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41. The Nobel E-Museum http//www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1983/index.html http//www.profiles.nlm.nih.gov/LL/ http//www.nationalacademies.org/history/members/mcclintock. http://library.albany.edu/science/nobel.html | |
42. The Vega Science Trust - Freeview Video On The Web - The Lindau Nobel Prizewinne Lindau nobel Prizewinners Annual Meetings page. The Lindau nobel PrizewinnersMeetings. An annual meeting of nobel prize winners http://www.vega.org.uk/series/lindau/index.php | |
43. S. African Wins Literature Nobel CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/europe/10/02/nobel.literature.ap/index.html |
44. Nobel Prize@Everything2.com http//www.nobel.se/index.html. See also Alfred nobel and Alfred nobel s Will . Pasternak was given the nobel Prize for Literature in 1958 following the http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=71541 |
45. Home index of Definitions. Investor Contacts Akzo nobel is an internationalcompany active in the areas of pharmaceuticals, coatings and chemicals. http://www.akzonobel.com/ | |
46. Akzo Nobel index of Definitions. Investor Contacts Akzo nobel NV shareholders equitydivided by the number of common shares outstanding at December 31 http://www.akzonobel.com/finance/definitions.asp |
47. Index - Vélemény - A Hülyeség Nobel-díjasai A hülyeség nobeldíjasai - Az Annals of Improbable Research címu harvardi tudományosvicclap 1991 óta a stockholmi ceremóniával egyszerre, minden évben http://index.hu/tech/fightclub/nobelbodoky/ | |
48. Index - Tech - Kémiai Nobel-díj A Királis Molekulák Szintéziséért A 2001. évi kémiai nobeldíj díj felét megosztva kapja az amerikai William S.Knowles Az idei kémiai nobel-díjasok olyan molekulákat fejlesztettek ki, http://index.hu/tech/tudomany/kemnobel2001/ | |
49. Cleveland.com: Everything Cleveland A nobel Cause. Case professor Michael Scharf s pro bono law firm has been nominatedfor the nobel Peace Prize for its work in establishing war crimes http://www.cleveland.com/sundaymag/features/index.ssf?/base/sunday_mag/112107424 |
50. CNN.com - Nobel Prize Winners 'in Shock' - October 8, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/10/08/nobel.prize/index.html | |
51. Charter Schools And Organizational Learning By Nobel Learning Charter Schools and Organizational Learning by nobel Learning offers a broadrange of educational services to students and their parents. http://www.nobellearning.com/nobel/flash/index.cfm |
52. Carter Arrives In Norway For Nobel CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/12/08/nobel.carter.ap/index.html |
53. Nobel Prize - Enpsychlopedia The nobel Prizes are generally awarded to people, (or in the case of nobel nobel Foundation (http//nobelprize.org/nobel/nobelfoundation/index.html) http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Nobel_Prize | |
54. Alfred Nobel | Swedish Industrialist Lucidcafé s Profile of Alfred nobel. nobel@Factindex.com The nobelFoundation, Stockholm, Sweden; The nobel Prize Internet Archive nobel Channel http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/95oct/alfnobel.html | |
55. Björkborn The nobel Museum is situated in a beautiful cultural environment at Björkborn Manor.Here you can see Alfred nobel s last home in Sweden and his laboratory http://www.nobels-bjorkborn.t.se/index-eng.html | |
56. Literature 1997 Includes biography, listing of works in Italian and in translation, speech, and photos. http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1997/index.html | |
57. All About Nobel Prize - RecipeLand.com Reference Library The first ceremony to award the nobel Prizes in literature, physics, chemistry, The nobel Prize (http//www.nobelpreis.org/english/index.html) http://www.recipeland.com/encyclopaedia/index.php/Nobel_Prize | |
58. Nat' Academies Press, Nobel Prize Women In Science: Their Lives, Struggles, And nobel Prize Women in Science Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries, 430432, index, pp. 433-459, About the Author, pp. 460-460 http://www.nap.edu/openbook/0309072700/html/ | |
59. Nobel Peace Prize / ICBL Childrens Rights Acrosss the world campaign on landmines. Information about the nobel Peace Prize and the ICBL Committee. http://www.boes.org/coop/lmines/index.html | |
60. Nat' Academies Press, Nobel Prize Women In Science: Their Lives, Struggles, And index A Abbe, Ernest, 153 Acromegaly, 347 ACTED, 347 Actinium 22, 434 NOBELPRIZE WOMEN IN SCIENCE in Europe, 17, 2931, 51, 62, 68, 97, 98, http://www.nap.edu/books/0309072700/html/433.html | |
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