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Leloir Luis F: more detail | |||||||
41. UBA - FCEN - Biblioteca Central "Dr. Luis F. Leloir" - Catálogo En Línea (http Translate this page http://www.opac.bl.fcen.uba.ar/ |
42. UBA - FCEN - Biblioteca Central "Dr. Luis F. Leloir" - Catálogo En Línea luis Federico leloir de la Facultad de CienciasExactas y Naturales de la UBA tiene material de las carreras de la Facultad http://www.opac.bl.fcen.uba.ar/openopac_help.php | |
43. Nobel Prize For Chemistry 1970 luis F. leloir (Argentina), for discovery of sugar nucleotides and theirrole in biosynthesis of carbohydrates. 1971 Gerhard Herzberg (Canada), http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0105786.html | |
44. Information Please: 1970 Chemistry luis F. leloir (Argentina), for discovery of sugar nucleotides andtheir role in biosynthesis of carbohydrates. Physics Hannes Alfvén (Sweden), http://www.infoplease.com/year/1970.html | |
45. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Chemistry 1970, luis F. leloir, Argentina. 1971, Gerhard Herzberg, Canada. 1972, Christian B.Anfinsen Stanford Moore William H. Stein, United States United States http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelchem.htm | |
46. What's New At CEGA? Created and directed by Dr. luis F. leloir 1970 Nobel Prize laurate in Chemistry -the Institute is recognized as one of the leading science research http://www.centroargentino.org/en/quepasa.asp?id=41 |
47. Previous Gairdner Foundation Winners Willem J. Kolff, luis F. leloir, Jacques FAP Miller. Jan Waldenström. 1965,Jerome W. Conn, Robin RA Coombs, Charles E. Dent http://www.gairdner.org/priorwinner.html | |
48. CNN.com 1970 luis F. leloir. 1969 Derek HR Barton, Odd Hassel. 1968 Lars Onsager.1967 Manfred Eigen, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish, George Porter http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/chemistry.html | |
49. International: Italiano: Scienze: Chimica: Chimici E Ricercatori: Leloir, Luis - Translate this page luis leloir è stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica, nel 1970, per glistudi sulla biosintesi dei carboidrati. Vedi anche http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Scienze/Chimica/Chimici_e_Ricercator | |
50. Nobel Prizes A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Langmuir, Irving Lee,Yuan Tseh Lehn, JeanMarie leloir, luis Federico Libby, Willard Frank Lipscomb http://hilltop.bradley.edu/~rbg/Nobel.html | |
51. Nobelpreistraeger Luis F. Leloir Vip Promi Und Vip Linkliste Inkl. Stars & Stern http://www.multifind.de/vip/Nobelpreistraeger.vip.Luis._.F.._.Leloir.html | |
52. Index To Scientists And Engineers Biographical File (Library Of Congress) LEHNINGER, AL BIB. LEIGHTON, RB BIB. leloir, luis F. BIB. LEONARD, NELSON J.BIO, BIB, P. LEONTIEF, WASSILY P, BIB. LEOPOLD, STARKET P, BIB. LERAY, JEAN BIO http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/sci-eng-em.html | |
53. 20th Century Awards- 1970 leloir, luis F., Argentina, Institute for Biochemical Research, Buenos Aires, b.1906, d. 1987 for his discovery of sugar nucleotides and their role in http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1970_awards.html | |
54. Former TWAS Members USA, Associate Fellow, Elected 1984; Nil Ratan Dhar (18921987), India, FoundingFellow; luis F. leloir (1906-1987), Argentina, Founding Fellow http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~twas/mbrs/FormerMembers.html | |
55. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry luis leloir. French. bioorganic. 1971. Gerhard Herzberg. GermanCanadian. physical Robert F. Curl, Jr. American. organic. 1996. Sir Harold W. Kroto http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/CHEM/ | |
56. Chemistry International luis F. leloir (19061987), winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Fundación Campomar where Dr. luis Federico leloir (winner of the Nobel Prize in http://www.iupac.org/publications/ci/2000/july/argentina2.html | |
57. Historia Translate this page Estábamos presentes el Dr. luis F. leloir, el Dr. Andrés O. Stoppani, el Dr.Federico A. Cumar y yo, Rodolfo R. Brenner, representando cuatro grupos http://www.saib.org.ar/paginas/html/historia.htm | |
58. CIENCIA HOY 41 - CIENCIA Y SOCIEDAD - Cincuenta Años De Capomar - 2 Translate this page Detrás Alejandro C. Paladini y luis F. leloir, semioculto. (1954). Un cuarto desiglo más tarde estos trabajos le valdrían a leloir ya su grupo el Premio http://www.ciencia-hoy.retina.ar/hoy41/campo2.htm | |
59. CIENCIA HOY 41 - CIENCIA Y SOCIEDAD - Cincuenta Años De Capomar - 1 Translate this page instituto -3 de noviembre de 1947- posa, de izquierda a derecha, luis F.leloir, Juan Lewia, Amelia Zuberbühler de leloir, Jaime Campomar y Hugo Chiodi. http://www.ciencia-hoy.retina.ar/hoy41/campo1.htm | |
60. ASÍ FUNCIONA leloir, luis F. Argentina, 1970. Libby, Willard Frank, EE.UU. 1960. Lipscomb,William N. EE.UU. 1976. MacDiarmid, Alan G. (Compartido), EE.UU. Nva. http://www.asifunciona.com/que_quien/nq_apellido/nobel_quimica_apellido.htm | |
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