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Lipscomb William N: more detail | ||||
21. International Academy Of Quantum Molecular Science - Members - William N. Lipsco william N. lipscomb. Born December 9, 1919 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. nobel Prizein Chemistry (1976). Howe Award (American Chemical Society), http://fractal.chem.emory.edu/members/IAQMS.member.Lipscomb.html | |
22. Lipscomb, William Nunn, Jr. -- Encyclopædia Britannica lipscomb, william Nunn, Jr. American physical chemist who won the nobel Prizefor Chemistry in 1976 for his research on the structure and bonding of boron http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9048458 | |
23. Vander Zalm, William N. -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia william N. lipscomb nobel Foundation Autobiography of this American scientistawarded the nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1976, for his research on the http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9313991 | |
24. Alfred B. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry - Winners Alfred nobel was a Swedish chemist and the inventor of dynamite. 1976,william N. lipscomb, United States, Structure of boranes http://chemistry.about.com/library/weekly/aa120202a.htm | |
25. Pictures Of Nobel Laureates - Chemistry This is an index of photographs of the winners of the nobel Prize in Chemistry . 1975 Vladimir Prelog 1976 - william N. lipscomb http://chemistry.about.com/library/blchemists.htm | |
26. AFOSR Nobel Winners AFOSR nobel Winners. william N. lipscomb. Harvard University Cambridge, MA.Chemistry. studies on the structure of boranes illuminating problems of http://www.afosr.af.mil/afrnobel.htm |
27. The Harvard Guide: A Nobel Legacy 1974 - 2002 william N. lipscomb william N. lipscomb 1919 Chemistry 1976 Later, when hewent to MIT to study economics under nobel Laureate Paul Samuelson, http://www.hno.harvard.edu/guide/faculty/fac8.html | |
28. Reflections, William N. Lipscomb, Harvard University The Pauling Symposium william N. lipscomb, Harvard University Influenced byPauling, I also commented in my nobel lecture, http://oregonstate.edu/dept/Special_Collections/subpages/ahp/1995symposium/lipsc | |
29. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry Deutsche Version nobel Prize for Chemistry (with pictures) molecules andreactions; 1976 william N. lipscomb (USA, *191912-09) Structure of boranes http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/bib/nobel_chemie_e.html | |
30. Vincitori Del Nobel Per La Chimica (alfabetico) Encyclopedia Vincitori del nobel per la chimica (alfabetico) 1987; Luis F.Leloir, 1970; Willard Frank Libby, 1960; william N. lipscomb, 1976 http://encyclopedie-it.snyke.com/articles/premi_nobel_per_la_chimica.html | |
31. Vincitori Del Nobel Per La Chimica (cronologico) Encyclopedia Vincitori del nobel per la chimica (cronologico) John WarcupCornforth, Vladimir Prelog; 1976 william N. lipscomb; 1977 - Ilya Prigogine http://encyclopedie-it.snyke.com/articles/vincitori_del_nobel_per_la_chimica_cro | |
32. The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1976 For His Studies On The The nobel Prize in Chemistry 1976 of boranes illuminating problems of chemicalbonding . william N. lipscomb. USA. Harvard University Cambridge, MA. http://www.aro.army.mil/accomplish/nobel/1976npchem.htm | |
33. Our Best Point The Way On the 100th anniversary of the nobel prize, 100 nobel laureates warn that our william N. lipscomb Chemistry, 1976 Alan G. MacDiarmid Chemistry, 2000 http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/1207-01.htm | |
34. 41 Nobel Laureates Sign Against A War Without International Support by william J. Broad. Fortyone American nobel laureates in science and economicsissued william N. lipscomb C. Daniel L. McFadden E. Franco Modigliani E http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0128-01.htm | |
35. Scientists And Engineers For Change - The Nobel Letter 48 nobel Laureates Endorse John Kerry. An Open Letter to the American People Gunter Blobel, Medicine, 1999, william N. lipscomb, Chemistry, 1976 http://www.scientistsandengineersforchange.org/nobelletter.php |
36. Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize Winners Chemistry. Text in black is taken directly from Encyclopædia lipscomb, william Nunn, Jr. US. for the structure of boranes. http://www.emsb.qc.ca/laurenhill/science/nobelcm.html | |
37. Nobel Prize Award For Chemistry 1976 To 1977 About the nobel Prize Award for Chemistry from 1976 to 1977 including the scientistslipscomb and 1976 william N. lipscomb, Jr. (1919 ), American http://www.trivia-library.com/b/nobel-prize-award-for-chemistry-1976-to-1977.htm | |
38. Nobel Prizes (table) 1937, EAR Cecil, Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, Sir Walter N. Haworth Paul Karrer 1976, Mairead Corrigan Betty williams, william Nunn lipscomb http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/sci/A0835783.html | |
39. GK- National Network Of Education nobel Prize Winners lipscomb, william N.. 1976. Prigogine, Ilya, 1977.Mitchell, Peter D. 1978. Wittig, Georg, 1979. Brown, Herbert C. 1979 http://www.indiaeducation.info/infomine/nobel/nobelarchive.htm | |
40. American Society For Cell Biology nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1995. william N. lipscomb Abbot and JamesLawrence Professor, Emeritus Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology http://www.ascb.org/publicpolicy/Nobelletter.html | |
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