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101. Nobel Peace Prize / ICBL All about the nobel Peace Prize and the Committee. All about ICBL, an umbrellaorganization for over one Land Mine index coop/lmines/lmines3.html http://boes.org/coop/lmines/ | |
102. CNN.com - IT And Plastics Pioneers Win Nobel Prizes - October 10, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/10/10/sweden.nobel/index.html | |
103. Chemistry 1904 Sir William Ramsay. in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/1904/index.html | |
104. Index By Series index by Series index by Translation nobel Symposium 123 Karl Grandin, NinaWormbs, Anders Lundgren and Sven Widmalm, editors http://www.shpusa.com/bkindser.html | |
105. Nobelprize.org nobelprize.org, Official web site of the nobel Foundation. http://nobelprize.org/ | |
106. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Chemistry A comprehensive list of nobel Prize Laureates in Chemistry. http://almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/chemistry.html | |
107. Great Writers And Poets A fairly wideranging directory of links to resources on the 'net for numerous authors, including information on nobel Prize winners. http://www.xs4all.nl/~pwessel/writers.html | |
108. The Nobel Foundation It represents the nobel institutions externally and administers The Foundationalso administers nobel symposia in the different prize areas. http://nobelprize.org/nobel/nobel-foundation/ | |
109. Nobel Prize For Chemistry Lists laureates from 1901 to 1999. Includes photographs. http://lem.ch.unito.it/chemistry/nobel_chemistry.html | |
110. Physics 1945 Awarded to Wolfgang Pauli for the discovery of the Exclusion Principle, also called the Pauli Principle. http://nobelprize.org/physics/laureates/1945/ | |
111. The Norwegian Nobel Institute Web site of the Norwegian nobel Committee, the Norwegian nobel Institute and thenobel Peace Prize. http://www.nobel.no/ | |
112. Nat'l Academies Press: Nobel Prize Women In Science: Their Lives, Struggles, And Book has biographies of fifteen women scientists. Ten of them won the nobel Prize in science; the other five were crucial in discoveries that led to a nobel for someone else. Illustrated. http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10016.html | |
113. The Nobel Prize: 100 Years Of Creativity Explore the history and significance of the nobel Prize. Learn about wellknownnobel Prizes in the context of historic events, reflect on nobel Prize http://www.exploratorium.edu/nobel/ | |
114. Nobel Prize The story of the discovery of superfluid Helium3 http://www.lassp.cornell.edu/~cew2/NobelPrize.html | |
115. Nobel Laureates - National Institutes Of Health (NIH) NIH Almanac data on the nobel Laureates. Read about the NIH Scientists whohave won nobel prizes. Laureate. Field. Year. Supporting NIH Institute(s) http://www.nih.gov/about/almanac/nobel/ | |
116. CERN Archive, Welcome Resources on the history of CERN, as well as the 'Pauli Archive', a private collection of scientific books, reprints, correspondence and manuscripts of the late Professor Wolfgang Pauli, nobel Laureate, 1945. http://library.cern.ch/archives/archnet/ | |
117. Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents Newspaper article describing the theory that won Robert Lucas the 1995 nobel Prize in Economics. http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1995/1995h.html | |
118. The Nobel Channel Collaborative effort by Swedish Television and IMG/TWI. Variety of multimedia productions and archives on Alfred nobel, the nobel Prize and Laureates. Includes an Interactive Learning Studio, Laureate lectures, events calendar and related web links. http://www.nobelchannel.com/ |
119. Right Livelihood Award - Home Page It has become widely known as the Alternative nobel Prize and there are now It has been said that if the nobel Prizes reflected world concerns of the http://www.rightlivelihood.org/ | |
120. Russell A. Hulse - Nobel Lecture The discovery of the binary pulsar. http://nobelprize.org/physics/laureates/1993/hulse-lecture.html | |
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