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81. Tsung Dao Lee Tsung Dao lee was born in Shanghai, China, in 1926. After studying at ZhejiangUniversity, he won a scholarship in 1946 to the University of Chicago, http://physics.nist.gov/GenInt/Parity/people/Lee.html | |
82. [LIB-CHINESE] Re: Parallel Fields (fwd) lee Kuan Yew is a Singaporean. Leo OF lee, lee Tsung Dao, IM Pei, Joseph SM Lau,YoYo Ma are Americans of Chinese descent. They are not Chinese nationals http://library.ust.hk/lib-chinese/msg00092.html | |
83. [LIB-CHINESE] Re: Parallel Fields (fwd) lee Kuan Yew is a Singaporean. Leo OF lee, lee Tsung Dao, IM Pei, Joseph SMLau, YoYo Ma are Americans of Chinese descent. http://library.ust.hk/lib-chinese/msg00093.html | |
84. Tsung Dao Lee Definition From Aiedu.com tsung dao lee definitation from aiedu.com A Free Internet Dictionary. http://dict.aiedu.com/word/tsung dao lee | |
85. Tsung Dao Lee - Definition Of Tsung Dao Lee By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesa Definition of Tsung Dao lee in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Tsung Dao lee.What does Tsung Dao lee mean? Tsung Dao lee synonyms, Tsung Dao lee antonyms http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Tsung Dao Lee | |
86. Tsung Dao Lee (HyperDic Hyper-dictionary) Tsung Dao lee Shopping, The largest selection of TSUNG DAO lee products USA,UK, Canada, Deutschland, France. TV Shop As seen on TV beauty, diets, http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/tsung_dao_lee.htm | |
87. Quotes About Tsung Dao Lee. Read Quotes By And About Tsung Dao Lee Here! Tsung Dao lee. Read quotes by and about Tsung Dao lee here! http://quotes.worldvillage.com/i/b/Tsung_Dao_Lee | |
88. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1957: Tsung Dao Lee Tsung Dao lee *1926 (China). For their penetrating investigation of the socalledparity laws which has led to important discoveries regarding the http://www.nobelpreis.org/english/physik/lee.htm | |
89. Der Nobelpreis Für Physik: Tsung Dao Lee der sogenannten Parität, die zu wichtigen Entdeckungen über die http://www.nobelpreis.org/physik/lee.htm | |
90. Vice-Premier Li Lanqing Meets Nobel Physics Laureate PDO Chinese VicePremier Li Lanqing met Wednesday with 1957 Nobel physicslaureate lee Tsung Dao and other scholars attending a Sino-US physics workshop http://english.people.com.cn/200206/06/eng20020606_97237.shtml | |
91. EMB - Speeches And Articles By Permanent Secretary For Education And Manpower However, it was her contemporaries lee Tsung Dao and Yang Chen Ning, Yang ChenNing and lee Tsung Dao completed their university education in China and http://www.emb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=134&langno=1&UID=101826 |
92. KryssTal : Inventions: 1900 To 1950 lee Tsungdao, Chinese physicist who showed that parity was not always conserved1926. Murray GellMann, USA co-discoverer of the Quark Theory 1929. http://www.krysstal.com/inventions_13.html | |
93. Encyklopedia: Lee Tsung Dao lee Tsung Dao, Li Cung Tao (ur. 1926), amerykanski fizyk pochodzenia chinskiego,pracujacy pierwotnie w Institute for Advanced Studies w http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/62063,haslo.html | |
94. Aeschylus's Agamemnon lee Tsung Dao Weak Interactions and Nonconservation of Parity Nobel Lecture 1957.× Lehn, JeanMarie Supramolecular Chemistry - Scope and Perspectives http://www.chem.wisc.edu/areas/organic/studsemin/derda/derda-ref.htm | |
95. Physicist / Astronomer L lee Tsung Dao (1926) China. 1957 Nobel Physics prize for penetrating investigationof the so-called parity laws which has led to important discoveries http://www.mlahanas.de/Stamps/Data/PHPerson/L.htm | |
96. Vietnam04.in2p3.fr L. Ledermann (Fermilab), lee Shih Chang (Taipeh), lee Tsung Dao (New York), D.Leith (Stanford), V. Luth (Stanford), Nguyen Van Hieu (Hanoi), http://vietnam.in2p3.fr/2004/ | |
97. Accademia lee Tsung Dao. 1995 New York. PANOFSKY Wolfgang KH. 1996 Stanford. PICCIONI Oreste.1998 San DiegoCalifornia. HAENSCH Theodor. 2001 München. CABIBBO Nicola http://www.accademiaxl.it/finalita_prscientifici_med_matteucci_eng.php | |
98. MSN Encarta - Lee, Tsung Dao Translate this page lee, Tsung Dao (Shanghai 1926), fisico nucleare statunitense di origine cinese,compì ricerche Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta lee, Tsung Dao http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761560348/Lee_Tsung_Dao.html | |
99. MISS Translate this page lee TSUNG DAO The nobel Prize in Physics 1957 . YAU - 1982 Fields Medal winnerfor outstanding in Mathematics . Prix de doctorat du CRSNG ( Universite de http://www.ipt.univ-paris8.fr/~chan/miss.html | |
100. Vice-Premier Li Lanqing Meets Nobel Physics Laureate Chinese VicePremier Li Lanqing met Wednesday with 1957 Nobel physics laureateLee Tsung Dao and other scholars attending a Sino-US physics workshop in http://www.edu.cn/20020607/3058076.shtml |
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