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101. Legal Research On International Law Issues Using The Internet MaxPlanck-institute for Comparative Public law and international law (Heidelberg,Germany); Max-Planck-institute for Foreign and international Private law http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/~llou/forintlaw.html | |
102. Humanitarian Law Of Armed Conflicts site of the institute for international law of Peace and Armed Conflict San Remo Manual on international law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea http://www.spfo.unibo.it/spolfo/HUMLAW.htm | |
103. Archimedes Institute Library For Space Law And Policy Research Hashimoto, The Space Plane and international Space law Potomac institute,The international Space Station Commercialization Study http://www.permanent.com/archimedes/LawLibrary.html | |
104. T.M.C. Asser Institute - Introduction International Commercial Arbitration Master Programme of international law and Politics at the Kazan State University Seminars on EU law at the European institute in Lodz http://www.asser.nl/institute/categorieen/intro.asp?sub_categorie=19 |
105. T.M.C. Asser Institute - Introduction International Commercial Arbitration Philip C. Jessup international law Moot Court Competition Teams consistingof two to five international law students from over fifty countries http://www.asser.nl/institute/categorieen/intro.asp?sub_categorie=32 |
106. International Law Meets International Relations : Watson Institute For Inter The Watson institute for Intertational Studies Home News Events Programs ProjectsPublications international law Meets international Relations http://www.watsoninstitute.org/pub_detail.cfm?id=49 |
107. : Watson Institute For International Studies Historical Legacies and international law, held at the Dubnow institute on It was he who almost singlehandedly developed international law from a http://www.watsoninstitute.org/borderlands/030709minrights.cfm | |
108. SIIS Du Youkang, Director of the Department of international law on SinoIndia Philippe Burrin, Director of the Graduate institute of international Studies http://www.siis.org.cn/ |
109. Ecologic - Institute For International And European Environmental Policy - The P From a Principle to a Rule of Customary international law? 9.1 Customaryinternational law and How it Develops 9.2 Status of Customary international law http://www.ecologic.de/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=572 |
110. ECOLOGIC Questions such as its status as a rule of customary international law includingits scope, 9.1 Customary international law and How it Develops http://www.ecologic.de/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=572 |
111. CEELI - Moscow Institute Wins 2004 Jessup Moot Court In Russia The team from the Moscow State institute for international Relations (MGIMO) Philip C. Jessup international law Moot Court Competition www.ilsa.org http://www.abanet.org/ceeli/press_releases/02.27.04_jessup_russia_results.html | |
112. Institute On International And Comparative Law institute on international and Comparative law. The USD School of law, incooperation with foreign universities, sponsors the institute on international and http://www.sandiego.edu/usdlaw/academics/centers/iilc.php | |
113. Georgetown University | Institute For International Law And Politics (IILP) The institute for international law and Politics was established to promoteteaching and research in the area of the intersection of international law and http://iilp.georgetown.edu/ | |
114. Netherlands Institute Of International Relations Clingendael | Staff Netherlands institute of international Relations Clingendael Summer coursePublic international law at the Hague Academy of international law (1997). http://www.clingendael.nl/staff/?id=9 |
115. Seminars â IIIS, Institute For International Integration Studies â Tri The institute for international Integration Studies (IIIS) at Trinity CollegeDublin (TCD) IIIS international law Governance Seminar Series 20032004 http://www.tcd.ie/iiis/pages/events/seminars0304/internationallawgov.php | |
116. JSTOR: British Institute Of International And Comparative Law British institute of international and Comparative law (continues Journal ofComparative Legislation and international law and Journal of the Society of http://www.jstor.org/journals/biicl.html | |
117. Raoul Wallenberg Institute The Baltic Yearbook of international law joined the family of legal publications Laurin@wi.lu.se or on diskette via post to Raoul Wallenberg institute, http://www.rwi.lu.se/publications/journals/byil.shtml | |
118. Raoul Wallenberg Institute Established in 1930, the Nordic Journal of international law has remained theprincipal Raoul Wallenberg institute PO Box 1155 SE221 05 Lund, Sweden http://www.rwi.lu.se/publications/journals/njil.shtml | |
119. IIBE&L - Institute For International Business, Economics & Law The institute for international Business, Economics law is dedicated to theadvancement of study in support of those who work in today s global economy, http://www.iibel.adelaide.edu.au/ | |
120. Researching International Economic Law On The Internet IIEL Home IIEL Site Map Contact IIEL institute of international Economic law Home Researching international Economic law on the Internet http://www.ll.georgetown.edu/intl/iiel/home.htm | |
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