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Laxness Halldor Kiljan: more detail | |||||||
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23. Halldor Laxness Articles Part Short Stories Play Family Book Halldór kiljan laxness was the son of Sigríður Halldórsdóttir (born 1872) and Halldór laxnesshalldor kiljan laxness (born halldor Gudjonsson ( April 23, http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Halldor:Laxness.html | |
24. Powell's Books - Review-a-Day - Independent People By Halldor Kiljan Laxness, Re it helped ensure the Nobel Prize for its author, Haldor laxness, Independent People by halldor kiljan laxness. A Review by Jill Owens http://www.powells.com/pow/review/2004_01_10.html |
25. Powell's Books - World Light By Halldor Laxness As imagined by Nobel Prize winner laxness in this magnificently humane novel,what might be cruel farce achieves pathos and exaltation. http://www.powells.com/biblio/1-0375727574-0 | |
26. Halldór Laxness - Enpsychlopedia Halldór laxness. (Redirected from halldor laxness). Halldór kiljan laxness (bornHalldór Guðjónsson) (April 23, 1902 February 8, 1998) was a famous 20th http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Halldor_Laxness | |
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28. Independent People -- An Epic -- Halldor Kiljan Laxness J. A. Thompson Brad Leit by halldor kiljan laxness,. Translated by JA Thompson,. Introduction by BradLeithauser. Random House, Inc. Due/Published December 1996, 482 pages, paper http://www.frontlist.com/detail/0679767924 | |
29. BrothersJudd.com - Books By Halldor Laxness Reviewed Halldór kiljan laxnessApril 23, 1902- February 8,1998 -REVIEW of IndependentPeople by halldor kiljan laxness (Jill Owens, Powells.com) http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.authlist/author_id/165 | |
30. BrothersJudd.com - Review Of Halldor Laxness's Independent People: An Epic HALLDÓR kiljan laxness 1955 Nobel Laureate in Literature (Nobel Prize Internet -Halldór kiljan laxness (Icenews) -MEMORIAL ESSAY End of an Epic (BRAD http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/184/Inde | |
31. 93 laxness, Halldór kiljan Skáldsnilld laxness valdar tilvitnanir í skáldverk Halldórs laxness, halldor kiljan VÄRLDENS LJUS OCH HIMLENS SKÖNHET, 1986. http://www.kuopio.fi/kirjasto/ISLANTI/islantil.htm | |
32. Laxness, Halldór - Vita Translate this page halldor laxness, 1955, Fotonobel.se Halldór kiljan Marie Pierre laxness (kiljanGudjónsson). *23.April 1902 in Reykjavik/Island, +9. http://www.lyrikwelt.de/autoren/laxness.htm | |
33. Halldor Laxness - Perlentaucher.de, Kultur Und Literatur Online Translate this page laxness, halldor. halldor kiljan Gudjonsson, der sich - nach seinem Geburtsortin der Nähe von Reykjavik - laxness nennt, wurde 1902 geboren. http://www.perlentaucher.de/autoren/4147.html | |
34. Wilhelm Friese - Knut Hamsun Und Halldor Kiljan Laxness - Perlentaucher.de, Kult Translate this page Knut Hamsun und halldor kiljan laxness. Anmerkungen zu Werken und Wirkung.Francke Verlag, Tübingen 2002 ISBN 3772027806, Kartoniert, 104 Seiten, 16,00 EUR http://www.perlentaucher.de/buch/10380.html | |
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36. ArtsLivres : LAXNESS Halldor - Gens Indépendants Translate this page Halldór kiljan Guðjónsson laxness ( 1902-1998 ) est sans doute aucun le plusgrand écrivain islandais du XXe siècle, tant par le nombre et le poids de ses http://artslivres.com/ShowArticle.php?Id=91 |
37. Sandammeer - Die Virtuelle Literaturzeitschrift Translate this page ist sozusagen nichts Menschliches fremd. Am 9. Februar 1998 starb Halldórkiljan laxness in Reykjavik. Bücher von/über Halldór kiljan laxness bestellen http://www.sandammeer.at/liebe/halldor-laxness.htm | |
38. Laxness, Halldor :: Titel-Magazin :: Literatur Und Mehr Translate this page halldor kiljan Gudjonsson, der sich - nach seinem Geburtsort in der Nähe vonReykjavik - laxness laxness, halldor Benutzeranmeldung 0 Kommentare http://www.titel-forum.de/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1338 |
39. Buecher.de - Bücher | Online | Portofrei Translate this page Knut Hamsun und halldor kiljan laxness, Friese , Wilhelm, Hamsun, Knut / laxness,halldor. http://www.buecher.de/isbn.asp?wea=1100485&isbn=3772027806 |
40. Halldór Kiljan LAXNESS - Vikipedio Literaturo Islandlingva Literaturo halldor kiljan laxness Islanda Lingvo.Halldór kiljan laxness (naskigxis la 23an de aprilo, 1902, mortis la 1-an http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halldór_Kiljan_LAXNESS | |
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