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161. CNN.com A retrospective of the nobel Prizes, includes laureate lists and a video archive. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/overview.html | |
162. Literature 1949 for his powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1949/ | |
163. Steven Chu, Former Bell Labs Researcher, Wins Nobel In Physics Using lasers to trap and cool molecules for study. nobel Prize for Chu, Phillips, and CohenTannoudji. http://www.bell-labs.com/user/feature/archives/chu/ | |
164. Chemistry 1913 (18661919) Suggested that all ligand molecules are bound directly to the metal ion, contrary to existing bonding theory. Werner was awarded the nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1913. Switzerland, Zurich University, Zurich, Switzerland. http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/1913/ | |
165. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics A comprehensive list of nobel Prize Laureates in physics, at the nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://nobelprizes.com/nobel/physics/ | |
166. Physics Greatest Puzzles There are no monetary prizes, though solving any one of these would almostguarantee a trip to Stockholm with its attendant award of a nobel Prize! http://antigravitypower.tripod.com/PhysicsPuzzles/ | |
167. Economics 1995 Includes an autobiography and curriculum vitae of the economist, as well as a press release from the nobel Foundation. http://nobelprize.org/economics/laureates/1995/ | |
168. The Nobel Prize In Literature Official nobel Foundation site, for literature. Awarded for an outstanding body of work 'in an ideal direction'. Presents Laureates and Symposia, articles and educational links, the Swedish Academy and selection process. Links to other nobel Prizes. http://nobelprize.org/literature/ | |
169. Martin Ryle - Nobel Lecture Radio telescopes of large resolving power. http://nobelprize.org/physics/laureates/1974/ryle-lecture.html | |
170. ARISE Homepage The aim of this project, lead by the nobel Prize Leon Lederman, is to develop a coherent, modular threeyear high school science curriculum. http://www-ed.fnal.gov/arise/arise.html | |
171. Literature Awards Winners All Literature Awards The nobel Prize, Pulitzer Prize, winners, titles, authors, years, children sbooks, fiction, nonfiction, biography, autobiography, poetry, science fiction, http://www.literature-awards.com/ | |
172. INDIA TODAY - The Most Widely Read Newsweekly In South Asia. India Today article on Sen's nobel. registration required http://www.india-today.com/itoday/26101998/cover.html | |
173. Nobel Prizes In Economics Listing and links to all nobel Prize winners in Economics. http://members.tripod.com/pugahome/nobel.htm | |
174. Biography: Selected Internet Resources (Science Reference Services, Library Of C Biographies of nobel Prize winners, with links to other sites containing information.Quick search available or can be browsed by nobel Prize category. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/selected-internet/biography.html | |
175. Home A Dyno nobel distributor. Six locations in the Northwest and Alaska. http://www.alaskapacificpowder.com/ | |
176. Clifford G. Shull, Nobel Winner In Physics, Dies At 85 Dr. Shull shared his nobel Prize with Dr. Bertram N. Brockhouse, an emeritusprofessor of physics at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, http://www.vanderbilt.edu/radsafe/0104/msg00035.html | |
177. Milton & Rose D. Friedman Foundation A foundation supported by nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman. Advocates restructuring the education system to ensure educational service competition and free choice. http://www.friedmanfoundation.org/ | |
178. Dario Fo Winner Of The 1997 Nobel Prize In Literature Winner of the 1997 nobel Prize for Literature. http://nobelprizes.com/nobel/literature/1997a.html | |
179. Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents Boston Globe Online. http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1994/1994q.html | |
180. The Nobel Prize In Chemistry General information and biographies, presentation speeches and press releases since 1901. The official site of the nobel Foundation. http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/ | |
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