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81. 59 MIT-related Nobel Prize Winners Include Faculty, Researchers, Alumni And Staf robert B. laughlin, Physics, MIT PhD 1979, won with. Horst L. Störmer and. Daniel C. Tsui, researchers at MIT Magnet Lab http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/special/nobels.html | |
82. Kresge Physical Sciences Library laughlin, robert B A different universe reinventing physics from the bottom down / robertB. laughlin New York Basic Books, c2005 Kresge QC24.5 .L38 2005 http://diglib.dartmouth.edu/newbooks/phys.shtml |
83. Tallahatchie County, MSGenWeb Queries 2000-2003 robert Whitman laughlin, b. Jun 9 1830 in South Carolina, , census Oct 4 1850 in Tallahatchie Co MS, d. Dec 24 1888 in Charleston, Tallahatchie Co MS, http://www.rootsweb.com/~mstallah/queries00/query021.htm | |
84. DESCENDANTS OF JAMES LAUGHLIN = = Don robert A. b.Jun 1861 m.Louisa Westfall 3.JOHN M. laughlin 1.JAMES laughlin John M. robert Henry b.Mar 12 1918 75.ALVA laughlin 29.THOMAS laughlin 8. http://www.rootsweb.com/~hcpd/norman/LAUGHLIN |
85. QRZ Callsign Database Update MC KELVEY, robert F KD5AUL G Modified MC laughlin, DANIEL L N8ETN P Admin Update SCHMALING, JR, robert B N1RCI G Renewed SCHMITZ, GARY L KE7AGV G http://www.qrz.com/fcc/2004-03-26.08:01:00.html | |
86. New Books April 11, 2005 laughlin, robert B. New York Basic Books, c2005. QC24.5 .L38 2005. RELATIVITY, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY A BASIC INTRODUCTION / TAPEI CHENG. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/scilib/newbooks/SCI041105.htm | |
87. Untitled Document Curriculum Vitae of robert B. laughlin. EARLY YEARS. I was born on 1 November, 1950 in Visalia, California, a mediumsized town just south of Fresno in the http://qhxb.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/english/web/advisory.files/Laughlin.htm |
88. Robert Laughlin Wins Nobel Prize robert laughlin Awarded 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics. robert laughlin. robert B. laughlin, Horst L. Stoermer, and Daniel C. Tsui are the cowinners of the http://www-phys.llnl.gov/Awards/Laughlin/Laughlin_Nobel.html | |
89. Robert Laughlin - Newsline 10/13/98 robert B. laughlin, a parttime Lab physicist, has won the 1998 Nobel Prize for Physics, along with Horst L. Stormer of Columbia and Daniel C. Tsui of http://www-phys.llnl.gov/Awards/Laughlin/Laughlin_Newsline1.html | |
90. ARN Board: Robert Laughlin Clarifies His Views On Evolution robert B. laughlin, A Different Universe (New York Basic Books, 2005), pp. 168169. William A. Dembski http://www.arn.org/ubb/ultimatebb.php/ubb/get_topic/f/13/t/002131.html | |
91. Robert_B._Laughlin - Lexikon - Robert_B._Laughlin - Beschreibung - Physik Translate this page robert B. laughlin. aus Physik, der freien Enzyklopädie. Bearbeiten. robert Betts laughlin. Stanford, USA. Geb. am 1. November 1950 in Visalia, USA. http://www.physik-lexikon.de/wiki/index.php?title=Robert_B._Laughlin |
92. New Titles Cataloged. Brown University Library. L38 2005, laughlin, robert B, A different universe reinventing physics from the bottom down / robert B. laughlin, New York Basic Books, c2005 http://dl.lib.brown.edu/newtitles/lcsearch.php?subject=QC |
93. Nobelpreistraeger Robert B. Laughlin Vip Promi Und Vip Linkliste Inkl. Stars & S http://www.multifind.de/vip/Nobelpreistraeger.vip.Robert._.B.._.Laughlin.html | |
94. The New York Times Books First Chapters Nonfiction Lauck, Jennifer Blackbird A Childhood Lost and Found; laughlin, robert B. A Different Universe Reinventing Physics From the Bottom Down; Laurence, http://www.nytimes.com/ref/books/nonfictionl.html | |
95. Robert B. Laughlin - Wikipedia Efeito hall quântico Translate this page robert B. laughlin nasceu em 1950, em Visalia, Califórnia, Estados Unidos. Professor robert B. laughlin Department of Physics, Varian Bldg http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_B._Laughlin | |
96. Library Of Economics And Liberty: Biographies In Brief A,B C,D,E,F,G H,I,J K L M N,O,P,Q R S T,U,V W,X,Y,Z Thomas robert Malthus received instant renown for his youthful publication of the timely Essay on http://www.econlib.org/library/briefbios.html | |
97. Applegate Directory Ltd Lambourne, Keith Managing Director robert Allen Fabrics Lancaster, Nigel Sales Director G and B Electronic Designs Ltd http://www.applegate.co.uk/indexes/people/all-l.htm | |
98. KAIST-Á÷¿øã±â(°¡³ª´Ù¼ø) Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.kaist.ac.kr/ks_intro/ks_nt_guide/ks_gd_parts/ks_parts_man/1176961_145 | |
99. Çѱ¹°úÇбâ¼ú¿øÇѸ²¿ø¿¡ ¿À½Å°ÍÀ» ȯ¿µÇÕ´Ï´ Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.kast.or.kr/members/detail.asp?boardid=625&page=1 |
100. ?4?[] http://news.hit.edu.cn/2005/05-11/05080903.shtml |
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