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         Laughlin Robert B:     more books (26)
  1. A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down by Robert B. Laughlin, 2005-03-01
  2. The Crime of Reason: And the Closing of the Scientific Mind by Robert B. Laughlin, 2008-09-23
  3. Different Universe Reinventing Physics From the B by Robert B Laughlin, 2005-01-01
  4. Geist und Materie by Robert B. Laughlin, 2008
  5. Biography - Laughlin, Robert B. (1950-): An article from: Contemporary Authors Online by Gale Reference Team, 2007-01-01
  6. Das Verbrechen der Vernunft: Betrug an der Wissensgesellschaft (edition unseld) by Robert B. Laughlin,
  7. Un Universo Diferente by LAUGHLIN ROBERT B., 2007
  8. People From Visalia, California: Monte Melkonian, Michael Finton, Tonya Cooley, Tyler Zeller, Cal Dooley, Robert B. Laughlin, Rich Amaral
  9. A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down by Robert B. Laughlin, 2005-04-30
  10. Crimenes de la razon by Robert B. Laughlin, 2010
  11. Abschied von der Weltformel: Die Neuerfindung der Physik by Robert B. Laughlin,
  13. A Candle for Darkness by Robert Mangum; B492 Laughlin, 1972-01-01
  14. Crímenes de la razón. El fin de la mentalidad científica by Robert B. LAUGHLIN, 2010

41. The Chronicle
By robert B. laughlin. A few years ago I had occasion to engage my robert B. laughlin is a professor of physics at Stanford University and a 1998 Nobel

42. U Of M News Service
Nobel Prize winner robert B. laughlin to speak at UM. DATE March 31, 2004. EVENT robert B. laughlin, physics Nobel laureate and the robert M. and Anne

43. Johns Hopkins Gazette | April 4, 2005
Nobel Laureate robert B. laughlin to Give Brickwedde Lecture. robert B. laughlin, 1998 Nobel laureate in physics and president of the Korean Advanced
About The Gazette Search Back Issues Contact Us The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University
Nobel Laureate Robert B. Laughlin to Give Brickwedde Lecture Robert B. Laughlin, 1998 Nobel laureate in physics and president of the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, will deliver the 2004-2005 Ferdinand G. Brickwedde Lecture in Physics and Astronomy at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5. Titled "The Emergent Age," the lecture will take place in the Bloomberg Center for Physics and Astronomy's Schafler Auditorium on the Homewood campus. One of the world's leading theoretical physicists and a frequent speaker and essayist on public dimensions of science, Laughlin, who also serves as Robert M. and Anne Bass Professor of Physics at Stanford University, is known for proposing a new way of looking at science's fundamental laws. Now on an East Coast tour to promote a new book, A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics From the Bottom Down, Laughlin argues that rather than scrutinizing ever-smaller components of the universe, scientists should turn their attention to what he calls "emergent properties" of large clusters of matter. "If we consider the world of emergent properties instead, suddenly the deepest mysteries are as close as the nearest ice cube or grain of salt," reads a description of the book. "The most fundamental laws of physicssuch as Newton's laws of motion and quantum mechanicsare, in fact, emergent. They are properties of large assemblages of matter, and when their exactness is examined too closely, it vanishes into nothing."

44. Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News In English About Korea
Not even Stalin. robert B. laughlin, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, is president of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

Editorials/Columns Updated Feb.1,2005 22:56 KST
We Were So Proud by Robert. B. Laughlin
One of these colleagues is a powerful mathematician, now on the faculty of the University of Chicago. His work, which I first encountered in the early 1980s, is historically important in theoretical physics. I reference him regularly, as do other people, and I am sure this will continue long after both of us are memories. He is not just a one-dimensional technologist. He is, for example, very athletic and likes climbing mountains. I once went hiking with him in Corsica, discovering unhappily from the experience just how bad I was. He and his wife made a walking trip in the Himalayas north of Islamabad a few years before 9/11. They came back with magnificent descriptions of the adventure-complete with a lurid account of a huge ammunition bazaar they discovered on the road to the Khyber Pass. He is also a strong family man, and has raised a son you would like. Not surprisingly, he has strong feelings for the land of his birth. In the days the communists still controlled things it was safe to travel (it isn't now), so his parents put him on a train by himself and sent him backpacking in the East. He had endless wonderful stories to tell of what he had seen there: great choirs of birch in the Urals, vast deserts you cross to reach the fir forests and glaciers of the Altai Mountains, the boat journey down the Ob to the arctic, the breathtaking blue of the Baikal, and the mysterious jungles beyond the Amur river where the tigers roam.

45. Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News In English About Korea
That is what we have to protect. robert B. laughlin, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, is president of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

Editorials/Columns Updated July.1,2005 22:46 KST
The Great Tower by Robert. B. Laughlin
The last time I flew to San Francisco I flirted with a beautiful baby. It occurred while I was standing in the lavatory line at the back of the plane. She was peering over the shoulder of the man carrying her, and was looking around in that hesitating, unfocused way babies do, when she chanced to look over at me. Her eyes locked in and began twinkling, and her face lit up with a warm smile that could have melted all the ice in Antarctica. She was definitely flirting. No doubt about it. She could not have been more than six months old. I was about to compliment the father on what a handsome and special child he had when he turned, saw what was going on, and broke into a smile himself. She was indeed special, he admitted, and she was on her way to an adoptive home the US. He was not her father, just a courier. Her mother was a Korean student. I was stunned. I don't know why. Babies get adopted all the time. It's the way of this world. It wasn't that the child was emigrating, for I honestly don't think that matters. It was just that her young mother and father, whoever they were, were suffering a loss vastly greater than they could comprehend. This baby was extraordinary. They must have been especially capable and handsome students. My complex feelings in that plane capture very nicely the nature of the controversy surrounding Seoul National University Prof. Hwang Woo Suk's successes in making human clones. I am a big fan of Dr. Hwang and his work, but a lot of people aren't. The reason is that it raises the possibility of creating embryonic clones of yourself to harvest for spare parts, a process that would initiate, and then abort for reasons of expediency, the creation of a person. A lot of people think that babies are so wonderful they should not be sold for parts, even if the baby is a copy of yourself.

46. Der Nobelpreis Für Physik: Robert B. Laughlin
Home Chemie ... Wirtschaft Robert B. Laughlin
(USA) "Für ihre Entdeckung einer neuen Art von Quantenflüssigkeit mit fraktionell geladenen Anregungen"
( gemeinsam mit und Daniel Chee Tsui

47. Robert B. Laughlin - Nobelprijs Voor De Natuurkunde
robert B. laughlin * 1950 (Verenigde Staten). Voor hun ontdekking van een nieuwe vorm van een vloeistof met vibraties waarvan de lading een fractie is van
De Nobelprijs voor de Natuurkunde 1998 Volgende pagina
Vorige pagina

Home ... Economie Robert B. Laughlin
(Verenigde Staten) "Voor hun ontdekking van een nieuwe vorm van een vloeistof met vibraties waarvan de lading een fractie is van de eenheidslading"
( gezamenlijk met en Daniel Chee Tsui

48. 1998 Franklin Institute Laureates
robert B. laughlin did undergraduate and masterslevel work at the University of Daniel C. Tsui, Horst L. Stormer, and robert B. laughlin will share the
The Bower Award and Prize
for Achievement in Science
Sir Martin Rees, Ph.D.

Astronomer Royal
Royal Society Professor, Institute of Astronomy
Cambridge University, England For his contributions to elucidating the nature of quasars, black holes, X- and gamma-ray sources, and many other phenomena in high-energy astrophysics and cosmology. His original ideas span 30 years, from the prediction of superluminal motion in radio sources to exploding fireballs in gamma-ray bursts, always in fruitful contact with observations. He has broadened understanding of the universe by training dozens of creative younger astrophysicists, inspiring public appreciation of science, and formulating science policy. Sir Martin Rees is one of the world's leading theorists in the field of astrophysics and cosmology. He was the first to propose the fantastic and now widely accepted theory that the engines driving the high-energy, deep-space quasars seen through the Hubble Space Telescope are actually enormous black holes. England's Astronomer Royal, Rees was Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy at Cambridge University, and was elected to this chair at the age of 30. He was also president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science and has directed wide-ranging research programs at Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy for the last 20 years. In addition to authoring some 350 research papers and three technical books, Rees has written many general articles on cosmology and its philosophical implications. His latest book, "Before the Beginning," argues that our universe is but one atom in a much larger multiverse.

49. 2004 Benjamin Franklin Medal In Physics
robert B. laughlin, 1998, Benjamin Franklin Medal. Horst L. Stormer, 1998, Benjamin Franklin Medal. Daniel C. Tsui, 1998, Benjamin Franklin Medal
2004 Benjamin Franklin Medal
in Physics Robert B. Meyer, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Physics
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA
Citation: The 2004 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics is awarded to Robert B. Meyer for his creative synthesis of theory and experiment demonstrating that tilted, layered liquid crystal phases of chiral molecules are ferroelectric, thus launching both fundamental scientific advancement in the field of soft condensed matter physics and the development of liquid crystal displays that meet the demands of current technology. Robert Meyer's seminal theories and ground-breaking experimental confirmation of the behavior of ferroelectric liquid crystals is not only a scientific tour de force, but also a potential source of huge economic payoff in terms of advanced, high speed, high resolution, color displays for portable electronic devices. Robert Meyer received his B.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1965 and 1970 respectively. He began his career at Harvard, with visiting professorships at Chalmers Institute of Technology in Göteborg, Sweden and Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris in Paris, France prior to joining the faculty of Brandeis University in 1978. Dr. Meyer was awarded the Joliot Curie Medal of the City of Paris and the Special Recognition Award from the Society for Information Display, among others. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

50. The Lemelson Center For The Study Of Invention Innovation
OV 771.21, laughlin, robert B. (Physics 1998), 6/29/00. OV 771.22, Marcus, Rudolph A. (Chemistry 1992) and Manfried Eigen (Chemistry 1967), 6/26/00
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Nobel Voices Video History Project,
3 cubic feet: 16 DB; 4 ShB
By Alison L. Oswald, August 2001
Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Table of Contents
Scope and Content Note
Container List
The National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution and the Deutsches Museum collaborated in June 2000 to conduct video interviews with thirty-three Nobel Laureates. Interviews were conducted in Lindau, Germany, Washington, D.C., and elsewhere in the United States. The video documentation subsequently formed the core of the Nobel Voices Video History Project and the exhibition Nobel Voices: Celebrating 100 Years of the Nobel Prize . The interviewees were asked about their motivations, visions for the future, and opinions on the nature of creativity and innovation. In the interviews, the laureates speak about their passion for their work, their childhood inspirations, the spirit of discovery, and the personal meaning of the Nobel Prize.

04_11.13 Nobel Prize Winner robert B. laughlin to Lecture on Oct.7th. robert B. laughlin, the winner of 1998 Nobel Prize in physics and president of Korea
Campusmap Sitemap Korean Index ... HOME About SNU Nobel Prize Winner Robert B. Laughlin to Lecture on Oct.7th
Robert B. Laughlin, the winner of 1998 Nobel Prize in physics and president of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), will speak on the topic of "The Emergent Age" at 3 pm on Thursday, Oct. 7th in the Multimedia Building, Room 305.
The lecture is part of the Gwanak Lecture Series, hosted by the Center for General Education, intended for the participants to boost their interests in the general education such as liberal arts, mathematics and science. The lectures are given in the multimedia building, and are attended by SNU students and faculty as well as the community. The seats are limited and the attendants are advised to arrive in good time.
Please visit the website at for details.
* Lecturer: Dr. Robert Laughlin, president of KAIST
* Time: Oct.7th, 3 pm
* Location: #83-305
The English website welcomes any suggestions, comments and criticisms as well as information about errors that call for correction. Messages may be emailed to

05_02.23 Nobel Prize Winner robert B. laughlin to Lecture on Oct.7th. Date 2004.09.30. robert B. laughlin, the winner of 1998 Nobel Prize in physics and
Campusmap Sitemap Korean Index ... HOME Campus Life Nobel Prize Winner Robert B. Laughlin to Lecture on Oct.7th
Date : 2004.09.30 Robert B. Laughlin, the winner of 1998 Nobel Prize in physics and president of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), will speak on the topic of "The Emergent Age" at 3 pm on Thursday, Oct. 7th in the Multimedia Building, Room 305. The lecture is part of the Gwanak Lecture Series, hosted by the Center for General Education, intended for the participants to boost their interests in the general education such as liberal arts, mathematics and science. The lectures are given in the multimedia building, and are attended by SNU students and faculty as well as the community. The seats are limited and the attendants are advised to arrive in good time. Please visit the website at for details. * Lecturer: Dr. Robert Laughlin, president of KAIST
* Time: Oct.7th, 3 pm
* Location: #83-305 The English website welcomes any suggestions, comments and criticisms as well as information about errors that call for correction. Messages may be emailed to

53. Notre Dame Archives: Minims - O
O laughlin, robert E. (O laughlin, Robt) receives the Brown Scapular 1915/0607 (Orr, robert B.) Chicago, Illinois 1918/1919 Address Book Entry
Minims: O
O'Brien, Arthur C. O'Brien, Arthur C. O'Brien, Arthur C. O'Brien, Donald E. O'Brien, Eugene L. O'Brien, Eugene L. O'Brien, James O'Brien, James O'Brien, James O'Brien, James O'Brien, James O'Brien, James O'Brien, John Edward O'Byrne, Joseph W. O'Byrne, Joseph W. O'Connell, John Charles O'Connell, John Charles O'Connell, John Charles O'Connell, Paul Aloysius O'Connell, Paul Aloysius O'Connell, Paul Aloysius O'Connell, Theodore William O'Connell, Theodore William O'Connell, Theodore William O'Connell, Theodore William O'Connell, Theodore William O'Connell, Theodore William O'Connell, Theodore William O'Connell, Theodore William O'Connell, Thomas B. O'Connell, Thomas B. O'Connor, Charles O'Connor, Charles O'Connor, Charles O'Connor, Charles O'Connor, Daniel Joseph O'Connor, Daniel Joseph O'Connor, Daniel Joseph O'Connor, Daniel Joseph O'Connor, John O'Connor, John O'Connor, John O'Connor, John O'Connor, John O'Connor, John O'Connor, John O'Donnell, Joseph Jerome O'Donnell, Philip F. O'Donoghue, Kenneth C. O'Hara, Robert E. O'Hara, Robert E.

54. FYI Online - Christopher Hill And Robert Laughlin Address Seoul Graduates - June
2005, commencement ceremony in Seoul, Korea, were treated to addresses by Nobel laureate robert B. laughlin, laughlin. robert B. laughlin
June 2005 Inside This Issue Allen Appointed Interim President USM Chancellor Appoints Presidential Search Committee for UMUC Commencement Victory Over the Past, Gateway to the Future Berkowitz, Horn, Takacs Receive Drazek Awards in 2005 Christopher Hill and Robert Laughlin Address Seoul Graduates Chris Hannah Seeks to Align Mission, Goals, and Objectives ... Kudos
Commencement 2004 Christopher Hill and Robert Laughlin Address Seoul Graduates By Chip Cassano Robert B. Laughlin A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, Laughlin completed a tour of service in the U.S. Army before enrolling in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he earned a PhD in physics. He then joined Bell Labs, where he and two colleagues conducted the research that would later earn them the Nobel prize. He held subsequent positions as a research physicist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and as a professor at Stanford University. He currently holds the positions at Stanford of professor of physics, professor of applied physics, and the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass professor of humanities and sciences. Christopher R. Hill

55. Lexikon Robert B. Laughlin
robert B. laughlin aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz. Die Liste der Autoren ist

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Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Robert B. Laughlin
Robert B. Laughlin
Robert Betts Laughlin 1. November in Visalia , USA) ist US-amerikainscher Physiker und Nobelpreistr¤ger. Studium und Promotion am Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, USA. Seit 1989 Physikprofessor an der Stanford-Universit¤t in Palo Alto / Kalifornien. Forschungen zum "anomalen" Quanten-Hall-Effekt . Die Physiker Daniel Tsui und Horst Ludwig St¶rmer hatten 1982 den gebrochenzahligen Quanten-Hall-Effekt in zweidimensionalen Elektronensystemen bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen und starken Magnetfeldern entdeckt. Laughlin fand die Erkl¤rung f¼r die unerwarteten Bruchteile von Elektronenladungen: Eine Quantenfl¼ssigkeit war entdeckt worden, deren Anregungszust¤nde sog. Quasiteilchen mit gebrochenzahliger Ladung entsprechen. 1998 bekamen die drei den Nobelpreis. Laughlins Erkenntnis gilt als Durchbruch beim Verstehen makroskopischer Quantenph¤nomene.

56. TOC, Vol. 43
by Andrzej Witkowski, Reviewed by robert B. Mclaughlin, p. 32 and Sterns A. Morse, Reviewed by Gary J. laughlin, p. 39. Wastewater Organisms A Color
Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4 ...
Return to McRI Home Page
Volume 43, Number 1, 1995
[Return to Top]
Editorial, Walter C. McCrone, p. ii
"Approximating Monochromatic Illumination for Microscopy"
Leo Barish, p. 1
"An Inexpensive Constant Temperature Stage"
W.M.D. Bryant, p. 11
100 Years Ago:
"Microchemical Analysis", Prof. Behrens, p. 12
"Detection of Forgeries by Carbon-Dating"
Thomas G.B. Wheelock and Walter C. McCrone, p. 13
Tricks of the Trade: Thomas J. Hopen, p. 15 102 Years Ago: "Mechanics and Optics at the World's Fair at Chicago, 1893", p. 16 "Variations on the Schaeffer Replication Technique for Snowflakes" James J. Benko, p. 17 "A Preliminary Study of Selected Transition Metal Glycolates" Bill Mikuska, p. 21 Diatoms: "Diatom Microscopy; Diatoms as Unique Particles in Commercial Products", Robert B. McLaughlin, p. 23 Book Reviews: "Scanning Force Microscopy; With Applications to Electric, Magnetic, and Atomic Forces", by Dror Sarid, Reviewed by Gary Valaskovic, p. 31

57. TOC, Vol. 37
robert B. Mclaughlin, p. 57 A High Index Fixative for Mounting Microfossils Victor Porguen, p. 58 Gary J. laughlin and Walter C. McCrone, p. 138
First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter ...
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Volume 37, First Quarter, 1989
[Return to Top]
Editorial - Walter C. McCrone, p. iv
"Dispersion Equations for Commonly Used Compensator Plate Materials"
Mickey Gunter, p. 1
"The Effect of Heat on the Microscopical Properties of Asbestos"
Gary J. Laughlin and Walter C. McCrone, p. 9
"A Study of the Surface and Internal Character of Structural Foam Moldings
using Light Microscopy and Image Analysis"
D. A. Krueger, H. E. Klassen and A. W. Kawczak, p. 17
"A Dedicated Central-Stop Dispersion Staining Objective (Nikon)"
Joseph C. Sirovatka, p. 43 "Calculation of Refractive Indices from Dispersion Staining Data" Walter C. McCrone, p. 49 100 Years Ago: "Carl Zeiss", p. 54 Diatoms: "Selected Diatom Mounts" Robert B. McLaughlin, p. 57 "A High Index Fixative for Mounting Microfossils" Victor Porguen, p. 58 "Mono Lake - A Note", p. 63

58. Biographical Files "L"- Chesney Medical Archives
laughlin, robert C. Lavadiere, Joseph T. LaVeist, Thomas B. Lavenstein, Arnold F. Lawhorne, Tom W. Lawler, Elsie Lawlor, William K. Lawrence, Bertrand Gray
Biographical Files "L"
The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives
(Updated February 12, 2001 by Louise Cavagnaro and Marjorie W. Kehoe) LaBella, Cynthia R.
LaBenz, Paul James
LaBier, Ruby Inez
Labrit, Alfredo Mario
Labs, Joseph D.
Lachaine, Reine-Aimee
Lachman, George S.
Lachman, Roy
Lachman, Sander Edwin
LaCroix, Andrea
Lack, Leon Lacy, George Edward Ladd, Daniel Joseph Ladensen, Paul W. Ladd, Louis Williams, Jr. Ladd, Walter G. Ladd, William Sargent Ladd-Franklin, Christine Lafleur, Henri Amedee Laforest, Albert Leyland Laframboise, G. Guy LaFrance, Norman Labelle, Oskar Henry Lai, Daniel G. Lai, Maxwell Daniel Laird, Clinton N. Laird, Raymond L. Lakatta, Edward G. Laliberte, Delores Lalley, John S. Lamanna, Carl Lamb, John C. Lamb, William F. Lamberg, Stanford I. Lambert, Edward Cary Lambert, Richard Hooker Lambert, Robert A. Lambert, Samuel Lamont, Austin LaMotte, Ellen Lamotte, Robert Hill Lamparella, Vincent, Jr. Lampton, Lee David Lamson, Paul Dudley Lamson, Theodore Lanahan, Anthony A., Jr. Lanahan, W. Wallace, Jr. Landau, S. Walter Landauer, Kenneth S.

59. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Waters To Wathne
Waters, laughlin E. — of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Calif. Waters, robert B. — of Green Island, Albany County, NY Member of New York state
Questions? Return to The Political Graveyard main page
Index to Politicians: Waters to Wathne

60. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Latno To Lavoy
Latz, robert — of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn. Democrat. laughlin, Loren H. (b. 1896) — of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb. Born in Mt. Ayr,
Questions? Return to The Political Graveyard main page
Index to Politicians: Latno to Lavoy

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