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61. AIP International Catalog Of Sources lederman, leon M. Subjects. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales lederman, leon M. by title. Personal dossier . MARC Display http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/3812.html | |
62. Remarks Of Honorary Degree Recipients Winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in physics, leon M. lederman is director emeritus of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., and Pritzker http://www.gwu.edu/~newsctr/newscenter/commencement04/lederman_remarks.html | |
63. GW News Center leon M. lederman, Doctor of Public Service Winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in physics, leon M. lederman is director emeritus of Fermi National Accelerator http://www.gwu.edu/~media/pressview.cfm?ann_id=11782 |
64. PITTCON '96 Plenary Speaker Dr. leon M. lederman Dr. leon M. lederman, former director of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FermiLab), will be the 1996 Pittsburgh Conference http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/~atbrooks/lederman.html | |
65. May 27, 1998 Nobel Laureate Physicist Leon M. Lederman To Receive Nobel Laureate Physicist leon M. lederman to Receive Honorary Penn State Doctoral Degree. Penn State s Board of Trustees approved today (May 15) the http://www.science.psu.edu/alert/Lederman6-98.htm |
66. Math Is Fun Forum / Puzzles The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God leon M. lederman. Offline http://www.mathsisfun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=171&p=1 |
67. Math Is Fun Forum / Puzzles The physicists defer only to mathematicians, and the mathematicians defer only to God leon M. lederman. Online. 3 2005-03-20 083351 http://www.mathsisfun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=805 |
68. Encyclopedia: Leon M. Lederman Other descriptions of leon M. lederman. leon Max lederman (born July 15, 1922) is an American experimental physicist Fermilab s leon M. lederman webpage http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Leon-M.-Lederman | |
69. Student News Net: Explore Your World Dr. leon M. lederman. Dr. leon M. lederman. Dr. leon lederman, Physicist Student News Net. BATAVIA, Il., Dr. leon M. lederman, internationally renowned http://www.studentnewsnet.com/careers/index.php?fuseaction=home.DisplayStory&id= |
70. Testimony Of Lederman Dr. leon M. lederman Resident Scholar Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. INTRODUCTION. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, http://edworkforce.house.gov/hearings/106th/fc/mathsci92100/lederman.htm | |
71. Leon M. Lederman Biography .ms leon M. lederman. Related Links. leon lederman quotes. leon Max lederman (born deleon Max lederman huleon Max lederman plleon Max lederman svleon M http://www.biography.ms/Leon_M._Lederman.html | |
72. Nobel Prize In Physics 1988 leon M. lederman Button 1/3 of prize Button USA Button born 1922 Button CA Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/nobel1988.html | |
73. Illinois State Society: 2005 Outstanding Illinoisans leon M. lederman Winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Physics leon M. lederman, internationally renowned highenergy physicist, is Director Emeritus of Fermi http://www.illinoisstatesociety.org/Gala2005Outstanding.htm | |
74. Enrico Fermi Award Web Site leon M. lederman, 1992. For his pioneering achievements in high energy physics exemplified by his discovery of the upsilon particle and the muon neutrino, http://www.pnl.gov/fermi/citations/lederman-cit.html | |
75. Pangea World - Advisory Board Biographies Dr. leon M. lederman. (1988 Nobel Laureate in Physics) is Resident Scholar at Internationally renowned highenergy physicist leon M. lederman has been a http://www.pangeaworld.com/think_tank/lederman_bio.html | |
76. About Fermilab - History And Archives Project leon lederman The leon M. lederman Collection contains the multimedia records of the history (1922 - present) and administration (1978-89) of the second http://history.fnal.gov/lederman.html | |
77. BookHq: From Quarks To The Cosmos: Tools Of Discovery By Leon M. Lederman,David by leon M. lederman,David N. Schramm Editionn/a Pages242 Book FormatSoftcover ISBN0716760126 Date Published11/1995 PublisherWH Freeman Company http://www.bookhq.com/compare/0716760126.html | |
78. Reflections - Lederman REFLECTIONS. Dr. leon M. lederman. Question 1 My major interest is in achieving a science literate citizenry. Future scientists and engineers are not my http://www.woodrow.org/CommissionOnTheSeniorYear/Reflections/reflections_-_leder | |
79. Leon Lederman, Ph.D. Interview -- Page 6 / 8 -- Academy Of Achievement leon lederman, Ph.D. When I left Columbia to become an administrator of I m now talking about it from the point of view of the wellbeing of the nation. http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/led0int-6 | |
80. Leon Lederman, Ph.D. Interview -- Page 5 / 8 -- Academy Of Achievement I m thinking of other discoveries I ve been involved in. leon lederman, Ph.D. Suddenly it became clear that there was a way of testing this parity idea. http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/led0int-5 | |
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