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         Lenard Philipp Eduard Anton:     more detail
  1. Great men of science;: A history of scientific progress, by Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard, 1933

1. Philipp Lenard
Philipp Lenard Philipp Lenard (18621947) German physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1905 for his research on cathode rays and the

2. Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton
Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton. Make your homepage Can't find what you want? Ask your question here

3. Physics Nobel Laureates 1901 - 1924
LENARD, PHILIPP EDUARD ANTON, Germany, Kiel University, * 1862 (in Pressburg, then Hungary), + 1947 "for his work on cathode rays".

4. Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Von
Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton von (18621947)

5. Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard
Search Biographies. Bio search tips Encyclopedia. Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton fe'lip a'dOO rt n'ton la'n rt Pronunciation Key

6. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Lenard Philipp Eduard Anton
Articles. Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton* Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton (18621947), German physicist and Nobel Prize winner.

7. Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth
Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001

8. Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton
Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton fe'lip a'dOO rt n'ton la'n rt

9. Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard
Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard (1862 1947) F sico alem o nascido Pozsony, depois Pressburg, ent o Hungria, e hoje Bratislava, na Eslov quia

10. Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard Winner Of The 1905 Nobel Prize In
Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.

11. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Lenard Philipp Eduard Anton
lenard philipp eduard anton . Articles Obtenez plus de résultats pour lenard philipp eduard anton
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12. Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard - Wikipedia
Philipp Eduard Anton (von) Lenard, in het Hongaars Fülöp Lénárd (geboren inPressburg (nu Bratislava), 7 juni 1862 – gestorven 20 mei 1947 in Messelhausen)
Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard
(Doorverwezen vanaf Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard Philipp Eduard Anton (von) Lenard , in het Hongaars F¼l¶p L©n¡rd (geboren in Pressburg (nu Bratislava 7 juni – gestorven 20 mei in Messelhausen ) was een natuurkundige en winnaar van de Nobelprijs voor de Natuurkunde in voor zijn onderzoek naar kathodestralen . Hoewel Lenard in Oostenrijk-Hongarije (in het tegenwoordige Slowakije ) werd geboren, was hij het grootste deel van zijn leven werkzaam in Duitsland . In de jaren 1920 keerde hij zich tegen de moderne natuurkunde en tijdens het nazi-regime werd hij met Johannes Stark (Nobelprijs ) de belangrijkste woordvoerder van de " Arische fysica"
Opleiding en bloeitijd als onderzoeker
Lenards vader was een Tiroler wijnhandelaar. De familie was in in de adelstand verheven, maar gebruikte het bijbehorende voorvoegsel ( von ) al sinds het eind van de 18e eeuw niet meer. Philipp studeerde in 1880 eerst in

13. Philipp Eduard Anton Von Lenard - Wikipédia
Philipp Lenard. Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard (nasceuem Bratislava 7 de Junho de 1862, faleceu em Baden-Württemberg a 20 de
Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard
Origem: Wikip©dia, a enciclop©dia livre.
Philipp Lenard Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard (nasceu em Bratislava 7 de Junho de , faleceu em Baden-W¼rttemberg a 20 de Maio de ) © um f­sico e ganhou o pr©mio nobel da F­sica em 1905 pelas suas investiga§µes sobre os raios cat³dicos e o descobrimento de muitas das suas propriedades
Este artigo © somente um esbo§o para um artigo maior sobre f­sica
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14. Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard
Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard.
Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard

15. Physicist / Astronomer L
lenard philipp eduard anton von (18621947) Germany. 1905 Nobel Physics prizefor his work on cathode rays. He was the first scientist born in Hungary to
Physicist / Astronomer Stamps
  • Lagrange Joseph Louis (1736-1813)
  • Lamb Willis Eugene (1913) USA
  • Landau Lev Davidovich
Born: 22 Jan 1908 in Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empire
Died: 1 April 1968 in Moscow, USSR
    Nobel Physics prize for his pioneering theories for condensed matter, especially liquid helium Biography
  • Langevin Paul (1872-1946) France
  • Laplace Pierre Simon (1749-1827)

Laplace understood the universe to be totally operative under the impersonal laws of nature. So in 1773 he set out to give full mathematical explanation to the motions of the heavensin such a way that there would be no more need to call in "God" as the residual part of the equation. This he successfully did through an unprecedentedly in-depth mathematical calculation of the eccentricities in the planetary orbitstaking into account their gravitation attraction to each other as well as to the sun as they moved through their respective orbits. (This work was eventually compiled into the five-volume study: Laplace's work earned him a place in the prestigious French Academy of Sciences. It also removed the idea of God further (if not completely) from the mechanistic cosmology that had been unfolding over the previous century. Not even deism could stand up to this assault. Indeed, the story goes that when Laplace presented a copy of his work to Napoleon, the latter uttered a concern that Laplace had made no mention in his work of the Divine "Originator" of this marvelous systemto which Laplace replied: "I had no need for that hypothesis!"

16. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Lenard Philipp Eduard Anton
lenard philipp eduard anton MSN Encarta Premium. Obtenez plus de résultats pour lenard philipp eduard anton
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17. Physics 1905
philipp eduard anton von lenard. philipp eduard anton von lenard. Germany.Kiel University Kiel, Germany. b. 1862 (in Pressburg, then AustriaHungary)
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1905
"for his work on cathode rays" Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard Germany Kiel University
Kiel, Germany b. 1862
(in Pressburg, then Austria-Hungary)
d. 1947 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1905
Presentation Speech
Philipp Lenard
Swedish Nobel Stamps
The 1905 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

... Peace Find a Laureate: Get to know all 770 Prize Winners! » Games and Simulations » SITE FEEDBACK ... TELL A FRIEND Last modified April 13, 2005

18. Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard Winner Of The 1905 Nobel Prize In Physics
philipp eduard anton lenard, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the NobelPrize Internet Archive.
1905 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    for his work on cathode rays.

    Place of Birth: Pressburg, then Hungary Residence: Germany
    Affiliation: Kiel University
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19. Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton
lenard, philipp eduard anton (18621947) In 1924 lenard became a Nazi.Obsessed with the idea of producing a purely Aryan physics, he spent his later
Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton
Hungarian-born German physicist who investigated the photoelectric effect and cathode rays (the stream of electrons emitted from the cathode in a vacuum tube). Nobel prize 1905.
Lenard was born in Pozsony, Hungary (now Bratislava, Slovak Republic), and studied at Heidelberg and Berlin. In 1898 he became professor of experimental physics at Kiel, and held the same post at Heidelberg 1907-31. In 1924 Lenard became a Nazi. Obsessed with the idea of producing a purely 'Aryan' physics, he spent his later years reviling Albert Einstein and other Jewish physicists.
Lenard's work on cathode rays began 1892, and led him to the conclusion that an atom is mostly empty space. He also suggested that the part of the atom where the mass was concentrated consisted of neutral doublets or 'dynamids' of negative and positive electricity. This preceded by ten years the classic model of the atom proposed by Ernest Rutherford
Lenard devised the grid in the thermionic valve that controls electron flow. He showed that an electron must have a certain minimum energy before it can produce ionization in a gas. He also studied luminescent compounds and, from 1902 onwards, discovered several fundamental effects in photoelectricity.

20. Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05
lenard, philipp eduard anton. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105.
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