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61. PUBLICATION LIST David A. Blank, Arthur G. Suits, and yuan T. lee; Simon W. North and Gregory E. Hall Photodissociation of Acrylonitrile at 193 nm A Photofragment http://www.chem.tamu.edu/rgroup/north/papers.html | |
62. Enciclopedia :: 100cia.com Translate this page yuan T. lee. (En este momento no hay texto en esta p�gina. Para iniciar el art�culo, click editar esta p�gina (http//es.wikipedia.orgyuan_T._lee).) http://100cia.com/enciclopedia/Yuan_T._Lee | |
63. Chinatown-online.com yuan T. lee 1986 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes. http://www.chinatown-online.com/china/facts/worldmost/worldmost.shtml | |
64. Lee, Yuan Tseh. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 lee, yuan Tseh. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/le/Lee-Yuan.html | |
65. Li-yuan Yu-Lee, PhD *lee SH, Mazumdar T, +Galfione M, Garcia GE, Feng L, Kim J, Eissa NT, Lin SH and Yulee Ly. 16-kDa prolactin downregulates iNOS Li-yuan Yu-lee, Ph.D. http://www.bcm.edu/mcb/faculty/yu-lee.html | |
66. Li-Yuan Yu-Lee, Ph.D. - Interdepartmental Program In Cell And Molecular Biology CMB program faculty member Liyuan Yu-lee research description. lee SH, Nishino M, Mazumdar T, Garcia GE, Galfione M, lee FL, lee CL, Liang A, Kim J, http://www.bcm.edu/cmb/?pmid=2452 |
67. Dotmac.info -- Share Your Cool .Mac Stuff! Nobel Prize Winner Dr. yuan T. lee Supporting President Chen 3/18/04 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. yuan T. lee Supporting President Chen 3/18/ http://dotmac.info/pages/13474 | |
68. Eva Y yuan, S.S. F, Cox, LA, Dasika, GK and lee, EY-HP Cloning and functional studies Yazdi, P. T., Wang, Y., Zhao, S., Patel, N., lee, EY-HP, and J. Qin. http://www.ucihs.uci.edu/biochem/faculty/evalee.html | |
69. Part2.html Upasaka lee yuan Chin succeeded in conveying the integral content of Pure Quite a contrast, wouldn t you say? All of us human beings partake in this http://www.ymba.org/direct/part2.html | |
70. Science -- Sign In Nobel Prizewinning chemist lee yuan-tseh is using his scientific skills and Y.-t. lee presides over the growing budget of Taiwan s Academia Sinica, http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/288/5469/1164 | |
71. Yuan Dollar Chinese China River Thai Taiwan Northern Language It can be defined br, yuan T. leeyuan Tseh lee ( Chinese Pinyin L Yunzhe, WadeGiles Li³ yuan³-che²) (born November 19, 1936) is a famous chemist. http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Yuan.htm | |
72. Faculty yuan Chuan lee. Professor Department of Biology Graduate Program Faculty Reiko T. lee Tomiya Noboru Visiting Scholar Takeomi Murata Graduate Student http://www.bio.jhu.edu/Faculty/Lee/Default.html | |
73. àÊǹҡѺ¹Ñ¡ÇÔ·ÂÒÈÒʵÃìÃÒ§ÇÑÅâ¹àºÅ yuan T. lee is a Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Professor emeritus of the yuan T. lee was born in Hsincha, Taiwan, and studied Chemistry at the National http://www.most.go.th/nobelforum/File/Lee.htm | |
74. Chemistry International -- Newsmagazine For IUPAC As noted above, Dr. yuan T. lee offered three oneyear fellowships for Middle Eastern scientists to receive advanced training through study at the http://www.iupac.org/publications/ci/2004/2603/2_malin.html | |
75. Weekly List Of Books procedures ed by yuan C lee, Reiko T lee. Amsterdam Academic press, 2003. xxxviii, 625p. incl. bibl. ISBN 012-182265-6. http://www.library.iisc.ernet.in/access/wklstbks/29dec2k3.html | |
76. Harvard Gazette: Twelve To Receive Honorary Degrees yuan T. lee won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1986 and currently is president of the Academia Sinica, a governmentsponsored research institution in Taiwan. http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2002/06.06/01-honorarydegrees.html | |
77. PRESIDENT-ELECT SAYS INAUGURATION SPEECH WON T PROVOKE BEIJING But he pointed out this does not mean he doesn t attach importance to Meanwhile, Chen called on lee yuantseh, the president of Academia Sinica, http://www.fas.org/news/taiwan/2000/e-05-03-00-7.htm | |
78. LU-YUAN LEE, Ph.D. Photo of Luyuan lee, Ph.D. LU-yuan lee, Ph.D. Fred W. Zechman Professor J. Physiol. (London). (In press, 2005). Ruan, T., Q. Gu, and L.-Y. lee. http://www.mc.uky.edu/physiology/people/FACULTY/lee research.asp | |
79. Who's Who In The ROC I TOU, JULIUS T. ? Mem., Acad. Sinica 72; Grad. Res. yuan 96-; b. Twn. Aug. 31, 39; m. lee, Hsiu-chih; 1 s., 1 d.; educ. MPS, NCCU 66; Staff Mem., http://www.gio.gov.tw/taiwan-website/5-gp/who/who1-6.htm | |
80. Yuan Shigai - Definition Of Yuan Shigai By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus Meaning of yuan Shigai. What does yuan Shigai mean? yuan Shigai synonyms, yuan Shigai yuan Shu yuan Shu Chi yuan T lee yuan T. lee yuan Tan http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Yuan Shigai | |
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