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         Kipling Rudyard:     more books (99)
  1. Rudyard Kipling's Kim by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-10-06
  2. Just-So Stories, The Complete by Rudyard Kipling, 1993-10-01
  3. Chuck Jones' Rikki-Tikki-Tavi by Rudyard Kipling, 2006-02-15
  4. Kipling's the White Seal (Chuck Jones Classic) by Rudyard Kipling, 1985-08
  5. Just So Stories, Illustrated Edition (Yesterday's Classics) by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-03-10
  6. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi by Rudyard Kipling, 2010-02-15
  7. The Works of Rudyard Kipling by Rudyard Kipling, 1984
  8. Rewards and Fairies by Rudyard Kipling, 2010-03-23
  9. The Day's Work - Volume 1 by Rudyard Kipling, 2010-07-06
  10. Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-09-17
  11. Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-03-31
  13. Jungle Book and the Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, 1986-06
  14. The Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-01-01

121. DigitalBookIndex RUDYARD KIPLING STORIES/TALES (eBooks, ETexts
kipling, rudyard, Collected verse of rudyard kipling, 1907 NY, Grahpic Html, n/c,CMU. kipling, rudyard, Departmental Ditties and Other Verses in 1vWorks
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122. Poetry Of Rudyard Kipling, Full-text; Rudyard Kipling's Poems, At
Poetry of rudyard kipling, fulltext; rudyard kipling - poetry, at
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Rudyard Kipling
If Verses 1889-1896 Contents (followed by first lines)

Beyond the path of the outmost sun through utter darkness hurled To T. A.
I have made for you a song,

"What are the bugles blowin' for?" said Files-on-Parade. TOMMY I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer, "FUZZY-WUZZY" We've fought with many men acrost the seas, SOLDIER, SOLDIER "Soldier, soldier come from the wars, SCREW-GUNS Smokin' my pipe on the mountings, sniffin' the mornin' cool, CELLS I've a head like a concertina: I've a tongue like a button-stick: GUNGA DIN You may talk o' gin and beer OONTS Wot makes the soldier's 'eart to penk, wot makes 'im to perspire?

123. kipling, rudyard.kipling, rudyard. Illus. by Pinkney, Jerry. RikkiTikki-Tavi. Sept. 1997. 40p.Morrow, $16 (0-688-14320-2); lib. ed., $15.93 (0-688-14321-0).

124. AIM25: Royal College Of Surgeons Of England: KIPLING, Rudyard (1865-1936)
Name of creator(s) kipling rudyard 18651936 author. CONTEXT.Administrative/Biographical history Joseph rudyard kipling was born in Bombay on 30

125. MSN Encarta - Kipling, Rudyard
Translate this page kipling, rudyard (Mumbai 1865 - Londra 1936), scrittore britannico, autore diromanzi, Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta kipling, rudyard
  • MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Migliora la tua esperienza con Encarta Cerca in Encarta
    Articolo riservato agli iscritti MSN Encarta Premium: Puoi consultare questo e altri 30.000 articoli, un atlante interattivo, un dizionario bilingue e altre risorse, effettuando l'iscrizione a MSN Encarta Premium per €29,95 all'anno. Per saperne di pi¹. L'articolo ¨ disponibile solo per gli utenti iscritti a MSN Encarta Premium. Gi  iscritto? Per accedere fare clic sul pulsante Accedi in alto a destra. Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard (Mumbai 1865 - Londra 1936), scrittore britannico, autore di romanzi, poesie e racconti ambientati principalmente in India e in... Multimedia Web link Kipling, Rudyard (Victorian Web) The Kipling Society 2 elementi Vuoi altri contenuti di Encarta? Iscriviti subito e avrai a tua disposizione:
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126. Guide To The Rudyard Kipling Collection,1881-1960
BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE. rudyard kipling was an English author and journalist. rudyard kipling collection, 4610. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections,
Guide to the Rudyard Kipling Collection,
Collection Number: 4610
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Contact Information: Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Fax: (607) 255-9524

EAD encoding: Martin Heggestad, May 2003 DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY Title: Rudyard Kipling collection, 1881-1960 (bulk 1890-1920) Collection Number: Creator: Rudyard Kipling, 1865-1936. Quantity: 4.2 linear ft. Forms of Material: Manuscripts, letters, clippings, photographs, and other materials. Repository: Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library Abstract: Manuscripts, letters, clippings, and photographs by, to, or relating to Rudyard Kipling. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Rudyard Kipling was an English author and journalist. COLLECTION DESCRIPTION Kipling's letters include comments and instructions concerning the publication of his books and stories; contemporary political developments in England and in British foreign affairs, especially the question of home rule for India; and a few requests for research materials which he used in writing his novel Captains Courageous. Correspondents include John Frederick Bridge, George Sydenham Clarke, Sir Henry Craik, Monsieur Garnier, Macmickan, General Sterling, Edward Lucas White, and Leonard Raven-Hill. Also included are transcripts of 61 letters written by Charles J. Paterson, many of them to Edmonia Taylor Hill.

127. Biblioteca Virtual - Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936)
Translate this page La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, la primera en lengua castellana, esun fondo bibliográfico con obras de Literatura, Historia, Ciencias, etc.,

128. Citations : Kipling, Rudyard - Dicocitations ™

129. Kipling (Rudyard)
Translate this page kipling, rudyard (1865-1936), écrivain britannique. kipling, fils du conservateurdu musée de Lahore, naquit le 30 décembre 1865 à Bombay, en Inde.
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936), écrivain britannique. Kipling, fils du conservateur du musée de Lahore, naquit le 30 décembre 1865 à Bombay, en Inde. À l'âge de six ans, il fut envoyé en pension en Angleterre pour recevoir une éducation britannique. Il y vécut cinq années malheureuses, qu'il évoqua plus tard dans Stalky et Cie (1899) et dans la Lumière qui s'éteint (1891). En 1882, il retourna en Inde où, jusqu'en 1889, il se consacra à l'écriture de nouvelles pour la Civil and Military Gazette de Lahore. Il publia ensuite Chants des divers services (1886), des poèmes satiriques sur la vie dans les baraquements civils et militaires de l'Inde coloniale, et Simples Contes des collines (1887) un recueil de ses nouvelles parues dans divers magazines. C'est par six autres récits, consacrés à la vie des Anglais en Inde et publiés entre 1888 et 1889, que Kipling se fit connaître. Kipling fit après cette période de longs voyages en Asie et aux États-Unis, où il épousa Caroline Balestier, en 1892, et où il écrivit le Livre de la jungle (1894). Il vécut pendant une courte période dans le Vermont, puis, en 1903, s'installa définitivement en Angleterre. De ses nombreuses œuvres, beaucoup devinrent très populaires. Il fut le premier écrivain anglais à recevoir le prix Nobel de littérature (1907). Il mourut le 18 janvier 1936, à Londres.

130. Poems By Rudyard Kipling [Category: Poem]
Poems by rudyard kipling Category Poem kipling, rudyard 1907 Nobel PrizeWinner, British shortstory writer, novelist, poet. o As the Bell Clinks
Home Fictions/Novels Short Stories Poems ... Poems Index > All available Poems of Rudyard Kipling
Poems by Rudyard Kipling
Kipling, Rudyard
1907 Nobel Prize Winner, British short-story writer, novelist, poet
o "As the Bell Clinks" o "Back to the Army Again" (from Barrack-Room Ballads collection) o "Bobs" (from Barrack-Room Ballads collection) o "Cleared" o "Snarleyow" (from Barrack-Room Ballads collection)
o "The Men that fought at Minden" (from Barrack-Room Ballads collection) o 'Birds of Prey' March (from Barrack-Room Ballads collection) o 'Eathen, The (from Barrack-Room Ballads collection) o 'Follow Me 'Ome (from Barrack-Room Ballads collection) o 'Mary, Pity Women!' (from Barrack-Room Ballads collection)
o 'Soldier an' Sailor Too' (from Barrack-Room Ballads collection) o Arithmetic on the Frontier o Army Headquarters o Ballad of Boh Da Thone, The o Ballad of Burial, A
o Ballad of East and West, The o Ballad of Fisher's Boarding-House o Ballad of Jakko Hill, A o Ballad of the "Bolivar", The o Ballad of the "Clampherdown", The
o Ballad of the King's Jest, The o Ballad of the King's Mercy, The

131. Bibliomania: Free Online Literature And Study Guides
Text from Bibliomania. A collection of school stories based on the author s ownexperiences. The first story was published in the Windsor Magazine in
....This site uses HTML 4.01v; please ensure that you enable 'javascript' and that your browser is at least a version 4. Bibliomania - Free Online Literature and Study Guides Bibliomania brings you the internet's best collection of classic texts and study resources. The fiction section has the complete, fully searchable texts of hundreds of novels. The Poetry section has world famous poems by everyone from to Keats , together with the Oxford Collected English verse and Collected French verse
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Bibliomania has created Literature Study Guides to more than 100 of the most studied texts. These will help students to get top grades, and non-students to get more out a reading of the text or a visit to a play.
Bibliomania's Reference books include Websters dictionary Hobson Jobson Brewer's Phrase and Fable Soules Synonymes and many other useful books.
Our Non-Fiction section includes Das Capital Culpepper's Herbal , and many more. We are building a collection

132. Public Domain Modern English Text Collection
Text from the University of Michigan humanities text initiative.

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