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61. VUB - Institute For European Studies VUB's law Faculty center at the institute for European Studies offering postgraduate level courses in European, comparative, and international law. http://www.ies.be/pilc/ |
62. Home The Defense institute of international Legal Studies (DIILS) provides expertise in international law of Military Operations is designed for military http://www.dsca.mil/diils/ | |
63. Georgetown Law - Georgetown Journal Of International Law The international law Journal of Georgetown University law Center in affiliation with The international law institute http://www.law.georgetown.edu/journals/lpib/index.html | |
64. ICIL Home The institute for Comparative and international law 19982004. Disclaimer andCopyright Information Created 1 January, 1999 Last modified 14 February, http://www.law.unimelb.edu.au/icil/ | |
65. University Of Wisconsin Law School Provides information about programs at the school, including the institute for Legal Studies, public interest law, and international programs offered by the School of law. http://www.law.wisc.edu | |
66. ASIL - International Law Links Max Planck institute for Comparative Public law and international law A Guide to Resources on Careers in Foreign and international law by Robert http://www.asil.org/spgbd.htm | |
67. HEI - Graduate Institute Of International Studies - Welcome! Founded in 1927, is devoted to teaching and scientific research in contemporary international relations. Fields of study include law, Economics, international History and Politics, and Political Science. http://hei.unige.ch/ | |
68. Instituut Voor Internationaal Recht The institute for international law is the National Point of Contact in Belgiumof the European Centre for Space law. Presentation of the course 2004 http://www.law.kuleuven.ac.be/iir/eng/teaching/spacelaw.html | |
69. Institute For International Law And Public Policy Temple law School institute for international law and Public Policy ,internationallaw ,Temple law ,institute for international law. http://www.temple.edu/iilpp/ | |
70. :: Institute For International Law And Public Policy :: Programs : Institute Fel 2005 US China Private international law Roundtable Summer 2005. The Institutefor international law and Public Policy at Temple University Beasley School http://www.temple.edu/iilpp/RoundtablePrivate.htm | |
71. Institute Of International Trade And Law Nonstate education institute which offers higher education in the sphere ofinternational business. http://www.iitl.ru/english/ | |
72. Homepage Max Planck Institute For Intellectual Property, Competition And Tax Law institute based in Munich. Information on projects and staff in English. http://www.intellecprop.mpg.de/Enhanced/English/Homepage.HTM | |
73. International Maritime Law Institute IMO Logo, international Maritime Organisation international Maritime law institute,IMLI Logo . . Established under the auspices of the international http://www.imli.org/ | |
74. Snowmobile Safety Institute Offers practical and realistic snowmobile training classes for law enforcement and emergency personnel. http://www.snowmobilesafety.com | |
75. NYU School Of Law - PCIC, Institutes: Institute For Internationl Law & Justice New York University School of law Banner. institute for international law andJustice 40 Washington Square South, VH 314 New York, NY 10012 (212) http://www.law.nyu.edu/institutes/intljustice/ | |
76. International Ombudsman Institute The international Ombudsman institute (IOI), established in 1978, is a worldwideorganization of ombudsman offices. http://www.law.ualberta.ca/centres/ioi/ | |
77. The Archimedes Institute - Space Law And Policy Research Aerospace policy research organization, providing an extensive library of international space law and policy documents, a forum for space policy issues, and nearly 200 links to other space policy entities. http://www.permanent.com/archimedes/ | |
78. Institute Of International Public Law And International Relations institute OF international PUBLIC law AND international RELATIONS Thessaloniki,Greece United Nations Peace Messenger Award http://www.auth.gr/institute-iplir/ | |
79. International Law, Institute Of -- Encyclopædia Britannica international law, institute of international organization founded in Ghent,Belgium, in 1873 to develop and implement international law as a codified http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9097131 | |
80. Texas Southern University > Institutes & Centers >Institute For Internationa The institute for international and Immigration law (IIIL) was launched in thefall of 2002. Since that time the institute has sponsored major conferences http://www.tsu.edu/academics/law/programs/immigration/index.asp | |
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