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21. Experts Appeal To Build "Green Channel" For Medical Exchange cooperation with a famous marrow donation center under the leadership of Doctorlee tsungdao, an internationally famous specialist on blood disease. http://english.people.com.cn/english/200005/23/eng20000523_41394.html | |
22. Tsung-Dao_Lee TsungDao Lee (? Pinyin Li Zh?ngd?o) (born November 24, 1926) isa Chinese American physicist who did work on high energy particle physics, http://copernicus.subdomain.de/Tsung-Dao_Lee | |
23. Graduate Supply And Demand-College Courses Adapt To Changing Times-SINORAMA Maga For instance, 40 years ago, after ChineseAmerican scientists Yang Chen-ning andlee tsung-dao received a Nobel physics prize, there was a boom in the http://www.sinorama.com.tw/en/print_issue.php3?id=200189008022e.txt&mag=past |
24. Horny Old Physicists - Information Technology Services in 1957 premiul Nobel pentru fizica impreuna cu colegul sau lee tsungdao . Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957 together with his collegue lee tsung-dao. http://www.physicsforums.com/archive/t-57898_Horny_Old_Physicists....html | |
25. Grapevine Yang won the physics Nobel Prize in 1957 jointly with lee tsungdao for theirinvestigation of the so-called parity laws, which led to important discoveries http://www.theexpress.com/express 369/grapevine/grapevine2.htm | |
26. Suzhou, Haven Of Heritage Shi Min, famous microelectronics specialist, Wu Jianxiong, physicist, Nobellaureates lee tsung-dao and Steve Chu are all part of the pride of Suzhou. http://english.sohu.com/2004/07/02/96/article220829621.shtml |
27. Flowers In The Mirrors However, Chineseborn American physicists Yang Chen-Ning and lee tsung-dao thoughtotherwise. They designed sophisticated experiments to test their http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Science/temp-exh/flowers/efj34.htm | |
28. .. International Office Of Sichuan University .. and 5000 people have visited our university, including American vice presidentMr. Bush, the famous scientist Yang ChenNing , lee tsung-dao , etc. |
29. AAPPS WEB Site / AAPPS Archive Without Basic Sciences Today, There Would be no Applications of Science andTechnology Tomorrow (lee tsungdao). BRISPHYS 94 Session Summaries http://www.aapps.org/archive/bulletin/vol05/vol05.html | |
30. Chen Ning Yang, 82, To Marry A 28-year-old Woman In 1957, Yang won and shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with lee tsungdao fortheir penetrating investigation of the so-called parity laws, which has led http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-12/16/content_400791.htm | |
31. Untitled Translate this page Dos semanas antes, cuando el laureado del Premio Nobel de Física, lee tsung-dao,y el ex rector de la Universidad Nacional Tsinghua, Shen Chun-shan, http://www.gio.gov.tw/info/noticia97/2000/7/p4.htm | |
32. Backgrounds China In 1957, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with lee tsungdao for theirpenetrating investigation of the so-called parity laws, which has led to http://www.nuffic.nl/positionering/epos/1104/china/backgrounds/backchina2.html | |
33. Taipei Times - Archives Chiang was commenting on a falling out between the first two Chinese Nobellaureates, Yang and lee tsungdao ( ? ) who won the 1957 Nobel Prize in http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2002/11/17/179882 | |
34. Digital Inspiration: An 82-year-old Nobel Laureate Will Marry 28-year-old Gradua Yang shared the 1957 Nobel with colleague lee tsungdao. He became a US citizenin 1964 and held professorships at the Institute for Advanced Study in http://labnol.blogspot.com/2004/12/82-year-old-nobel-laureate-will-marry.html | |
35. 知识塑造人: Recent Entries In 1957, Yang shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with lee tsungdao for theirpenetrating investigation of the so-called parity laws, which has led to http://www.20six.co.uk/cfqf | |
36. TWAS Members1999 LEE Sang Soo (I) Korea Rep. Fellow, Elected 1988. lee tsungdao (I) USA NobelPrize, Physics, 1957 Associate Founding Fellow. LEE Yuan Tseh (D) USA http://phyvirtual.nju.edu.cn/mirror/www.ictp.trieste.it/~twas/mbrs.html |
37. News Of Tsinghua University-Accomplished Scholar Yang Zhenning In 1957, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with lee tsungdao for theirpenetrating investigation of the so-called parity laws, which has led to http://news.tsinghua.edu.cn/eng__news.php?id=681 |
38. Li Ka Shing Foundation Speaking at the First International Chinese Physics Conference at ShantouUniversity, worldrenowned physicist and Nobel prize winner Dr. lee tsung-dao said http://www.lksf.org/eng/media/speech/19951102.shtml | |
39. Remarks At Fudan University In Shanghai, China the universe and the fundamental nature of matter has been expanded by theNobel Prize winning scientist, Dr. lee tsungdao, who was born in Shanghai. http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/speeches/1984/43084e.htm | |
40. Oskar Kelins Gästbok - Tsung-Dao Lee TsungDao Lee föddes 1926 i Shanghai och Chen Ning Yang föddes 1922 i Hofei.Båda fick sin första utbildningar i Kina och skickades efter kriget som http://www.oskarklein.gastbok.physto.se/lee.html | |
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