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Lipscomb William N: more detail | ||||
81. Statement By Nobel Laureates On The Occasion Of The One-hundredth Anniversary Of The attached Statement was released as 150 nobel Laureates gathered in william N. lipscomb (Chemistry, 1976) 66. Alan G. MacDiarmid (Chemistry, 2000) http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2001/12/11_nobel-statement.htm | |
82. Why War? 41 Nobel Laureates Against A War Without Int'l Support Fortyone American nobel laureates in science and economics issued a declaration william N. lipscomb C. Daniel L. McFadden E. Franco Modigliani E http://www.why-war.com/news/2003/01/28/nobellau.html | |
83. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Chemistry - (United Press International) Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 6 (UPI) List of the winners of the nobel Prize inChemistry, established in 1901 1976 william N. lipscomb, United States. http://www.washtimes.com/upi-breaking/20041006-100822-7130r.htm | |
84. Hadiah Nobel Kimia | Ensiklopedi Tokoh Indonesia - Indonesian Famous - Tokoh Nas 1976 william N.lipscomb, AS 1975 John Conforth, Australialnggris, nobel KIMIA2002. John B. Fenn, born 1917 (85 years) in New York City, http://www.tokohindonesia.com/aneka/nobel/kimia/index.shtml | |
85. Nobel Laureates - National Institutes Of Health (NIH) NIH Almanac data on the nobel Laureates. william N. lipscomb, USA, Chemistry.1976. NIGMS, DRG. David Baltimore, USA (shared with R. Dulbecco and HM http://www.nih.gov/about/almanac/nobel/ | |
86. TUBITAK-GMBAE: 1950-1999 Nobel Odulleri Listesi 19501999 Yýllarý nobel Ödülleri Listesi. william N. lipscomb. 1977,Contributions to nonequilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of http://www.rigeb.gov.tr/docs/nobel-50_99.html | |
87. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry nobel Prizes in Chemistry on the stereochemistry of organic molecules andreactions; 1976 william N. lipscomb (USA, *9.12.1919) Structure of boranes http://gifted.kaist.ac.kr:7777/html/internet/echide/science/www.kcsnet.or.kr/edu |
88. The Henry L. Stimson Center - Nobel Prize-winning Scientists In a letter dated March 7, 1997, 46 nobel Prizewinning scientists stated I urgethe william N. lipscomb Mario Molina Joseph E. Murray Daniel Nathans http://www.stimson.org/cbw/?sn=CB20011220133 |
89. A-list Message, [A-List] Nobel Laureates Sign Against A War Without Internatio In July 2000, 50 nobel laureates urged President Bill Clinton to reject a P Yuan T. Lee C william N. lipscomb C Daniel L. McFadden E Franco Modigliani E http://archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/a-list/2003w04/msg00175.htm | |
90. Reviews STOCKHOLM, Oct. 21Saul Bellow won the nobel Prize for Literature today, william N. lipscomb of Harvard, who won the chemistry award for his studies of http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/05/25/reviews/bellow-prize.html |
91. Nobel Laureates Oppose War Against Iraq (January 2003) - News - PhysicsWeb Fortyone American nobel laureates have signed a declaration opposing war with Iraq . Walter Kohn, Yuan T Lee, william N lipscomb, Ahmed H Zewail http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/7/1/14/1 | |
92. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize in Literature. 2002 Imre Kertész 2001 Sir VS Naipaul 2000 Gao Xingjian 1978 PETER D. MITCHELL 1977 ILYA PRIGOGINE 1976 william N.. lipscomb http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
93. Science Blog -- Forty Nobel Laureates Announce Support For `Therapeutic Cloning' Added Manganiello, The nobel statement comes at a critical time when the Senateis considering william N. lipscomb Abbot and James Lawrence Professor, http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archives/K/4/pub4169.html | |
94. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica Translate this page Sito ufficiale del Premio nobel per la Chimica 1976 william N. lipscomb (USA,1919-12-09) Studi sulla struttura dei borani. http://www.itchiavari.org/chimica/tabelle/nobel.html |
95. Kimyaokulu - Nobel ödülü Kazanan Bilim Adamlarý nobel ÖDÜLÜ KAZANAN BILIM ADAMLARI VE YAPTIGI ÇALISMALAR lipscomb, william N.ABD, Harvard Üniversitesi, Cambridge, MA, d. 1919 http://www.kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/nobel/nobel_odulu_kazananlar03.htm | |
96. THIS SEARCH THIS DOCUMENT THIS CR ISSUE GO TO Next Hit Forward The number of US nobel laureates in biomedical related fields is an accomplishmentthat should william N. lipscomb, Abbott and James Lawrence Professor, http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r103:E30NO4-427: |
97. Facultad De Química - Universidad De La Habana nobel. Premios nobel lipscomb, william N.Estados Unidos. Estructura molecular de los boranos. 1977. Prigogine, Ilya http://www.fq.uh.cu/fich.php?id=12&in_id=16 |
98. Academia Mexicana De Ciencias Translate this page Premio nobel de Física 1980. Giant Airshower Detector Design Group. Fermi NationalAccelerator Laboratory william N. lipscomb. Sección Química http://www.amc.unam.mx/membresia/miembros_correspondientes.html | |
99. Premio Nobel De Química Georg Wittig 1978 Peter D. Mitchell 1977 Ilya Prigogine 1976 william NunnLipscomb, Véase También Premio nobel. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n http://www.guajara.com/wiki/es/wikipedia/p/pr/premio_nobel_de_quimica.html | |
100. 100 Nobel Laureates Warn Our Planet! OSLO, Norway December 7, 2001 At the nobel Peace Prize william N. LipscombChemistry, 1976 Alan G. MacDiarmid Chemistry, 2000 http://www.lovearth.net/100NobelLaureatesWarnOurPlanet.htm | |
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