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81. Nat' Academies Press, The Door In The Dream: Conversations With Eminent Women In jerome karle was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1985. The karles havethree daughters, born in 1946, 1950, and 1955. http://www.nap.edu/openbook/0309065682/html/64.html | |
82. Inventors And Inventions: K - EnchantedLearning.com (NRL) xray diffraction section in the Laboratory for the Structure of Matter.karle s husband, jerome karle, is a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/indexk.shtml | |
83. ALMA MATER - Miesiecznik Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego W Krakowie jerome karle oraz jego malzonka dr Isabella Lugoskikarle - znakomici uczeni jerome karle i Isabelli Lugoski-karle wystapila grupa profesorów Wydzialu http://www3.uj.edu.pl/alma/alma/45/01/09.html |
84. 1985 ÇϹöÆ® ÇÏ¿ìÇÁÆ®¸Õ(Herbert A. Hauptman), Á¦·Ò Ä®(Jerom Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.newtonkorea.co.kr/newton/magazine/novell/1985.htm | |
85. Dra. Isabella L. Karle Químico Y Jefe De La Sección De Difracción Translate this page y se casó con el futuro ganador del premio Novel, jerome karle (Química, 1985).Para apoyar los esfuerzos de la guerra, los karle se unieron al proyecto http://www.awis.org/resource/karle.html | |
86. Bradbury Science Museum Celebrates Women's History Month With Talks, Exhibit | T Her husband, jerome karle, who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1985,helped develop a mathematical theory for direct methods to determine molecular http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/pa/newsbulletin/2005/03/08/text03.shtml | |
87. Enciclopedia :: 100cia.com Translate this page jerome karle. (En este momento no hay texto en esta p�gina. Para iniciar elart�culo, click editar esta p�gina (http//es.wikipedia.orgjerome_karle).) http://100cia.com/enciclopedia/Jerome_Karle | |
88. MSN Encarta - Karle, Jerome Translate this page karle, jerome (New York 1918), biofisico e cristallografo statunitense. Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta karle, jerome http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761583226/Karle_Jerome.html | |
89. Harvard Gazette: Honorary Degrees Awarded To Eleven With her husband, fellow graduate student jerome karle, she worked briefly onthe Manhattan Project at the University of Chicago before becoming the first http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2001/06.07/01-hondegrees.html | |
90. Science -- Author Index {19 March 1999; 283 (5409)} Abstract Full Text Kaneshima, Satoshi (in Reports) Abstract Full Text Kárason,Hrafnkell (in Reports) Letter karle, jerome (in Letters) Abstract http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol283/issue5409/aindex.shtml | |
91. AIT - News And Events jerome karle marks AIT Nobel Laureates lecture series debut. Prof. jerome karle (left),Nobel Laureate for Chemistry will lecture at AIT on Wednesday, http://www.misu.ait.ac.th/newsandevents/bulletinByIssue.cfm?Date=24-Nov-2003 |
92. Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents The American scientists, Herbert Hauptman and jerome karle, are physicists, butNobel officials took the exceptional step of awarding them the chemistry http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1985/1985p.html | |
93. Lindau 2002: 2002 Trip Report Lindau Conference Day 2 Above Nobel Laureate jerome karle engages the students at his table in some lively Left Glake Hill listens intently to Nobel Laureate jerome karle. http://www.orau.gov/orise/edu/lindau2002/day2.htm | |
94. Minerva. Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Karle http://www.minerva.unito.it/Theatrum Chemicum/NobelChimica/Karle.htm | |
95. Prix Nobel De 1985 à 1989 http://membres.lycos.fr/xjarnot/Chimistes/Nobel_1985.html | |
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