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         Kipling Rudyard:     more books (99)
  1. Kipling Sahib: India and the Making of Rudyard Kipling by Charles Allen, 2010-05-05
  2. Soldiers Three by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-10-04
  3. Captains Courageous (Townsend Library Edition) by Rudyard Kipling, 2007-01-01
  4. Kim by Rudyard Kipling, 2000-06-01
  5. The Years Between by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-10-04
  6. Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-10-04
  7. American Notes by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-10-04
  8. Works of Rudyard Kipling. (500+ Works) The Jungle Book, Just So Stories, Puck of Pook's Hill, Kim, Mandalay, Gunga Din, If--, Ulster, Indian Tales & more (mobi) by Rudyard Kipling, 2008-07-23
  9. Sea Warfare by Rudyard Kipling, 2010-09-15
  10. A Diversity of Creatures by rudyard Kipling, 1927
  11. Rudyard Kipling: The Books I Leave Behind by David Alan Richards, 2007-07-28
  12. The Story of the Gadsbys by Rudyard Kipling, 2009-10-04
  13. The Complete Children's Stories (Wordsworth Special Editions) by Rudyard Kipling, 2005-02-05
  14. Traffics and discoveries: Actions and reactions (The Mandalay edition of the works of Rudyard Kipling) by Rudyard Kipling, 1925

Personal archive of poems from poets including Wilfred Owen, rudyard kipling and Emily Dickinson. Includes pictures and artwork.
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42. They
by rudyard kipling. from TRAFFICS AND DISCOVERIES (New York Charles Scribner sSons, 1904). Source Gaslight etext prepared by Fr. John Woolley
"THEY" by Rudyard Kipling from TRAFFICS AND DISCOVERIES (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904) Source: Gaslight etext prepared by Fr. John Woolley Still the track descended. I was on the point of reversing and working my way back on the second speed ere I ended in some swamp, when I saw sunshine through the tangle ahead and lifted the brake. It was down again at once. As the light beat across my face my fore-wheels took the turf of a great still lawn from which sprang horsemen ten feet high with levelled lances, monstrous peacocks, and sleek round-headed maids of honour blue, black, and glistening all of clipped yew. Across the lawn the marshalled woods besieged it on three sides stood an ancient house of lichened and weather-worn stone, with mullioned windows and roofs of rose-red tile. It was flanked by semi-circular walls, also rose-red, that closed the lawn on the fourth side, and at their feet a box hedge grew man-high. There were doves on the roof about the slim brick chimneys, and I caught a glimpse of an octagonal dove-house behind the screening wall. Here, then, I stayed; a horseman's green spear laid at my breast; held by the exceeding beauty of that jewel in that setting.

43. Scouting Resources - Jungle Book - Index
by rudyard kipling.
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Jungle Book Digitized by Cardinalis Etext Press, C.E.K.
Posted to Wiretap in July 1993, as jungle.rk. This text is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. The Works of Rudyard Kipling The Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling New York, The Century Co., 1899
THE DE VINNE PRESS Now Chil, the Kite, brings home the night
That Mang, the Bat, sets free
The herds are shut in byre and hut,
For loosed till dawn are we.
This is the hour of pride and power,
Talon and tush and claw.
Oh, hear the call! Good hunting all That keep the Jungle Law! Night-Song in the Jungle. Quick Links Rudyard Kipling Downloads Connected Kipling Society Kipling Links Jungle Book links Connected is a central area that provides links to obtain further information on subjects contained in Scouting Resources. From here you can go on to websites related to your area of interest, pick up some further reading in related books and jot down some contact addresses. Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936) Darren Dowling Rudyard Joseph Kipling was a writer born of British parents in Bombay, India. He was educated at boarding school in England and returned to India in 1882 where he worked as a journalist. His satirical verses and short stories, such as Plain Tales From the Hills (1888) and Soldiers Three (1892), won him a reputation in England, to which he returned in 1889 and settled in London.

44. One Side Of Kipling - William M. Salter
Critical essay on rudyard kipling's imperial ethics by William M. Salter of the Chicago Society for Ethical Culture, 1900.




Title Index
One Side of Kipling
By William M. Salter
The Ethical Record 2 (Oct.-Nov. 1900). T When we turn from the line of poets peculiarly characteristic of the last century to Kipling, 'tis as if we were entering another atmosphere. Byron and Shelley in England, Lowell and Whittier in America, all represented the new humanity, the new hatred of war and conquest, the new love of liberty, that we had supposed was characteristic of the modern era in which we are living. Prose writers, too, like Dickens and Thackeray, were forces making for wider and humaner thoughts. The movement was European. Even in Russia the impulses toward liberty and justice made themselves felt Turgenev writing one of his greatest books to further the emancipation of the serfs, and the Emperor Alexander confessing that the reading of this book was one of the great motives that determined him. Philosophy was affected by the same spirit; Herbert Spencer contrasted the militant and industrial types of society and said that from war all had been gained it had to give. Liberty, justice, peaceful cooperation these were the words of this master-thinker. In Kipling these thoughts, these sentiments, these very words appear to have vanished. It is said by those who have read him carefully that the word "freedom" does not occur in his books. Certainly he has no song in praise of liberty and I remember scarcely an instance in which he shows sympathy with an oppressed people or class. The soldier is the man he celebrates and his praises are almost all of war. For the Czar's late peace-proposal, which struck almost all the world as pathetically sincere, he had only a sneer. He appears not to believe in the brotherhood of the nations and looks forward to "the last great fight of all" in which Anglo-Saxon supremacy on the earth shall be triumphantly asserted. Tennyson's great dream of "a Parliament of Man, a Federation of the World" has faded out of his mind. It is not that it is utopian merely; apparently he does not wish it.

45. Poems - Fox-hunting
Poem by rudyard kipling reflecting on the history of fox hunting in England.
Fox-hunting The fox meditates
WHEN Samson set my brush afire
To spoil the Timnite's barley,
I made my point for Leicestershire
And left Philistia early.
Through Gath and Rankesborough Gorse I fled,
And took the Coplow Road, sir !
And was a gentleman in Red
When all the Quorn wore woad, sir ! When Rome lay massed on Hadrian's Wall,
And nothing much was doing,
Her bored Centurions heard my call 0' nights when I went wooing. They raised a pack - they ran it well (For I was there to run 'em) From Aesica to Carter Fell, And down North Tyne to Hunnum. When William landed hot for blood, And Harold's hosts were smitten, I lay at earth in Battle Wood While Domesday Book was written. Whatever harm he did to man, I owe him pure affection; For in his righteous reign began The first of Game Protection. When Charles, my namesake, lost his mask, And Oliver dropped his'n, I found those Northern Squires a task, To keep 'em out of prison. In boots as big as milking-pails, With holsters on the pommel, They chevied me across the Dales Instead of fighting Cromwell.

46. Anti-Imperialist Writings By William Dean Howells
Antiimperialist essays and stories by William Dean Howells about the Philippine-American War, rudyard kipling's The White Man's Burden, and the creation of an American empire.




Title Index
Anti-Imperialist Writings by William Dean Howells
By Jim Zwick
Photograph of William Dean Howells
D uring their lifetimes, Mark Twain and William Dean Howells (1837-1920) were closely linked when their anti-imperialist writings were considered. In a 1903 tract, The Principles of the Founders , Edwin D. Mead, the prominent Boston-based anti-imperialist, peace advocate, and cousin of Howells's wife, highlighted the two writers as representing literary anti-imperialism outside of Massachusetts. This was natural. Arguably the two most prominent and influential literary figures of their time, Howells and Twain were close friends, and they frequently discussed imperialism and the war in the Philippines in private talks and correspondence. Howells's association with the anti-imperialist movement began as early as April of 1898 when he joined Bolton Hall , Henry Codman Potter, Ernest H. Crosby Josephine Shaw Lowell and others in " A Peace Appeal to Labor " against the Spanish-American War. In October of the following year, stating that he was "heart and soul" with the organization, Howells joined Hall, Crosby, Carl Schurz Henry Van Dyke , and others in the short lived American League of New York. Asked by the

47. Ernest Thompson Seton (1860-1946)
Dedic³ toda su vida al estudio de la naturaleza, el estilo de vida de los indios norteamericanos y el arte de los bosques (Woodcraft). Su ben©fica influencia en Robert BadenPowell y rudyard kipling es evidente, pues ambos escritores solicitaron la autorizaci³n de Seton por el uso de algunas de sus ideas para la publicaci³n de Escultismo para muchachos y El libro de las tierras v­rgenes respectivamente.

48. L'enfant D'éléphant - Elephant's Child
L'histoire d'un enfant ©l©phant plein d'une insatiable curiosit© par rudyard kipling. En fran§ais et en anglais.



49. Braty Mowhli - Australia's Plast Fraternity
Braty Mowhli are an Australian PLAST kurin' who's members compise both Starshy Plastuny and Senyory. The kurin' and its principles are based loosely on rudyard kipling's The Jungle Book.

50. Kipling, Rudyard --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
kipling, rudyard (1865–1936). Millions of children have spent happy hours withrudyard kipling s ‘The Jungle Books and ‘Just So Stories about the land and
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51. Sestina Of The Tramp-Royal
By rudyard kipling, in Cockney dialect. Part of the DayPoems Poetry Collection edited by Timothy Bovee.
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52. Bateman's
This 17thcentury Wealden house was owned by rudyard kipling from 1902-1936. The National Trust provides a history, gallery, bird's eye plan, events, and opening times.

53. Rudyard Kipling: An Overview
Includes a biographical and historical chronology and discussions on kipling srelationship with the British Empire and imperialism.

54. Danegeld - Rudyard Kipling, Book, Etext
kipling's poem on the tax.
(A.D. 980-1016)
Rudyard Kipling
I T IS always a temptation to an armed and agile nation,
And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
It is always a temptation to a rich and lazy nation,
And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane. It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray,
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
any one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost, For the end of that game is oppression and shame, Back Words Home Kipling Home Site Info. ... Feedback

55. Cinema En Català A Les Illes Balears - Amor Amb Previ Avís
Seq¼ela de la pel·l­cula de Disney basada en la novel·la de rudyard kipling i dirigida per Steve Trenbirth
a les Illes Balears A R X I U El Llibre de la Selva 2 El Llibre de la Selva 2
  • The Jungle Book 2 Muntatge: Peter Lonsdale. Durada: 68 minuts.

Sinopsi argumental Amb la veu de Haley Joel Osment (el nin d’

del Govern de les Illes Balears Serveis Internet: MallorcaWeb

56. Rudyard Kipling - Free Online Library
rudyard kipling online books, kipling, rudyard Free Online Library - rudyardkipling Actions and Reactions, rudyard kipling The Big Drunk Draf ,
Library Rudyard Kipling Online Dictionary Spelling Center
Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was born in Bombay, but educated in England at the United Services College, Westward Ho, Bideford. In 1882 he returned to India, where he worked for Anglo-Indian newspapers. His literary career began with Departmental Ditties (1886), but subsequently he became chiefly known as a writer of short stories. A prolific writer, he achieved fame quickly. Kipling was the poet of the British Empire and its yeoman, the common soldier, whom he glorified in many of his works, in particular Plain Tales from the Hills (1888) and Soldiers Three (1888), collections of short stories with roughly and affectionately drawn soldier portraits. His Barrack Room Ballads (1892) were written for, as much as about, the common soldier. In 1894 appeared his Jungle Book , which became a children's classic all over the world. Kim (1901), the story of Kimball O'Hara and his adventures in the Himalayas, is perhaps his most felicitous work. Other works include The Second Jungle Book The Seven Seas Captains Courageous The Day's Work Stalky and Co.

57. Stories By Rudyard Kipling
Grimm s Fairy Tales in RealAudio including King Grizzly Beard, Queen Bee, andTom Thumb.
Stories by Rudyard Kipling
read by Alan Christy
How the Leopard Got Its Spots
The Beginning of the Armadillos
The Crab That Played with the Sea
Kids' Corner ...
WOUB Online

58. Home Page
Offering food, catering service, drink, live music, and theatre from around the world. Provides a menu, a schedule of events, hours and directions to the location in downtown Louisville.

59. Rudyard Kipling - Penguin Group (USA) Authors - Penguin Group (USA)
Find information on rudyard kipling, including popular titles and books by rudyardkipling. Read more with Penguin Group (USA),,0_1000007700,00.html
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60. Scouting Rudyard Kipling - Nuenen
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