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         Kawabata Yasunari:     more books (100)
  1. Le Maître ou le tournoi de go by Yasunari Kawabata, Sylvie Regnault-Gatier, 1988-01-01
  2. Tristesse et Beauté by Yasunari Kawabata, 2000-01-01
  3. Les Servantes d'auberge by Yasunari Kawabata, Suzanne Rosset, 1993-09-01
  4. La Beauté tôt vouée à se défaire, suivi de "Le Bras" by Yasunari Kawabata, Yukio Mishima, 2003-02-12
  5. Tausend Kraniche. by Yasunari Kawabata, 1999-06-01
  6. House of the Sleeping Beauties and Other Stories by Yasunari Kawabata, 1994
  7. Le Grondement de la montagne by Yasunari Kawabata, Sylvie Regnault-Gatier, 1986-03-01
  9. Die schlafenden Schönen by Yasunari Kawabata, 2004-08-31
  10. L'Adolescent by Yasunari Kawabata, 1992-10-08
  11. Ein Kirschbaum im Winter. Roman. by Yasunari Kawabata, 1983-01-01
  12. Schönheit und Trauer by Yasunari Kawabata, 2004-07-31
  13. Récits de la paume de la main by Yasunari Kawabata, Anne Bayard-Sakai, et all 2001-01-15
  14. The Master of Go by Yasunari Kawabata, 1980

41. Kawabata Yasunari -
Translate this page Autore kawabata yasunari Mondadori, 2001, 5ª ed. Visualizza dettagli e disponibilità Autore kawabata yasunari BUR Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli, 1997 Yasunari/shelf_BIT/Kawa
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ES, 2004
La casa delle belle addormentate

Autore: Kawabata Yasunari ES, 2004 Romanzi e racconti Autore: Kawabata Yasunari Mondadori, 2003 Il disegno del piviere Autore: Kawabata Yasunari SE, 2003 Il suono della montagna Autore: Kawabata Yasunari Bompiani, 2002, 6ª ed. Racconti in un palmo di mano Autore: Kawabata Yasunari Marsilio, 2002 Il paese delle nevi Autore: Kawabata Yasunari Einaudi, 2002 Mille gru Autore: Kawabata Yasunari SE, 2002 Lettere Autori: Mishima Yukio Kawabata Yasunari SE, 2002 Il maestro di Go Autore: Kawabata Yasunari SE, 2001 Prima neve sul Fuji Autore: Kawabata Yasunari Mondadori, 2001 La casa delle belle addormentate Autore: Kawabata Yasunari Mondadori, 2001, 5ª ed. Prima neve sul Fuji Autore: Kawabata Yasunari Mondadori, 2000 La casa delle belle addormentate Autore: Kawabata Yasunari SE, 2000 Immagini di cristallo Autore: Kawabata Yasunari Mondadori, 1998

42. AnimeKa Network : KAWABATA Yasunari. Yasunari.html
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43. Kawabata Yasunari
Translate this page kawabata yasunari, una tesi di laurea su tempo, memoria e impulso antinarrativo in Yama no oto.
• Tempo, memoria e impulso antinarrativo in Yama no oto di Kawabata Yasunari
INDICE Ringraziamenti Premessa Introduzione storico-biografica La vita di Kawabata Yasunari ...
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Corso di laurea in Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Tesi in Lingua e Letteratura giapponese
Relatore: Prof.ssa Ikuko Sagiyama
Correlatore: Dott.ssa Francesca Fraccaro
Candidato : Giorgio Boccia il suo curriculum
Anno Accademico: 2002-2003

44. Kawabata Yasunari
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    Kawabata Yasunari
    Kawabata Yasunari (jap. Kawabata Yasunari 14. Juni 16. April (Selbstmord)) war ein japanischer Schriftsteller und Literaturnobelpreisträger Kawabata wurde mit 2 Jahren zum Waisen, und verlor auch bald seine Großeltern. Als Student an der Universität Tokio gründete er zusammen mit Yokomitsu Riichi das neo-impressionistische Journal Bungei Jidai ( Das künstlerische Zeitalter
    Kawabatas Erstlingswerk war Izu no Odoriko Die Tänzerin von Izu . Seine Novelle Yukiguni Schneeland ) erschien , die Geschichte einer Liebesbeziehung zwischen einem Tokioter Playboy und einer provinziellen Geisha in einer entlegenen Ortschaft. Yukiguni wurde schon kurz nach Veröffentlichung zum Klassiker, und etablierte Kawabata als einen der führenden japanischen Schriftsteller. In Senbazuru Tausend Kraniche ) führte er einige Thematiken aus Yukiguni fort.
    Werke auf Deutsch
    • Die Tänzerin von Izu Izu no Odoriko , 1927), ISBN B-000-0BRWY-T Tagebuch eines Sechzehnjährigen , ISBN 3-499-11428-3 Ein Kirschbaum im Winter , ISBN 3-423-11297-2 Schneeland Yukiguni , 1937), ISBN 3-89404-431-4 Tausend Kraniche Senbazuru , 1949-1952), ISBN 3-423-11080-5 Kyoto oder Die jungen Liebenden in der alten Kaiserstadt Koto , 1962), ISBN 3-423-12297-8 Schönheit und Trauer Utsukushisa to kanashimi to , 1965), ISBN 3-423-11245-X Handtellergeschichten , ISBN 3-423-11621-8 Die schlafenden Schönen , ISBN 3-518-39685-4 Träume im Kristall , ISBN 3-518-01383-1 Der Blinde und das Mädchen , ISBN 3-446-19694-3

45. Lexikon: Yasunari Kawabata - Begriff
Translate this page Kategorien Mann Kawabata, Yasunari. Yasunari Kawabata (jap. kawabata yasunari, * 14. Juni 1899, † 16. April 1972 (Selbstmord)) war ein Kawabata

46. Libri Di Kawabata Yasunari Al Prezzo Migliore
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  • Cerca per Autore : Kawabata Yasunari (1-16 di 16) Titolo : Lettere Autore : Kawabata Yasunari Mishima Yukio Il carteggio tra Mishima e Kawabata è un documento interessante sia dal punto di vista letterario che da quello umano. L'ultima lettera di Mishima è scritta... Dettagli Titolo : Mille gru­Koto­La casa delle belle addormentate... Nobel 1968 Autore : Kawabata Yasunari Dettagli Titolo : Bellezza e tristezza Autore : Kawabata Yasunari Dettagli Titolo : Arcobaleni Autore : Kawabata Yasunari In un incastro di ricordi, deviazioni sul tema, ritorni, immagini, si svolge la vicenda di Momoko, inquieta adolescente, dalla vita sentimentale intensa... Dettagli Titolo : Mille gru Autore : Kawabata Yasunari Dettagli Titolo : Immagini di cristallo Autore : Kawabata Yasunari Dettagli Titolo : Il paese delle nevi Autore : Kawabata Yasunari Dettagli Titolo : Prima neve sul Fuji Autore : Kawabata Yasunari I racconti contenuti in "Prima neve sul Fuji" racchiudono una gamma quasi shakesperiana di umori e temi. Kawabata offre una serie di variazioni sulla fragilità...

    47. Personaggi - Yasunari Kawabata - Tesi Di Laurea Correlate Yasunari

    48. Il Lago - Kawabata Yasunari
    Translate this page Autore, kawabata yasunari. Prezzo, EURO 7,00. Dati, 126 p., brossura. Anno, 2005. Editore, Guanda. Collana, Le Fenici tascabili

    49. Yasunari Kawabata - Wikipédia
    Translate this page intégrale de kawabata yasunari) aux éditions Shinchôsha en 37 volumes. 1985 – Fondation du kawabata yasunari Bungakukan (musée kawabata yasunari),
    Yasunari Kawabata
    Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
    Yasunari Kawabata ) est un ©crivain japonais modifier
    ¨re Meiji ) - Le 14 juin Kawabata Yasunari, deuxi¨me enfant d'une famille prosp¨re et cultiv©e, vient au monde   Ōsaka . N© pr©matur©   sept mois il restera de sant© fragile toute son existence. Sa sœur Yoshiko est de quatre ans son a®n©e. Son p¨re, Eikichi, m©decin   Ōsaka fit ses ©tudes de m©decine   Tokyo . Fin lettr© amateur de po©sie chinoise et de peinture il meurt de tuberculose d¨s janvier Sa m¨re, Gen, n©e Kuroda, (pr©c©demment mari©e au fr¨re de son ©poux) est issue d'une famille fortun©e. Apr¨s le d©c¨s de son mari elle retourne dans sa maison natale au village de Toyosato en p©riph©rie d'”saka avec ses deux enfants mais d©c¨de de la mªme maladie en janvier . € trois ans Yasunari est orphelin. S©par© de sa sœur qui est recueillie par sa tante, il est ©lev© par ses grands-parents paternels qui vivaient dans le village de Toyokawa , autre district de la r©gion d'Ōsaka. Ceux-ci tent¨rent de pallier le vide affectif traumatisant caus© par la disparition de ses parents. Son grand-p¨re Kawabata Sanpachir´, notable local f©ru de science divinatoire et un temps fabriquant de m©decine chinoise avait vendu ses terres pour investir dans des placements qui caus¨rent sa ruine.

    50. Thảo Luận:Kawabata Yasunari – Wikipedia Tiếng Việt
    Translate this page Ð? trang chính ? Yasunari Kawabata thì có l? h?p lý hon?Á Lý Sa 0809, 1 tháng 7 2005 (UTC). Lúc d?u tôi làm v?y, nhung cân nh?c l?i, tôi nghi nên theo
    Thảo luận:Kawabata Yasunari
    B¡ch khoa to n thÆ° mở Wikipedia
    Họ Tªn hay Tªn Họ
    Để trang ch­nh ở Yasunari Kawabata th¬ c³ lẽ hợp l½ hÆ¡n?  L½ Sa 08:09, 1 th¡ng 7 2005 (UTC) Lºc đầu t´i l m vậy, nhÆ°ng c¢n nhắc lại, t´i nghÄ© nªn theo đºng thứ tá»± m  người Nhật d¹ng: họ trước tªn , thay v¬ thứ tá»± phÆ°Æ¡ng t¢y. S¡ch b¡o trong nước hiện cÅ©ng kh´ng thống nhất, h¬nh nhÆ° ai đọc từ ng´n ngữ n o th¬ theo đ³. Chẳng hạn nhÆ° c¡c b i của thầy Nhật Chiªu chuyªn về văn học Nhật Bản th¬ viết theo kiểu Nhật. Avia 08:28, 1 th¡ng 7 2005 (UTC) Người Nhật viết tªn của họ tuỳ theo loại chữ viết. Nếu viết bằng H¡n tá»± ( Kanji ) th¬ thứ tá»± l  Họ Tªn. Nếu viết bằng chữ Latinh ( Romaji ) th¬ thứ tá»± l  Tªn Họ.  L½ Sa 08:41, 1 th¡ng 7 2005 (UTC)
    Avia 09:31, 1 th¡ng 7 2005 (UTC)
     L½ Sa 09:33, 1 th¡ng 7 2005 (UTC)
    Avia 09:56, 1 th¡ng 7 2005 (UTC)
    Bªn Wikipedia tiếng Anh cÅ©ng tranh luận về thứ tá»± n y, xin tham khảo thªm. Vẫn chÆ°a ng£ ngÅ©, nhÆ°ng xem ra c¡ch viết Họ Tªn vẫn được nhiều phiếu hÆ¡n. M  đ³ l  để d¹ng trong phiªn bản tiếng Anh, nÆ¡i người ta quen viết Tªn Họ!

    51. Yasunari Kawabata
    A brief biography, and a list of selected works with both English and Japanese titles.
    Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
    B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Yasunari Kawabata (1899-1972) First Japanese novelist, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature (1968). Many of Kawabata's book explore melancholically the place of sex in culture and people's lives. His works combine old Japan's beauty with modernist trends, realism with surrealistic visions. Over the course of his life, Kawabata wrote more than a hundred 'palm-of-the-hand' stories - as the author called them. They were usually two or three pages long, and expressed according to Kawabata the essence of his art. In one of the stories, 'Up in the Tree,' Michiko and Keisuke, both fourth graders, share a secret. Keisuke tells her that his parents quarrel, and his father has another woman. He once climbed a tree in the garden so that his mother couldn't take him and go back to her parents' house. Since then he has been up in the tree a lot. "The "secret" of their being up in the tree had continued for almost two years now. Where the thick trunk branched out near the top, the two could sit comfortably. Michiko, straddling one branch, leaned back against another. There were days when little birds came and days when the wind sang through the pine needles. Although they weren't that high off the ground, these two little lovers felt as if they were in a completely different world, far away from the earth." (from 'Up in the Tree') Yasunari Kawabata was born in Osaka into a prosperous and cultured family. He learned to know loneliness and rootlessness early - he was orphaned at age of three, his grandmother died when he was seven, and his only sister when he was nine. The family deaths deprived Kawabata of normal childhood and some critics has seen that these early traumas formed the background for the sense of loss and regret which run through his writing. In 1920 he started his literature studies at Tokyo Imperial University, and graduated in 1924.

    52. Yasunari Kawabata Annotated Bibliography
    Includes translated, and secondary sources. Put together by Allen Reichert, the electronic access librarian Otterbein College.
    Translated (Primary) Sources Secondary Sources A - G Secondary Sources H - O Secondary Sources P - Z HOW TO READ THE CITATIONS This annotated bibliography lists journal/magazine articles, books, and chapters of books. Books are straightforward. For journals/magazines: Araki, James T. "Kawabata and his Snow Country." The Centennial Review This article, "Kawabata and his Snow Country," was written by Araki and appeared in volume 13 issue 4 of the Centennial Review For book chapters: Brownstein, Michael C. "Kawabata Yasunari's Snow Country." In Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective , ed. Barbara Stoler Miller, 481-492. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994. If you wanted to find this book at your library or on Amazon, then search by the book title Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective , or by the editor, Barbara Miller. ABOUT THE BIBLIOGRAPY A major update of materials was done Summer 2003. It began as a library science class project in the summer of 1996, inspired by my interest and enjoyment of Kawabata's writing. It is now, more or less, a labor of love. The bibliography is restricted to English language materials - either by or about Kawabata, with two caveats. I have not recorded all of the book reviews that appeared when Kawabata's work became available in the United States. Also, with a some exceptions, such as

    53. Literature 1968
    yasunari kawabata. yasunari kawabata. Japan. b. 1899 Presentation Speech yasunari kawabata Biography Nobel Lecture Documentary Banquet Speech
    The Nobel Prize in Literature 1968
    "for his narrative mastery, which with great sensibility expresses the essence of the Japanese mind" Yasunari Kawabata Japan b. 1899
    d. 1972 The Nobel Prize in Literature 1968
    Presentation Speech
    Yasunari Kawabata
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    54. Yasunari Kawabata - Biography
    yasunari kawabata – Biography. yasunari kawabata. yasunari kawabata, son of a highlycultivated physician, was born in 1899 in Osaka.
    Yasunari Kawabata , son of a highly-cultivated physician, was born in 1899 in Osaka. After the early death of his parents he was raised in the country by his maternal grandfather and attended the Japanese public school. From 1920 to 1924, Kawabata studied at the Tokyo Imperial University, where he received his degree. He was one of the founders of the publication Bungei Jidai , the medium of a new movement in modern Japanese literature. Kawabata made his debut as a writer with the short story, Izu dancer , published in 1927. After several distinguished works, the novel Snow Country in 1937 secured Kawabata's position as one of the leading authors in Japan. In 1949, the publication of the serials Thousand Cranes and The Sound of the Mountain was commenced. He became a member of the Art Academy of Japan in 1953 and four years later he was appointed chairman of the P.E.N. Club of Japan. At several international congresses Kawabata was the Japanese delegate for this club. The Lake The Sleeping Beauty (1960) and The Old Capital (1962) belong to his later works, and of these novels

    55. Yasunari Kawabata Der Blinde Und Das Mädchen
    Buchempfehlung der Saarbr¼cker Zeitung zum 100. Geburtstag des japanischen Nobelpreistr¤gers f¼r Literatur am 11. Juni 1999.

    56. Yasunari Kawabata Winner Of The 1968 Nobel Prize In Literature
    yasunari kawabata, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
    1968 Nobel Laureate in Literature
      for his narrative mastery, which with great sensibility expresses the essence of the Japanese mind.
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    57. LESELUST Yasunari Kawabata - Tausend Kraniche *** Literatur Aus Japan - Lesen -
    Rezension von Daniela Ecker in Leselust .
    LESELUST eigene Meinung schreiben Yasunari Kawabata - Tausend Kraniche
    Roman. dtv, 109 Seiten, ISBN: 3423110805
    Ersch. 1956 unter dem Titel "Sembazuru"
    Aus dem Japanischen 1989 von Sachiko Yatsushiro
    Mehr Literatur aus Japan
    Der Autor:
    Yasunari Kawabata wurde am 11. Juni 1899 als Sohn eines Arztes in Osaka geboren. 1917 - 1924 studierte er in Tokio Anglistik und japanische Literatur. Seine zahlreichen Romane und Erzählungen schildern häufig autobiographisch Begründetes. 1968 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Kawabata starb am 16. April 1972 in Zushi bei Yokohama durch Selbstmord.
    Weitere Titel: Tausend Kraniche / Schönheit und Trauer / Ein Kirschbaum im Winter
    Ein junger Mann wird von der früheren Geliebten seines Vaters zu einer Teezeremonie eingeladen. Er war auch zuvor regelmäßig eingeladen worden, diesen Aufforderungen jedoch nach dem Tod seines Vaters nicht mehr gefolgt.
    Diesmal jedoch wurde er speziell gebeten zu erscheinen - man möchte ihm eine junge Dame vorstellen.

    58. Yama No Oto
    Info ¼ber den Film von Mikio Naruse, der auf dem Roman Ein Kirschbaum im Winter von yasunari kawabata basiert.
    Yama no oto (Berggrollen)
    Mikio Naruse, Japan 1954; 94 Min., Ov/f
    Mit HARA Setsuko, YAMAMURA, So, UEHARA Ken, NAGOAKA Teruko, SUGI Yoko

    C.K. Zyklus:
    Filme in diesem Zyklus:
    Bluebeard's Eighth Wife Gilda Rembetiko Jaws ...
    Programmtelefon ++41 1 242 04 11 (Keine Reservationen) Last Updated: 22.4.1999

    59. BerlinOnline: Berliner Zeitung Archiv - Der Wassergeist / Schnittpunkt Zwischen
    Dem japanischen Literaturnobelpreistr¤ger yasunari kawabata zum 100. Geburtstag. Beitrag von Manuela Reichart in BerlinOnline.
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    Datum: Ressort:
    Manuela Reichart
    Der Wassergeist
    Schnittpunkt zwischen Ost und West: Dem japanischen Literaturnobelpreisträger Yasunari Kawabata zum 100. Geburtstag
    Als er 1972 Selbstmord beging, waren alle ratlos: Kein Abschiedsbrief, keine Erklärung, kurze Zeit vorher war er mit Freunden zusammengewesen, er hatte Verabredungen, Pläne gehabt. Man fand ihn an einem Sonntag abend in seinem Arbeitsapartment, das der 72jährige erst wenige Monate zuvor gekauft hatte, im benachbarten Sommerbadeort seiner Heimatstadt Kamakura. Yasunari Kawabata brachte sich durch das Einatmen von Leuchtgas um. Die einzelnen Kapitel dieser Familiengeschichte, in der es vor allem um die innere Welt des Protagonisten geht, wurden von 1949 bis 1958 in Zeitschriften veröffentlicht. Wie andere Werke Kawabatas auch, war dies kein Vorabdruck, wie wir ihn kennen, vielmehr entstand der Text von Folge zu Folge, wurde überarbeitet und weitererzählt, bis er schließlich als Buch erschien. Kawabata schrieb keine vorher festgelegte Geschichte, sondern entwikkelte den Stoff über Jahre hinweg aus einem Netzwerk verschiedener kurzer Episoden. In diesen Geschichten die so kurz sind, daß sie auf einen Handteller passen würden geht es um stille Empfindungen und irreale Hoffnungen, es sind Miniaturen, hinter denen sich Lebensentwürfe und Lebenslügen, wehmütige Liebessehnsüchte und erotische Obsessionen verbergen. Ein Mann fährt täglich mit dem Zug und beobachtet dabei ein schönes Schulmädchen. Er denkt über sie nach, stattet die Unbekannte in seiner Phantasie mit Herkunft und Geschichte aus, bis er plötzlich Zeuge wird eines Abschieds zwischen ihr und einem älteren Mädchen. Hinter wenigen Zeilen nur verbirgt der Autor eine innige Liebesgeschichte zwischen diesen beiden. In dem Moment der Trennung erkennt man den dauernden Schmerz, der ihr Leben überschatten wird.

    60. Kawabata, Yasunari. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05
    kawabata, yasunari. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105.
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