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81. Store Product Details Title, Niels Henrik David Bohr, lev davidovich landau old age, standing, talking, outdoors; LR lev davidovich landau, Niels Bohr, Margrethe Bohr. http://store.aip.org/OA_HTML/ecl.jsp?mode=detail&item=58357 |
82. Lev D. Landau - Definition Of Lev D. Landau By The Free Online lev davidovich landau Soviet physicist who worked on low temperature physics (1908-1968) Some words with lev davidovich landau in the definition http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Lev D. Landau |
83. ¶õ´Ù¿ì, ·¹ÇÁ (Lev Davidovich Landau; 1908-1968) Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://phys.kyungwon.ac.kr/science/science_tip/physicists/landau.htm | |
84. January 22 - Today In Science History lev davidovich landau. (source), Born 22 Jan 1908; died 1 Apr 1968. Soviet physicist who worked in such fields as lowtemperature physics, http://www.todayinsci.com/1/1_22.htm | |
85. Lakatos Collection Authors L-P landau, LD (lev davidovich), 19081968. Men of physics LD landau / edited by D. ter Haar. 1st ed. (The Commonwealth and international library of http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/collections/lakatos/lakatos_l.htm | |
86. JCA: Education: Lev Landau Education lev davidovich landau. lev landau. Born 1908 (Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empire). Died 1968 (Moscow, USSR), Education/Positions http://www.jca.umbc.edu/~george/html/people/lev_landau/ | |
87. Brujula.Net Wikipedia Translate this page lev davidovich landau. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. lev davidovich landau (? ? ) (22 de enero de 1908 - 1 de abril de 1968) fue un http://www.brujula.net/wiki/Lev_Davidovich_Landau.html | |
88. Lev Davidovich Landau Biography .ms lev davidovich landau (´? ´? ?´?) (January 22, 1908 April 1, deLew Dawidowitsch landau eslev davidovich landau frlev landau itlev http://lev-davidovich-landau.biography.ms/ | |
89. Gennady Gorelik Alexander Akhiezer s Recollections of lev davidovich landau (June 1994, page 35) painted an impressive portrait of the famous Russian theorist. http://people.bu.edu/gorelik/Landau_PhysicsToday_1995.htm | |
90. Weitzner, Harold -- Fluid Dynamics I (G63.2770WEIT) AUTHOR, landau, LD (lev davidovich), 19081968. UNIFORM TITLE, Mekhanika sploshnykh sred. English. TITLE, Fluid mechanics / by LD landau and EM Lifshitz http://www.nyu.edu/pages/cimslibrary/reserve/fall01/G63.2770WEIT.html | |
91. Jhproject landau, lev davidovich (19081968). Soviet theoretical physicist; Nobel laureate; transfused theoretical physics from Western Europe into the USSR in the http://www.physics.sfsu.edu/~lwilliam/sota/worms/Scientists.htm | |
92. LEV - What Does LEV Stand For? Definitions By The Free Online Dictionary And The lev davidovich Bronstein lev davidovich landau lev davidovich landau lev davidovich landau lev davidovich landau lev davidovich Trotsky http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/LEV | |
93. Lev Landau - Wikipédia Translate this page (Redirigé depuis lev davidovich landau). Médaille prix Nobel. lev davidovich landau était un physicien russe, prix Nobel de physique en 1962. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Davidovich_Landau | |
94. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : LAN landau (lev davidovich)(19081968). Photo 1/2/3/4/5 Group photo 1 (2th from left, with Paul DIRAC, Charles DARWIN, Leon ROSENKEVITCH (standing), http://www.onlipix.com/personages/lan.htm | |
95. Biography Of L. D. Landau lev Davidovic landau was born in Baku on January 22, 1908, as the son of an engineer and a Presentation Speech. lev davidovich landau. Biography http://physics.uplb.edu.ph/laureates/1962/landau-bio.html | |
96. Biography-center - Letter L landau, lev davidovich www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1962/landaubio.html; Landen, John www-histo ry.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Landen.html http://www.biography-center.com/l.html | |
97. Landau City Germany Southern Free Coat Places 1276 Sight 1291 landau dampingIn physics, landau damping named after its discoverer, the eminent Russian physicist lev davidovich landau, is the effect of damping http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Landau.html | |
98. Physics And Astronomy Forums - Scientists - Physics, Politics & Ethics lev Davidovic landau fascinating figure of theoretical physics. 1.) From Nobelprize.org lev landau Biography lev davidovich landau http://www.physlink.com/Community/Forums/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=8&Topic=3738&sro |
99. Manucorp.com - Encyclopédie : Lev Landau lev davidovich landau était un physicien russe, prix Nobel de physique en 1962. http://www.manucorp.com/encyclopedie/Lev_Landau | |
100. PHYS 583 Advanced Field Theory Fradkin Abrikosov, AA, LP Gorkov landau, lev davidovich and EM Lifshitz. The Classical Theory of Fields. Course of Theoretical Physics; v. 2. 4th rev. English ed. http://www.library.uiuc.edu/phx/reserves/spring05/phys583.htm | |
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