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81. Ýnsan Haklarý Merkezi Treaties/ international labour organization C.144 Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 C.151 Labour Relations http://insanhaklarimerkezi.bilgi.edu.tr/andlasmalar_ilo/index_eng.asp | |
82. GHS - ILO international labour organization (ILO). GHS Relevant International Instruments. Title. Organization. Date, Download. Convention Concerning the Prevention http://www.unitar.org/cwm/ghs_library/Country_org/ILO.htm | |
83. NGOSS: Description International Labour Organization Title international labour organization Theme Government Activity information dissemination Keywords labour;press;releases; http://ngo.org.ru/ngoss/en/Id13927/GetDoc_short.html | |
84. Armedcon: International Labour Organization international labour organization Home Page ILO Convention 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of http://www.essex.ac.uk/armedcon/international/etc/ilo/default.htm | |
85. Books And Articles On International Labour Organization, Peace Palace Library Ca Periodical, 9. Report ; European Regional Conference International Labour Organisation (ILO) / International Labour Office / 1955. Periodical, 10. http://www.ppl.nl/catalogue.php?ppn=076240967&keyword=International Labour Organ |
86. International Labour Organization .....Recueil Des Cours - Hague Academy Of Inte Recueil des Cours Hague Academy of International Law. The Peace Palace Library presents a new 2 search results for international labour organization http://www.ppl.nl/bibliographies/all/showresults.php?bibliography=recueil&keywor |
87. Sisyphe - Legitimating Prostitution As Sex Work : UN International Labour Organ as Sex Work UN international labour organization Calls for Recognition of the Sex in Southeast Asia (Geneva international labour organization). http://sisyphe.org/article.php3?id_article=690 |
88. UN IN KAZAKHSTAN - INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION What is the International Labor Organization? The international labour organization is the UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice http://www.un.kz/script_site.php?id=26 |
89. Ilo The international labour organization was established in Geneva in 1919 at the end The International Labour Organisation Its Ideals and Results by EJ http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/CDGB/ilo.htm | |
90. UN Chronicle: 1969: International Labour Organization: 'patiently, Undramaticall Full text of the article, 1969 international labour organization patiently, undramatically, but not unsuccessfully The Nobel Prize from UN Chronicle http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1309/is_3_40/ai_111027102 | |
91. Global Health Activities Report NIOSH has partnered with the International Labor Organization (ILO) to provide The international labour organization (ILO) sponsors the development of http://www2a.cdc.gov/od/gharview/GHARmultilatmain.asp?org=13 |
92. Luxembourg Presidency - 7th European Regional Conference Of The International La The 7th European Regional Conference of the international labour organization (ILO) opened on 14 February 2005 with a joint reception of the Luxembourg and http://www.eu2005.lu/en/actualites/communiques/2005/02/15JunckerOIT/ | |
93. Www.december18.net international labour organization (Switzerland) A worldwide labour organisation consisting of over 300 member states. Its aims are to promote and realise http://www.december18.net/web/contact/start.php?menuID=52&lang=EN |
94. International Labour Organization international labour organization by Blas Delgado Ortiz, 24 June 2000 The flag of the international labour organization formulates policies and http://www.1uptravel.com/flag/flags/uno-ilo.html | |
95. International Labour Law Conference 2003 former Director, Employment Strategy Department, international labour organization, Geneva. The international labour organization (ILO), a UN agency, http://www.law.uwo.ca/mainSite/conferences/labour/labour_law/program.html | |
96. Labor Educational Module: Child Labor Links to the Free the Children organization, the home page of the international Programme on the Elimination of Child labour, The ILO's report on Child labour Today Facts and Figures, The ILO's photo essay on child labor. http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/EdModule/labor/childlabor.html | |
97. Asian Canadian Labour Alliance organization works towards raising awareness of labour issues within the Asian community. Features local and international news. http://www.buzzardpress.com/acla/ | |
98. International Migration Programme - Homepage Resources from the international Labor organization including a migrant workers database, standards of work, and goals for improving conditions. http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/migrant/ | |
99. The Socialist International Worldwide organization of major social democratic and labour parties. Site includes background, membership, resolutions, meeting reports, regular newsletter. http://www.socialistinternational.org/ |
100. JILAF - Japan International Labour Foundation - A nongovernmental organization for promoting international exchange and cooperation in the field of labor. Seeks international exchanges, projects, and seminars. http://www.jilaf.or.jp/English-jilaf/ | |
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