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41. Electronic Library On International Trade Law And The CISG You are here Home institute of international Commercial law Library oninternational Commercial law. Texts of commercial law documents http://www.cisg.law.pace.edu/ | |
42. Electronic Library On International Trade Law And The CISG The goals of the Pace institute of international Commercial law are to The institute serves international lawyers and law students in areas of law http://www.cisg.law.pace.edu/cisg/text/institute.html | |
43. Institute For International Law And Justice institute For international law and Justice, New York University law School.Home Site map Contact Us Links. Search http://www.iilj.org/ | |
44. American Society Of International Law Wildlife Interest Group A research institute devoted to critiquing the effectiveness of international wildlife treaty regimes and policies to conserve endangered species. http://eelink.net/~asilwildlife/ |
45. IILJ Working Papers institute For international law and Justice, New York University law School Home Site map Contact Us Links. Search http://www.iilj.org/papers/ | |
46. Institute Of International Politics And Economics, HISTORY AND MISSION STATEMENT The oldest Yugoslav thinktank in the field of international politican and economic relations, security studies, European studies and international law. http://www.diplomacy.bg.ac.yu/ | |
47. International Firearms Institute Tactical Firearms Training international Firearms institute provides advanced tactical handgun training for law enforcement professionals. Police and law Enforcement STSC Programs are available all year around. http://www.firearmsinstitute.com | |
48. Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) Resource of Australian and international legal materials, including a law specific search engine, links, Australian cases, law and other legal matters. http://www.austlii.edu.au/ | |
49. Santa Clara University School Of Law : Home For International Law The institute of international and Comparative law, in conjunction with the HighTech law institute, offers a Certificate in international High Tech law. http://www.scu.edu/law/international/ | |
50. IASL - Air & Aviation Law Resources relating to international law and aviation. http://www.iasl.mcgill.ca/airlaw/ | |
51. Santa Clara University School Of Law : Summer Abroad Through its institute of international and Comparative law, the school continuesto provide a unique opportunity for law students, attorneys and judges to http://www.scu.edu/law/international/summer_abroad.html | |
52. HUMAN RIGHTS PORTAL Promoting human rights and the training of lawyers in human rights and international criminal law, and reporting on the respect of defense rights. http://www.idhbb.org/uk-default.htm | |
53. Welcome To The Center For American And International Law Web Site institute for international and Comparative law institute for TransnationalArbitration institute for Energy law institute for Litigation Studies http://www.cailaw.org/ | |
54. Asser Institute institute for private and public international law, international commercial arbitration and european law. Service and contact details included. http://www.asser.nl/ |
55. Welcome To The Institute For International And Comparative Law The institute for international and Comparative law (IICL) offers annual programsthat focus on international business transactions and private investments http://www.cailaw.org/iicl/ | |
56. JIIA -ÆüËܹñºÝÌäÂ긦µæ½ê- A private, nonprofit, and independent research organization to foster the scientific study of international issues, economics, and law. Promotes exchanges with universities and research institutes and holds conferences and symposia. http://www.jiia.or.jp/ | |
57. Dumont Institute For Public Policy Research New Jersey based free market think tank that conducts research in economics, law, accounting international trade, and ethics. http://www.angelfire.com/nj/dumontinstitute/ | |
58. IILS Online Information about institute at the University of the Philippines law Center. http://www.upd.edu.ph/~iils/ | |
59. Institute For Human Rights And Development In Africa A nonprofit, non-governmental pan-African organisation founded to advance respect for human rights in Africa through the use of international law. http://www.africaninstitute.org/ |
60. Electronic Library On International Trade Law And The CISG Searchable bibliography of scholarly writings on the CISG, the UNIDROIT Principles of international Commercial Contracts and the Principles of European Contract law. http://www.cisg.law.pace.edu/cisg/biblio/biblio.html | |
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