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Lipscomb William N: more detail | ||||
41. Nobel Laureates Call For Action On Global Warming At The Kyoto Climate Summit william N. lipscomb, USA. Chemistry 1976 * Rudolph A. Marcus, USA. Chemistry 1992 Lars Gyllensten, Former Chair, The nobel Foundation http://dieoff.org/page123.htm | |
42. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry william N. lipscomb, Jr. American. organic. 1977. Ilya Prigogine. RussianFrench CANADIAN-BORN CHEMISTRY nobel LAUREATES. 1949. william FRANCIS GIAUQUE http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/CHEM/ | |
43. Nobel Prize Winners Chemistry, Entrance Exam, nobel Prize Winners ChemistryWin Your Entrance Exam General Knowledge. 1976, william N. lipscomb, US. 1977, Ilya Prigogine, Belgium http://www.winentrance.com/noblchem.asp | |
44. Nobel Prize For Chemistry 1976 william N. lipscomb, Jr. (US), for work on the structure and (EliasCorey of Harvard wins nobel Prize in Chemistry) (Chemistry and Industry) http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0105786.html | |
45. William Nunn Lipscomb More on william Nunn lipscomb from Infoplease. nobel Prizes (table) Encyclopedianobel Prizes Year Peace Chemistry Physics Physiology or Medicine http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0829932.html | |
46. PeaceUK And Iraq Body Count Archives - 41 Nobel Laureates Sign Against A War Wit In July 2000, 50 nobel laureates urged President Bill Clinton to reject a proposed$60 william N. lipscomb C. Daniel L. McFadden E. Franco Modigliani E http://peaceuk.co.uk.mdl-net.co.uk/archive/modules.php?name=News&file=article&si |
47. The International Peace Group: 41 Nobel Laureates Sign by william J. Broad Fortyone American nobel laureates in science and economicsissued a william N. lipscomb C Daniel L. McFadden E Franco Modigliani E http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v84/__show_article/_a000084-000025.htm | |
48. Nobel Prizes william Nunn lipscomb (1919 ) 1976, Boranes; bonding and structure. Ilya Prigogine Sabatier, Paul Sanger, Frederick (his first nobel prize) Sanger, http://hilltop.bradley.edu/~rbg/Nobel.html | |
49. AllRefer.com - Nobel Prizes (table) - Encyclopedia 1976, Mairead Corrigan Betty williams, william Nunn lipscomb, Burton RichterSamuel Chao More articles from AllRefer Reference on nobel Prizes (table) http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/N/NoblPrzTABLE.html | |
50. Vincituri Dû Nobel Pâ Chimica (alfabbeticu) - Wikipedia Elencu in òrdini alfabbèticu di li pirsunalità primiati cu lu nobel pi la chìmica 1970 Willard Frank Libby, 1960 william N. lipscomb, 1976. cancia http://scn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincituri_dû_Nobel_pâ_chimica_(alfabbeticu) | |
51. Nobel Laureates OSLO, Norway (OTVNewswire) At the nobel Peace Prize Centennial Symposium william N. lipscomb, Chemistry, 1976 Alan G. MacDiarmid, Chemistry, 2000 http://www.onlinecreativeconcepts.com/nobellaureates.html | |
52. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry nobel Laureates in Chemistry 1976 william N. lipscomb (USA) for his studieson the structure of boranes illuminating problems of chemical bonding http://www.3rd1000.com/nobel/nobel.htm | |
53. On The 100th Anniversary Of The Nobel Prize 100 nobel laureates warn that our security hangs on environmental and social william N. lipscomb Chemistry, 1976. Alan G. MacDiarmid Chemistry, 2000 http://www.nativevillage.org/Inspiration-/On_the_100th_anniversary_of_the_.htm | |
54. William Lipscomb: Definition And Much More From Answers.com American chemist. He won a 1976 nobel Prize for his contributions to the theoryof molecular. william lipscomb is mentioned in the following topics http://www.answers.com/topic/william-lipscomb | |
55. Welcome To IOrganik.com-Nobel william N. lipscomb (USA, *191912-09) Structure of boranes. 1977 IlyaPrigogine (Belgium, *1917-01-25) Contributions to the thermodynamics of irreversible http://www.iorganik.com/nobelprizes.htm | |
56. APPUNTI TESINE Vincitori del nobel per la chimica (alfabetico) *JeanMarie Lehn, 1987 *Luis F.Leloir, 1970 *Willard Frank Libby, 1960 *william N. lipscomb, 1976 http://www.matura.it/enciclopedia/vincitori_del_nobel_per_la_chimica_(alfabetico | |
57. APPUNTI TESINE Vincitori del nobel per la chimica (cronologico). Vincitori del nobel per lachimica (cronologico) 1976 william N. lipscomb * 1977 - Ilya Prigogine http://www.matura.it/enciclopedia/vincitori_del_nobel_per_la_chimica_(cronologic | |
58. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY lipscomb, william N.. 1976. Marcus, Rudolph A. 1992. Martin, Archer John Porter ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF nobel PRIZE LAUREATES IN PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE http://www.bioscience.org/urllists/nobelc.htm | |
59. Nobel Conference® - Past Years The nobel Conference® series At Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., Freeman J. Dyson; Charles Hartshorne; *william N. lipscomb Jr. http://www.gustavus.edu/events/nobel/archive/ | |
60. Nobel Conference® - Nobel Laureates Holding Honorary Degrees From Gustavus Adol The nobel Conference® series At Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., william N. lipscomb Jr. Doctor of Science; Isaac Bashevis Singer - Doctor http://www.gustavus.edu/events/nobel/nobelfoundation/degrees.cfm | |
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