupos sanguíneos humanos” 1936 Loewi, Otto (Austria)

91. Premios Nobel De Medicina
loewi, otto. 1937, Nagyrapolt, Albert Szent-GyorgyiVon. 1938, Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois. 1939, Domagk, Gerhard
Premios Nobel de Medicina
PRINCIPAL ÍNDICE Notas [ Nobel Medicina ] Nobel Química Tema Ganador Behring, Emil Adolf Von Ross, Sir Ronald Finsen, Niels Ryberg Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich Koch, Robert Cajal, Santiago Ramon Y.; Golgi, Camillo Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse Ehrlich, Paul; Metchnikoff, Ilya Ilyich Kocher, Emil Theodor Kossel, Albrecht Gullstrand, Allvar Carrel, Alexis Richet, Charles Robert Barany, Robert Bordet, Jules Krogh, Schack August Steenberger Hill, Sir Archibald Vivian; Meyerhof, Otto Fritz; Banting, Sir Frederick Grant; Macleod, John James Richard; Einthoven, Willem; Fibiger, Johannes Andreas Grib Wagner-Jauregg, Julius Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri Eijkman, Christiaan; Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Landsteiner, Karl Warburg, Otto Heinrich Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas; Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott Morgan, Thomas Hunt Minot, George Richards; Murphy, William Parry; Whipple, George Hoyt Spemann, Hans Dale, Sir Henry Hallett; Loewi, Otto Nagyrapolt, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Von Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois Domagk, Gerhard

92. LoLo
loewi, otto (18731961) American scientist, pharmacologist, author and physician -Born June 3, 1873 in Frankfurt, Germany. He was a neurobiologist that
LO Fu-Shing (1886-1914) Chinese patriot - China 2450 LO Kuan-chung, also Pinyin LUO GUANZHONG (c. 1330-c.1400) Chinese writer. Born about 1330, T'ai-yüan?, Shansi province, China, he was a Chinese writer to whom has been attributed such classic Chinese novels as San Kuo chih yen-i Romance of the Three Kingdoms ) and Shui-hu chuan Water Margin) also known to English readers as All Men Are Brothers . Almost nothing is known about the life of Lo Kuan-chung. His authorship of San Kuo chih yen-i and Shui-hu chuan (the latter jointly with Shih Nai-an), however, has increasingly been disputed. The first work is a historical narrative that exists today in a version of 120 chapters, while the second is a semihistorical picaresque novel of 100 chapters, written in the colloquial style, about a band of outlaws. Both works enjoy continued popularity among Chinese readers. He died c. 1400, Hangchow?, Chekiang province, China - Chinese People's Republic CHN1998H26 (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) LOBACHEVSKI, Nikolai Ivanovich (1792-1856) Russian educator, mathematician, author - Russia 1575; 1822 LOBATO, Jose Bento Monteiro (1883-1955) Brazilian author, lawyer, journalist - Brazil 829; 1310

93. Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Records, Index
Richard O 237.3 Loewes Verlag Ferdinand Carl Stuttgart 289.10 loewi,Joseph F. 502.4 loewi, otto 322.8 Loews Incorporated 11.1, 69.9,
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Records, 1873-1996
L L-Lane Lang-Lau Lav-Led Lee-Ler ... Lio-Ll Loa-Lou Lov-Ly Loa-Lou Return to the Index of Correspondents Return to the Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Records Table of Contents Return to Finding Aids
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94. 8.1 Betreffend Otto-Loewi-Preis Der Österreichischen Gesellschaft Für Neurowis
Translate this page 8.1 betreffend otto-loewi-Preis der Österreichischen Gesellschaft fürNeurowissenschaften. Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurowissenschaften bringt
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8. Mitteilungen der Universitätsdirektion
8.1 betreffend Otto-Loewi-Preis der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurowissenschaften
Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurowissenschaften bringt den o. Preis für herausragende Leistungen auf den Gebieten der Neurowissenschaften aus. Termin: 30. November 1996.
Informationen an den Dekanaten. Der Universitätsdirektor:
Dr. E.
MB-Home ... HISTU-Suchen Eigentümer, Herausgeber und Verleger: Univ.Dion der Technischen Universität Wien
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Mag. Irene STIMMER
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Design and development, FGI
Last update October 9th, 1996
Last program update September 11st, 1996 ( Markus Hasleder

95. Nobel Prizes In Medicine
THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSIOLOGY OR MEDICINE 1931 WARBURG, otto HEINRICH, Germany, London, * 1875, + 1968; and loewi, otto, Austria, Graz University,
Nobel prizes in Medicine

96. The New York Review Of Books: 'AN AUSTRIAN JEW'
Readers have questioned the relevance of otto loewi s Jewishness to his otto loewi, on the other hand, was indeed an Austrian Jew, and that has been
@import "/css/default.css"; Home Your account Current issue Archives ... Email to a friend Letter
By Sherwin B. Nuland
In response to The Pill of Pills June 9, 1994 To the Editors I've received several letters objecting to my characterization of the neurologist Otto Loewi as an Austrian Jew, in my review of Peter Kramer's Listening to Prozac NYR , June 9]. I deliberately chose to describe him in this way and it may be appropriate to explain why. Actually, the real choice was made by the Austrians themselves quite long ago, who never let people like Loewi forget that they were Jews first and Austrians only distantly second, if at all. In 1897, the year after Loewi graduated from the German University at Strasbourg, the citizens of Vienna elected as their mayor one Karl Lueger, who had run on an openly anti-Semitic platform. Some authors trace the acceleration of modern Central European anti-Semitism to the mid-1870s, following a stockmarket crash in Germany that was blamed on the failed financial dealings of a Jewish railroad magnate. Anti-Jewish sentiment increased considerably after that time, especially in the German-speaking universities. To quote the Stanford historian Gordon Craig, writing of that period: On no class in Germany did the identification of Jews with materialism and its political and cultural manifestations have greater influence than upon the self-proclaimed protectors of the national heritage, the university professors. At the same time, no more uncritical acceptance of the claims of German nationalism was to be found than in university faculties.

97. Otto Loewi Ein Lebensbild In Dokumenten
otto loewi Ein Lebensbild in Dokumenten. Reviewed by BL Ginsborg. Full text.Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version.

98. OTTO LOEWI Meaning And Definition - Dictionary -
Kisokos A Nobel-díjasok névsora Henry Hallett 1875-1968 GB loewi, otto 1873-1961 USA 1937 Szent-Györgyi Albert1893-1986 H 1938 Heymans, Comille Jean François 1892-1968 B 1939 Domagk,

99. Augenblicke - Otto Loewi
Loewiseine Lebensarbeit kurz zusammenfaßt; aufgenommen in seiner Wohnung in New York
Otto Loewi
"Meine Lebensarbeit"
Ausschnitt aus einer Aufnahme, in der Loewi seine Lebensarbeit kurz zusammenfaßt; aufgenommen in seiner Wohnung in New York. Das Datum der Aufnahme ist unbekannt (1950?). Aus der ORF-CD "Wege des Denkens"

loewi, otto (1873-1961) Austria.por sus descubrimientos sobre la transmisión química de los impulsos
Premios Nobel
WARBURG, Otto Heinrich (1883-1970), Alemania SHERRINGTON, Sir Charles ADRIAN, Lord Edgar Douglas por sus estudios sobre las funciones de la neurona MORGAN, Thomas Hunt (1866-1945) Estados Unidos por sus descubrimientos sobre las funciones hereditarias de los cromosomas WHIPPLE, George Hoyt (1878-1976) Estados Unidos; MINOT, George Richards (1885 - 1950) Estados Unidos; MURPHY, William Parry por sus descubrimientos sobre el tratamiento de las anemias SPEMAN, Hans (1869-1941), Alemania por sus estudios sobre el desarrollo embrionario DALE, Sir Henry Hallett LOEWI, Otto ( 1873-1961) Austria SZENT-GYORGYI, Albert von Nagyrapolt HEYMANS, Corneille Jean François DOMAGK, Gerhard (1895-1964), Alemania por el descubrimiento del prontosil y de las sulfamidas como antibacterianos

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