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101. Emergency Filtration To Donate NanoMasks To International Committee Of The Red C it is making an initial donation of 1000 of its NanoMasks to the internationalrelief agencies international committee of the red cross (ICRC) and CARE. http://nanotechwire.com/news.asp?nid=1448 |
102. Pravda.RU International Red Cross Aids Disaster-stricken Southern Russia The international committee of the red cross has sent urgent aid to the populationof floodstricken Southern Russia, ICRC s Moscow Office announced http://english.pravda.ru/world/2002/06/26/31228.html | |
103. Pravda.RU Red Cross Helps Flood Victims In Southern Russia The international committee of the red cross is lending first aid to the floodvictims in Southern Russia. On Tuesday, ICRC employees delivered the aid to http://english.pravda.ru/region/2002/07/02/31623.html | |
104. Paramilitary Operation In The Sudan—the International Committee Of The Red six workers of the international committee of the red cross (ICRC) a Swiss had a viable operation through the International Committee of Red Cross http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/27c/414.html | |
105. The International Committee Of The Red Cross Mine/UXO Awareness Programs, By Lau The international committee of the red cross Mine/UXO Awareness Programs byLaurence Desvignes. The ICRC Approach. Many current mine awareness strategies http://maic.jmu.edu/journal/4.3/focus/ICRC/ICRC.htm | |
106. [ICUJP-Topics] Red Cross Finds Detainee Abuse In Guantanamo (NYT) The international committee of the red cross, which is based in Geneva and isseparate from the American Red Cross, was founded in 1863 as an independent, http://lists.meer.net/pipermail/icujp-news/2004-November/000034.html | |
107. Conversation With Hernan Reyes, P. 2 Of 9 Joining the international committee of the red cross (ICRC). Was your first jobwith the international committee of the red cross? http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people/Reyes/reyes-con2.html | |
108. Princeton University Library | E-journals International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development InternationalCommittee of the Red Cross International Council for Traditional Music http://libweb5.princeton.edu/ejournals/browse_zd.asp?index=Publisher&key=Interna |
109. Princeton University Library | E-journals international committee of the red cross. International review of the Red Cross19951998; Revue internationale de la Croix-rouge (1999) 1999+ http://libweb5.princeton.edu/ejournals/browse_zd.asp?index=Society&key=Internati |
110. REPORT AF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OP THE RED CROSS (ICRC) ON THE GlobalSecurity.org is the leading source for reliable military news and militaryinformation, directed by John Pike. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/2004/icrc_report_iraq_feb2 | |
111. U.S. Senate Committee On Foreign Relations Has jurisdiction over international red cross activities, monetary and development organizations, scientific and environmental affairs, and nuclear energy. Plus, intervention and war, foreign commerce, safeguarding U.S. business and citizens, oceans, international accords except trade agreements, U.N., and studying worldwide nutrition. http://foreign.senate.gov/ | |
112. International Committee Of Red Cross international committee of red cross ICRC flag with logo. See also.international Federation of the red cross and red Crescent Flags of protection http://flagspot.net/flags/icrc.html | |
113. Red Crescent Of Uzbekistan international committee of the. red cross on 24 August 1995. Member of theinternational. Federation of red cross. and red Crescent Societies. IFRC Logo http://www.redcrescent.uz/ | |
114. International Committee Of Red Cross international committee of red cross international Federation of the redcross and red Crescent Flags of protection Kindersley (1997) states (in the http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/icrc.html | |
115. International Federation Of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Action for the most vulnerable in over 175 countries worldwide. http://www.ifrc.org/ | |
116. Red Cross Red Crescent - Make A Donation Together with red cross and red Crescent National Societies, the Federation actslocally to The international Federation thanks you for your support. http://www.ifrc.org/helpnow/donate/donate_response.asp | |
117. Red Cross In 1863, Henri Dunant from Switzerland, established the international Committeeof the red cross, an organization concerned with the alleviation of human http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWred.htm | |
118. Red Cross, Belize Humanity The international red cross and red Crescent movement was originallystarted to aid and assist without discrimination ALL men wounded on the http://www.belizeweb.com/redcross/join.htm |
119. American Red Cross - Preparing Communities For Emergencies And Keeping People Sa The American red cross helps prepare communities for emergencies and keep The American red cross is working with the National Urban League to develop a http://www.redcross.org/ | |
120. Home red cross Support redcross@bahamas.net.bs Webmaster bain@batelnet.bs. VISITOR HitCounter Copyright © 2002 THE BAHAMAS red cross SOCIETY http://www.bahamasredcross.org/ | |
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