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         Koch Robert:     more books (100)
  1. Robert Koch's Bridge-Lexikon by Robert Koch, 2006-01-01
  2. Robert Koch's Heilmittel Gegen Die Tuberculose, Parts 1-3 (German Edition) by Robert Koch, 2010-01-10
  3. Robert Koch's Heilmittel Gegen Die Tuberculose: Erstes-[Drittes] Heft, Issues 1-6 (German Edition) by Robert Koch, 2010-03-28
  4. Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice by Michael P. Adams, Robert Koch, 2009-03-09
  5. KOCH ECONOMIC PRINCS/GROWTH & ENVIR by A. Robert Koch, 1986-02-28
  6. Louis C. Tiffany, Rebel in Glass Over 350 Illustrations by Robert Koch, 1966
  7. Handbook of Electrogastrography by Kenneth L. Koch, Robert M. Stern, 2003-10-16
  8. The Genesee (New York Classics) by Robert Koch, Henry W. Clune, 1988-02
  9. Louis C. Tiffany's Art Glass by Robert Koch, 1977
  10. Case Studies Using Procaine Based Nutriments (Vitacels, GH-3, GH-7, GH-8) by Robert Koch, 1997-01-01
  11. Die Bundesmoral Im Alten Testament (German Edition) by Robert Koch, 1994-01
  12. Die Ätiologie der Milzbrand-Krankheit, begründet auf die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Bacillus Anthracis (1876): [Reprint of the Original from 1910] (German Edition) by Robert Koch, 2010-05-26
  13. Aetiology of Tuberculosis by Robert Koch, 2010-01-02
  14. The Cure Of Consumption: Further Communication On A Remedy For Tuberculosis (1890) by Robert Koch, 2010-05-23

21. Robert Koch
Fakten zum Lebenslauf und Wirken des deutschen Forschers robert koch.
Robert Koch (1843-1910)
Die Durchsetzung der Antisepsis in der Chirurgie ist mit dem Namen Joseph Lister
von Rolf Winau, Berlin
kopiert von:

22. Vedic Astrologer Robert Koch
Vedic astrologer robert koch can predict upcoming events in your life and help you make wise decisions. Vedic astrology is based on an ancient hindu system

What is Vedic Astrology
How Vedic and Western
Astrology Differ
Vedic Astrology ... Meet Robert Koch Vedic Astrology
by Robert Koch Timeless wisdom of India reveals your past, present and future through Vedic Astrology, the science of light and technology of prediction. Find out how!
Vedic Astrologer Robert Koch
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Sotkin Web Services

23. Robert Koch Und Seine Zeit. Von Professor Rolf Winau
Translate this page Festvorlesung anlässlich seines 150. Geburtstages. Geschildert werden der medizinhistorische Kontext seiner Tätigkeit sowie seine Leistungen bei der
Robert Koch und seine Zeit. Von Professor Rolf Winau Neben der Entwicklung der Anästhesiologie wurde für die Chirurgie vor allen Dingen die Entwicklung der Antiseptik und Aseptik von Bedeutung. Erste Anstöße zur Antiseptik aber kamen nicht aus der Chirurgie, sondern aus der Geburtshilfe. Es war das Verdienst von Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, die Übertragung des Kindbettfiebers zu erkennen und zu verhindern, indem er die von ihm erkannte Infektionskette unterbrach. "Kindbettfieber wird durch Kadaverteile verursacht, die den Händen des Arztes anhaften, wenn er vor der Geburt stehende Frauen untersucht. Daher ist von äußerster Wichtigkeit, daß er seine Hände vor einer Visite gründlich säubert, wofür ich eine Chlorlösung empfehle". Durch die neue aseptische Wundbehandlung seien die Zeiten der Rekonvaleszenz ganz erheblich reduziert worden, während früher zur Heilung der Amputation der Mama ein Viertel bis ein halbes Jahr gehört haben, zur Heilung von größeren Amputationen der Gliedmaßen auch oft Monate, sehe man nun Rekonvaleszenzeiten von 14 Tagen oder allerhöchstens drei Wochen. Die Vorstellung von der Allmächtigkeit des Chirurgen, dem sich nun keine Hindernisse mehr in den Weg stellen, wird in dem Satz deutlich: "Der moderne Chirurg vermeidet nicht mehr ängstlich die Verletzung der Gelenke und Körperhöhlen, sondern unbedenklich öffnet er das Abdomen, öffnet den Schädel und betastet Organe, die den alten ein

24. Robert Koch Gallery
Exhibits 19th and 20th century as well as contemporary photography. Located in San Francisco.

25. Robert Koch - Biografie
Translate this page robert koch wurde 1843 in Clausthal (heute Clausthal-Zellerfeld) als Kind eines robert koch beeinflusste die moderne Medizin und war Hauptbegründer der

Mein Weblog
Robert Koch
Tuberkulose -Bakterium, woraufhin eine Diagnose der Erkrankung entscheidend verbessert wurde. Im Jahr darauf konzentrierte er sich auf die Cholera Malaria

26. Robert Koch - Biography
robert koch was born on December 11, 1843, at Clausthal in the Upper Harz Mountains. The son of a mining engineer, he astounded his parents at the age of
Robert Koch But this did not satisfy Koch. He also wanted to know whether anthrax bacilli that had never been in contact with any kind of animal could cause the disease. To solve this problem he obtained pure cultures of the bacilli by growing them on the aqueous humour of the ox's eye. By studying, drawing and photographing these cultures, Koch recorded the multiplication of the bacilli and noted that, when conditions are unfavourable to them, they produce inside themselves rounded spores which can resist adverse conditions, especially lack of oxygen and that, when suitable conditions of life are restored, the spores give rise to bacilli again. Koch grew the bacilli for several generations in these pure cultures and showed that, although they had had no contact with any kind of animal, they could still cause anthrax. The results of this painstaking work were demonstrated by Koch to Ferdinand Cohn, Professor of Botany at the University of Breslau, who called a meeting of his colleagues to witness this demonstration, among whom was Professor Cohnheim, Professor of Pathological Anatomy. Both Cohn and Cohnheim were deeply impressed by Koch's work and when Cohn, in 1876, published Koch's work in the botanical journal of which he was the editor, Koch immediately became famous. He continued, nevertheless, to work at Wollstein for a further four years and during this period he improved his methods of fixing, staining and photographing bacteria and did further important work on the study of diseases caused by bacterial infections of wounds, publishing his results in 1878. In this work he provided, as he had done with anthrax, a practical and scientific basis for the control of these infections.

27. Medicine 1905
robert koch. robert koch. Germany. Institute for Infectious Diseases Berlin, Germany robert koch Biography Nobel Lecture Swedish Nobel Stamps
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1905
"for his investigations and discoveries in relation to tuberculosis" Robert Koch Germany Institute for Infectious Diseases
Berlin, Germany b. 1843
d. 1910 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1905
Presentation Speech
Robert Koch
The 1905 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: Get to know all 770 Prize Winners! » Games and Simulations » SITE FEEDBACK ... TELL A FRIEND Last modified April 11, 2005

28. Robert Koch-Institut
Allgemeine Informationen rund ums Impfen, von einer Auseinandersetzung mit Argumenten von Impfgegnern bzw. Skeptikern bis hin zu Stellungnahmen der STIKO zu konkreten Problemen und Anfragen.

29. Robert Koch's Private Homepage
Aus Bad M¼nster am Stein Ebernburg stellt sich vor. Mit Links und Downloads von Applets und Grafiken.
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30. Koch, Robert,
robert koch. By courtesy of the Nobelstiftelsen, Stockholm BIBLIOGRAPHY. Thomas D. Brock, robert koch A Life in Medicine and Bacteriology (1988).
Koch, Robert,
in full HEINRICH HERMANN ROBERT KOCH Robert Koch By courtesy of the Nobelstiftelsen, Stockholm (b. Dec. 11, 1843, Clausthal [now Germany]d. May 27, 1910, Baden-Baden, Ger.), German physician, one of the founders of the science of bacteriology, who discovered the tubercle bacillus (1882) and the cholera bacillus (1883). He won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1905.
Early training
Anthrax research
Schroeter, found that chromogenic (colour-forming) bacteria would grow on such solid substrates as potato, coagulated egg white, meat, and bread and that these colonies were capable of forming new colonies of the same colour, consisting of organisms of the same type. This was the starting point of Koch's pure-culture techniques, which he worked out a few years later. That a disease organism might be cultured outside the body was a concept introduced by Louis Pasteur, but the pure-culture techniques for doing so were perfected by Koch, whose precise and ingenious experiments demonstrated the complete life cycle of an important organism. The anthrax work afforded for the first time convincing proof of the definite causal relation of a particular bacillus to a particular disease.
Discovery of tubercle bacillus
Koch, now recognized as a scientific investigator of the first rank, obtained a position in Berlin in the German Health Office, where he set up a laboratory in bacteriology. With his collaborators, he devised new research methods. To obtain a pure culture outside the body, Koch mixed the organisms in melted gelatin; then, after solidification of the gelatin and growth of the organisms, portions of pure colonies were placed into separate tubes of broth or other media. Koch also concentrated his efforts on the study of

31. Koch, Robert --  Encyclopædia Britannica
koch, robert German physician and one of the founders of bacteriology. He discovered the anthrax disease cycle (1876) and the bacteria responsible for
Home Browse Newsletters Store ... Subscribe Already a member? Log in Content Related to this Topic This Article's Table of Contents Introduction Early training Anthrax research Contributions to general bacteriology and pathology Studies of tuberculosis and cholera ... Print this Table of Contents Shopping Price: USD $1495 Revised, updated, and still unrivaled. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (Hardcover) Price: USD $15.95 The Scrabble player's bible on sale! Save 30%. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Price: USD $19.95 Save big on America's best-selling dictionary. Discounted 38%! More Britannica products Koch, Robert
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Robert Koch
born Dec. 11, 1843, Clausthal, Hannover [now Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Ger.]
died May 27, 1910, Baden-Baden, Ger.
in full Robert Heinrich Hermann Koch German physician and one of the founders of bacteriology. He discovered the anthrax disease cycle (1876) and the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis (1882) and cholera (1883). For his discoveries in regard to tuberculosis, he received the

32. Robert Koch's International Black Belt Academy
Based in Alden, NY. Includes instructor profile, programs, and school information.
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Welcome to the International Black Belt Academy Website. We are a world-leading organization promoting character developments, physical fitness, and self defense through the study of International Kenpo under the guidelines of the United Martial Arts Alliance. We will distinguish ourselves by these aims:
  • To empower students, families and friends of International Black Belt Academy to achieve fulfilling and productive lives. To maintain a commitment to the principles of Black Belt. To provide quality education with a passion for excellence. To serve our students in a positive environment. To encourage the essence of teamwork. The encourage innovation and change. To share our values in the school, in the community and through out the world.

33. Robert Koch Winner Of The 1905 Nobel Prize In Medicine
robert koch, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
1905 Nobel Laureate in Medicine
    for his investigations and discoveries in relation to tuberculosis.
  • Place of birth: Klausthal (Germany)
  • Residence: Germany
  • Education: Studied at Göttingen to become a physician and surgeon
  • Affiliation: Hygienic Institute at Berlin (Professor and Director, 1885); Institut für Infektions-Krankheiten (Institute for Infectious Diseases, Berlin - Director from 1891)
  • Discovered the tuberculosis bacillus (1882)
  • Led a German expedition to Egypt and India, where he discovered the cholera bacillus (1883)
Featured Internet Links Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors

34. RKI Homepage Des Robert Koch-Instituts
Informationen zur Gentechnologie und biologischer Sicherheit (Gesetze sowie staatliche Verordnungen und Richtlinien).

Das Institut

Gesundheit A - Z

Gesundheitsberichterstattung und Epidemiologie

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35. Jacket 15 - December 2001 - Contents Page - Feature: Kenneth Koch Tribute
Special Kenneth koch feature with contributions by David Lehman, robert Creeley, John Tranter and others. Includes two interviews.
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Editor: John Tranter A Tribute to Kenneth Koch Kenneth Koch died on July 6, 2002,
after a battle with leukaemia. Kenneth Koch: A partial bibliography , by Steve Dickison
Photo: Kenneth Koch, NYC, 1989, by John Tranter
view his card

36. Vedic Astrologer Robert Koch
Vedic Astrologer Rober koch offers detailed life readings, yearly updates, email consultation, an individualized moon transit calendar,
Vedic Astrologer Robert Koch
Robert Koch has been a practitioner of the predictive art of Vedic astrology for more than 15 years. In his work, he draws upon experience gained from his 20 years as a Vedic monk. His teacher, Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, is revered as one of the most prolific teachers of Vedic thought in the modern age. Robert traveled to India six times in the late 1970's, where he learned both Vedic scriptures and Sanskrit, and had first-hand experience of the culture founded upon its principles. In 1987, he left the monastic life, returned to America, and began his full-time professional practice of Vedic astrology. His goal was to bring the Vedic teachings to people at a more personal level. At present, Robert is doing full-time Vedic astrological consultations and teaching in Bend, Oregon. He is also currently working on a book entitled "Drig Dasa, and the Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology," which is due for publication during the summer of 2003. This book involves intensive research into the spiritual components of the Vedic horoscope, with specific reference to the esoteric timing method called "Drig Dasa." Robert is also a contributing author to an anthology on Vedic astrology called "Hindu Astrology Lessons," edited by Richard Houck. The anthology was published in May, 1997 by Groundswell Press. This book is a compilation of articles written by the country's most prominent Vedic astrologers. Robert's inclusion in this collection is testimony to his reputation.

37. Data Bank Of FT-IR And Raman Spectra: Vibrational Spectroscopy At The Robert Koc
Medical applications of infrared and Raman spectroscopy, in imaging, identification of microorganisms, and analysis of sera. Includes symposia presentations, links to publications and profiles of staff in Berlin, Germany.

38. RKI Homepage Des Robert Koch-Instituts
Im Bezirk Wedding und dient der Beobachtung des Auftretens von Krankheiten und relevanter Gesundheitsgefahren in der Bev¶lkerung. Informationen ¼ber Gesundheit und Krankheiten, Gentechnik, Gesundheitsberichterstattung und Forschung werden angeboten.

Das Institut

Gesundheit A - Z

Gesundheitsberichterstattung und Epidemiologie

... Homepage
Themenschwerpunkt Infektionsepidemiologie im Bundesgesundheitsblatt
Die vergangenen Jahre mit erfolgreich einged¤mmten SARS -, Salmonellen- oder Vogelgrippe-Ausbr¼chen haben verdeutlich, dass wohl organisierte und funktionsf¤hige nationale und internationale Netzwerke f¼r die œberwachung, Pr¤vention und Kontrolle von Infektionskrankheiten unerl¤sslich sind. Doch wer bildet diese Netzwerke, auf welchen gesetzlichen Grundlagen stehen sie, wie sind die Strukturen, wer die Akteure und wie werden sie ausgebildet? Diesen Fragen widmet sich das Bundesgesundheitsblatt in seiner gerade erschienen September-Ausgabe. In elf Beitr¤gen werden unter anderem die Zust¤ndigkeiten auf Bundes- und L¤nderebene, die Influenzapandemieplanung, die Aufgaben des ¶ffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes im biologischen Katastrophenfall sowie die Strukturen des Managements von Infektionskrankheiten auf EU -Ebene und das neue europ¤ische Zentrum f¼r die Pr¤vention und Kontrolle von Krankheiten ( ECDC ) vorgestellt.

39. Universitätsklinikum Des Saarlandes - Innere Medizin V
Universit¤tsLungenklinik, die ein weites Spektrum der klinischen Pneumologie anbietet. Die Seiten bieten Informationen zu Struktur, Schwerpunkten, Forschung und f¼r Patienten.
Klinik für Innere Medizin V - Pneumologie, Allergologie, Beatmungs- und Umweltmedizin
Direktor: Univ.-Professor Dr. Gerhard W. Sybrecht
Suche nach: Kontakt A-Z Druckversion Sie befinden sich hier: Startseite Einrichtungen Kliniken und Institute Innere Medizin V Innere Medizin V
Die weiteren Informationen der Klinik werden zur Zeit überarbeitet.
Bis zur Fertigstellung
sind sie auf den derzeitigen Web-Seiten der Klinik zu finden.
Prof. Dr. Gerhard W. Sybrecht
Tel.: Fax:
Gebäude 91

40. Robert Koch (1843 - 1910)
Translate this page robert koch wurde am 11.Dezember 1843 in Clausthal/Harz geboren. Er begann sein Studium im Jahre 1862, wobei er sich zunächst der Mathematik und
Robert Koch (1843 - 1910) Damit war nicht nur die Ätiologie der Seuche aufgeklärt, sondern auch die Ursache der verheerenden Viehverluste: Sporen des 'Erregers von auf den Weiden verendeten Tieren konnte hier jahrelang überleben, bis sie von den grasenden Tieren aufgenommen wurden. Koch bediente sich schon damals den noch relativ jungen Techniken der Mikroskopie, der mikroskopischen Färbetechnik und der Mikrofotografie. Hinsichtlich der Techniken der Bakterienkultur erfand er das Beobachtungsverfahren im "hängenden Tropfen" mittels eines hohlgeschliffenen Objektträgers. Koch publizierte die Ergebnisse seiner Milzbrandforschungen am 27. Mai 1876 unter dem Titel "Die Ätiologie der Milzbrand-Krankheit, begründet auf die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Bacillus anthracis". Er erregte damit großes Aufsehen und erntete hohe Anerkennung. Aufbauend auf Kochs Arbeiten konnte Louis Pasteur einen Impfstoff gegen die Seuche entwickeln, der 1881 in einem Großversuch an Schafen erfolgreich getestet wurde. Mit diesem "Modellfall Milzband" war die Tür zur Aufklärung weiterer Infektionskrankheiten geöffnet. Zurück zur Startseite "Campus Charité Mitte".

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