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21. Institute Of International Law And International Relations institute of international law and International Relations A short descriptionof the Library of International Law can be found here. The Institute also http://www.univie.ac.at/RI/KONTERM/intlaw/local.html | |
22. Max Planck Institute For Comparative Public Law And International Law - Homepage Heavily involved in international law research and scholarship, offering a librarycatalog, and a World Court Digest, with summaries of decisions of the http://www.virtual-institute.de/eindex.cfm | |
23. International Law Institute A private, notfor-profit organization that conducts scholarly research, publishing,and practical legal training and technical assistance on many aspects http://www.ili.org/ | |
24. Institute Of International Economic Law (IIEL) The institute of international Economic law has the primary mission of encouragingresearch on international Economic law (IEL). http://www.law.georgetown.edu/iiel/ | |
25. Max Planck Institute For Foreign And International Criminal Law Based in Freiburg im Breisgau. Information in English about projects and staff. http://www.iuscrim.mpg.de/iuscrim_e.html | |
26. Home Seeking to advance academic research and instruction in the fields of armedconflict and ensuring peace. http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ifhv/ | |
27. International Institute For The Unification Of Private Law (UNIDROIT) - Home Pag UNIDROIT international institute for the Unification of Private law (UNIDROIT)is an independent intergovernmental organisation with its seat in the Villa http://www.unidroit.org/ | |
28. The International Institute For Animal Law Dedicated to developing legal scholarship and advocacy skills on behalf of animals. Offers news and resources along with details of programs, awards, grants and their board of directors. http://www.animallawintl.org | |
29. International Development Law Organization Promoting the use of legal resources in the development process in developingand transition economy countries through training, technical assistance, http://www.idli.org/ | |
30. HTML REDIRECT Private, independent and nonprofit organisation with the objective to promotethe development, application, dissemination and teaching of international http://www.iihl.org/ |
31. Employment/Internships Opportunities At ILI ORGANIZATIONAL SUMMARY The international law institute is a private, nonprofitorganization based in Washington, DC Chartered by Georgetown University in http://www.ili.org/Employment.htm | |
32. Procedural Aspects Of International Law (PAIL) Institute The PAIL institute is a nonprofit organization devoted to furthering the observance of international law through research, consulting, and publishing monographs and other educational materials. The 23 volumes of The Pail Monograph Series represent the longest, continuouslyedited collection of international law monographs. http://www.pail-institute.org/ |
33. British Institute Of International Comparative Law - BIICL The institute promotes the international rule of law and human rights by itsresearch and other activities in the fields of comparative law, international http://www.biicl.org/ | |
34. Institute Of International Trade And Law Nonstate education institute which offers higher education in the sphere of international business. http://www.iitl.ru/english/index.html | |
35. Welcome To The Legal Information Institute Primary legal materials and links to a wide array of U.S. and international legal reference websites. From Cornell law School. http://www.law.cornell.edu/ | |
36. IIT Downtown Campus Library -- Home Page Information Center represents an unique research tool in areas of law, international relations, business, and social sciences. http://library.kentlaw.edu/ | |
37. LII: Law About...International Trade international trade law is the mixture of domestic or national law and public Lex Mercatoria institute of international Commercial law (Pace) http://straylight.law.cornell.edu/topics/trade.html | |
38. The International Republican Institute : Welcome Nonpartisan Washington, DC-based group which conducts programs outside the United States to promote democracy and strengthen free markets and the rule of law. Site lists activities, volunteer opportunities, links, and historical speeches. http://www.iri.org/ | |
39. LII: World Law LII Legal Information institute It also holds resources and documentcollections of international law. National law Material http://straylight.law.cornell.edu/world/ | |
40. Institute For International Research On Criminal Policy IRCP was founded in 1992. The intention of IRCP, The institute for international Research on Criminal Policy, which is integrated in the Department of Criminal law and Criminology of the Faculty of law of Ghent University, is to conduct and promote internationally relevant scientific research regarding criminal policy issues. http://www.ircp.be/uk/index.asp | |
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