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Klug Sir Aaron: more detail |
61. The Scientist :: A Nobel Cause, Jun. 21, 2002 sir aaron klug says the EU seems to focus too much on industrial aaron klughttp//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1982/klugautobio.html http://www.the-scientist.com/news/20020621/03/printerfriendly | |
62. Jewish Biomedical Scientists sir aaron klug; Carl Koller; Richard Kolodner; Henry Koplik;Arthur Kornberg; sir Hans Kornberg; Roger Kornberg; Daniel Koshland, Jr. http://www.jinfo.org/Biomedical_Scientists.html | |
63. GeneProt Is A Leader In The Discovery, Identification And Characterization Of Pr sir aaron klug, OM, PRS Member of the Scientific Advisory Board. Former Presidentof the Royal Society, sir aaron klug won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in http://www.geneprot.com/pages/display.asp?idm1=5&idm2=8&pageid=8 |
64. The Royal Society Of Edinburgh (RSE) klug, sir aaron, OM, BSc(Witwatersrand), MSc(Cape Town), PhD, ScD(Cantab), FRS,Nobel Laureate (1982), Copley Medalist of the Royal Society, http://www.royalsoced.org.uk/fellowship/elections/elect99.htm | |
65. Buckingham Palace Press Releases > New Members Of The Order Of Merit Announced sir aaron klug, OM, FRS 1995 Norman Robert, Lord Foster of Thames Bank, OM,RA - 1997 sir Denis Eric Rooke, OM, CBE, FRS - 1997 sir James Whyte Black, OM, http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/Page4036.asp | |
66. Buckingham Palace Press Releases > New Appointments To The Order Of Merit sir aaron klug, OM, PRS 1995 Lord Foster of Thames Bank, OM, RA 1997 sir DenisEric Rooke, OM, CBE, FRS 1997 sir James Whyte Black, OM, FRS 2000 http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/page1726.asp | |
67. JUF News And Public Affairs Cambridge University s Professor sir aaron klug, Nobel laureate and formerpresident of the Royal Society, put me right when I asked him about the possible http://www.juf.org/news_public_affairs/article.asp?key=6016 |
68. Imperial College London - Pioneering Flu Researcher Wins Major Imperial Scientif sir aaron klug, University of Cambridge Dr Ralph Kohn, Kohn Foundation sir PaulNurse, President, Rockefeller University, USA http://www.imperial.ac.uk/P4950.htm | |
69. Royal Society On 'Mad Cow' Disease sir aaron klug OM, President of the Royal Society, said it was entirely sir aaron pointed out that further approaches could emerge from the http://www.absw.org.uk/Briefings/Mad_cow.htm | |
70. Award Recipients Special Lectures 1990 CNR Rao 1992 sir B Follett 1994 Peter Day 1996 sir aaron klug sir JagadisChandra Bose Memorial Lecture. 1993 AP Mitra 1995 MM Sharma http://www.insaindia.org/Award Recepients/special.htm | |
71. History Of Chemistry sir aaron klug 1982 Press Release The 1982 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 9.5 TheMRC, sir aaron klug, Professor sir aaron klug OM PRS, Dearing and the future http://www.chemistrycoach.com/history_of_chemistry.htm | |
72. Genetically Modified Foods -- Royal Society Calls For A Rational Debate President of the Royal Society, sir aaron klug OM, expressed concern that thepremature release and misinterpretation of unsubstantiated research into http://www.monsanto.co.uk/news/ukshowlib.phtml?uid=338 |
73. House Of Lords - Science And Technology - Third Report sir aaron klug was scathing about this approach in his Anniversary Address 4.24 sir aaron klug acknowledges, Political realities being what they are, http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/ld199900/ldselect/ldsctech/ | |
74. Geneticists Protest At DNA Of Rice Becoming A Trade Secret who include British Nobel laureates sir Paul Nurse and sir aaron klug, sir aaron said the Syngenta plan went against the ethos of scientific http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/0318-01.htm | |
75. Press Releases - Public Affairs Office - The University Of Nottingham Nobel Prizewinner and President of The Royal Society,sir aaron klug, is to opena major new pharmaceutical science research facility at the University of http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/public-affairs/press-releases/index.phtml?menu=press |
76. The Royal College Of Pathologists | The College 1992 Professor sir aaron klug. 1993 Professor DP Lane. 1994 No lecture. 1995sir Gustav Nossal. 1996 Professor P Cohen. 1997 Dr J Ironside http://www.rcpath.org/index.asp?PageID=737 |
77. Pro-GM Food Scientist 'threatened Editor' biotech policy for the society, reporting to the president, sir aaron klug.However, she and sir aaron denied it was a spindoctoring operation. http://users.skynet.be/nwp/genmani003.htm | |
78. Nobel Laureates Call For Action On Global Warming At The Kyoto Climate Summit sir aaron klug, President, The Royal Society (UK) * Gustavo Kouri, VicePresident,Cuban Academy of Sciences * Torvard Laurent, Former President, http://dieoff.org/page123.htm | |
79. CUSS - Cambridge University Scientific Society Professor sir aaron klug, President of the Royal Society. Formerly Director ofthe Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. http://www.srcf.ucam.org/scisoc/patrons/ | |
80. Aaron Klug Translate this page Begrifferklärung aaron klug. sir aaron klug OM (* 11. August 1926 in Zelvas,Litauen) ist ein britischer Biochemiker südafrikanischer Herkunft. http://www.netzwelt.de/lexikon/Aaron_Klug.html | |
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