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League Of Red Cross Societies: more books (22) | ||
21. Founding Of The International Federation Of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies The First World War had shown the potential of the Red Cross volunteer base, by Davison resulted in the birth of the league of red cross societies, http://www.icrc.org/Web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList219/BF010B037C8355CBC1256F90004D | |
22. Australian Red Cross International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies the aftermathof World War I. Originally known as the league of red cross societies it http://www.redcross.org.au/aboutus_default.htm | |
23. Australian Red Cross by Davison resulted in the birth of the league of red cross societies, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies web site http://www.redcross.org.au/aboutus_history_international_default.htm | |
24. American Red Cross Museum league of red cross societies, The National Red Cross Societies and Post-WarRelief, 1944. -A Memory of Solferino, by J. Henry Dunant, 1939. http://www.redcross.org/museum/exhibits/library.asp | |
25. American Red Cross Museum Originally called the league of red cross societies, the Genevabased associationis known today as the International Federation of Red Cross and Red http://www.redcross.org/museum/history/leaders.asp | |
26. Red Cross - Definition Of Red Cross In Encyclopedia The terms Red Cross and Red Crescent are often used as short names for the and Red Crescent Societies, formerly the league of red cross societies ; http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Red_Cross | |
27. Ligue Des Sociétés De La Croix-Rouge (League Of Red Cross Societies): Awards W Ligue des Sociétés de la CroixRouge (league of red cross societies) Awards wonby Ligue des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge (league of red cross societies) http://www.123awards.com/artist/2080.asp | |
28. History And Principles - Red Cross And Red Crescent Movement History Davidson s proposal gained immediate support the league of red cross societies,now called the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent http://www.redcross.gr/english/movementen.htm | |
29. Red Cross Humanitarianism In Greece, 1940-45 An extensive report of over 600 pages, the Red Cross report abounds with charts and Red Cross 194146, Geneva league of red cross societies, 1948, p. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v09/v09p-71_Lang.html | |
30. British Red Cross - Creation Of A Peacetime Role For The British Red Cross In May 1919, the league of red cross societies (now the International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)link was formed and extended the http://www.redcross.org.uk/104 | |
31. History And Origin When the Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Federation) was by Davison resulted in the birth of the league of red cross societies, http://www.jamaicaredcross.org/new/historyandorigin.html | |
32. International Red Cross And Red Crescent Movement History: Sub Title league of red cross societies changes name to League of Red Cross and Red CrescentSocieties. 1984. Second World Red Cross Conference on Peace, in Aaland, http://www.redcross.int/en/history/timeline5.asp | |
33. International Red Cross And Red Crescent Movement History: Sub Title The return of the league of red cross societies to Switzerland from Paris in 1939assured continuity and solidarity between all National Societies and with http://www.redcross.int/en/history/not_muralt.asp | |
34. Japan Rec Cross Society - About JRC - History that took the initiative in establishing the league of red cross societies . Copyright 20012005 Japanese Red Cross Society. All rights reserved. http://www.jrc.or.jp/english/about/history.html | |
35. HONG KONG RED CROSS Becomes League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from 1983 and, league of red cross societies moves headquarters from Paris to Geneva at outbreak http://www.redcross.org.hk/home.cfm?Mid=67&FMid=17&popup=0&langid=1 |
36. The Red Cross Emblem There is more than a century of tradition behind the Red Cross emblem as a symbol the league of red cross societies; and the various national Red Cross http://www.nellis.af.mil/Redcross/emblem.htm | |
37. History Of The Red Cross - American Red Cross - Louisville Area Chapter In 1919, largely at the urging of American Red Cross President, Henry P. Davison,the league of red cross societies was formed (it became the Federation in http://www.louisville-redcross.org/site/pp.asp?c=6dJHKSNrFoG&b=274313 |
38. Drgingrassection8 SECTION 8 THE league of red cross societies A. CAN YOU REMEMBER IF REPRESENTATIVESFROM THE league of red cross societies EVER VISITED THE PRISON CAMP(S) http://www.geocities.com/canadianhongkongveteran/drgingrassection8.html | |
39. American Red Cross - Santa Monica Chapter The Geneva Conventions limit the use of the Red Cross emblem and the words RedCross and Committee of the Red Cross; The league of red cross societies http://www.redcrossofsantamonica.org/pages/restrict.cfm | |
40. Peace & Bread, Ch 10 - A Food Challenge To The League Of Nations - Jane Addams At Paris, in May, 1920, when the association of Red Cross societies was organized, of the International Red Cross and the league of red cross societies. http://www2.pfeiffer.edu/~lridener/DSS/Addams/pb10.html | |
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