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101. German Forced Labour Compensation Program - International Organization For Migra The international organization for Migration (IOM) handles claims and pays compensation to former nonJewish forced and slave labourers under the Nazi regime. Information on eligibility and how to file claims. http://www.compensation-for-forced-labour.org/ | |
102. Yearbook Of International Co-operation On Environment And Development: ILO The international labour Office acts as secretariat to the organization. Publications. World of Work Magazine (five times a year);; international labour http://www.greenyearbook.org/igo/ilo.htm | |
103. The Avalon Project : A Decade Of American Foreign Policy The international Labor organization Declaration Concerning Aims and Purposes The General Conference of the international labour Organisation meeting in http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/decade/decade15.htm | |
104. E. Agreement Between The International Labour Organisation And The Food And Agri Representatives of the international labour Organisation shall be invited to attend the meetings of the Conference of the Food and Agriculture organization http://www.fao.org/docrep/x5582E/x5582e0f.htm | |
105. International Labour Organisation international labour Organisation. The 1 title in this subject heading is. History of the international Labor organization, http://library.epinet.org/epi/catalog/subjects/1359.html | |
106. ILO Washington World Commission international Organizations Reports The ILO has released a new publication, Child Labor A Textbook for University Students. http://www.us.ilo.org/ | |
107. International Labour Organisation international labour Organisation. (ILO), specialized agency of the United Nations whose aim is to facilitate the improvement of conditions of labour and http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/292_59.html | |
108. International Labour Organisation International Labour Conventions And Recommend The General Conference of the international labour Organisation, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the international labour Office, http://www.ciesin.org/docs/010-282/010-282.html | |
109. International Labour Organisation | AWiSE international labour Organisation. ILONews Welcome to the ILO newsfeed The Governing Body of the international labour Office (ILO) elected Carlos A. http://www.awise.org/?q=aggregator/sources/40 |
110. Geneva International Forum The international labour Organisation is the UN specialised agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognised human and http://geneva.intl.ch/gi/egi/egi038.htm | |
111. The International Labour Organisation Correspondent In Romania The international labour Organisation Correspondent in Romania Tripartite seminars on international labour standards for Romanian judges and judicial http://www.un.ro/ilo.html | |
112. Convention (No. 169) Concerning Indigenous And Tribal Peoples In Independent Cou status of ratifications (ILO database on international labour Standards) *. The General Conference of the international labour Organisation, http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/62.htm | |
113. R152 Tripartite Consultation (Activities Of The International Labour Organisatio (1) Each Member of the international labour Organisation should operate procedures which ensure effective consultations with respect to matters concerning http://training.itcilo.org/ils/foa/library/recommendations_en/r152.htm | |
114. David A. Morse Papers: Series I, International Labour Organisation Files, Subser Box/Folder Listing Series 1, international labour Organisation Files 6, American Arbitration Association international labour Organisation http://infoshare1.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/morse/ser1 | |
115. Fact Sheets On International Bodies Considering Traditional Knowledge - 10. Inte The international labour Organisation ( ILO ) is a specialised agency of the United Nations ( UN ). It was founded in 1919 and became the first specialised http://www.med.govt.nz/buslt/int_prop/traditional-knowledge/fact-sheets/fact-she | |
116. International Labour Organisation (ILO) The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues law reform grounded in the protection of human rights and the development of legal capacity in our thematic http://www.justiceinitiative.org/db/resource2?res_id=100740 |
117. Pravda.RU Head Of International Labour Organisation Speaks Highly Of New Labour DirectorGeneral of the international labour Organisation (ILO) Juan Somavia highly estimates the new labour Code of the Russian Federation. http://english.pravda.ru/politics/2002/07/16/32561.html | |
118. Fair Labor Association: Welcome The Fair Labor Association is a nonprofit organization combining the efforts of to international labor standards and improve working conditions worldwide. http://www.fairlabor.org/ | |
119. E-Recruitment Vacancies Social Dialogue and labour Administration Specialist 2005/22, P4/P-5, Fixed-term appointment, YAOUNDE BSR, 29-Aug-05, Francais Espanol Mediator http://www2.ilo.org/erecruitssl/e-jobs/public/index.cfm?this_org_change=2000&o_c |
120. Globalization And Workers' Rights http://www.itcilo.it/english/actrav/telearn/global/ilo/default.htm | |
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